Chapter Forty One - Tipping Point

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On a cloudy day, Team RNJR and Schrödinger are walking on a mossy stone path through the wilderness.

Nora: Another day, another adventure!

As Nora said this, Ruby turned to the rest of her team while Jaune was looking at the map.

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking!

Nora: With a side of...?

Ren: Walking.

Ruby sighs at this. She never expected the journey to take her this far from Beacon. 

Ruby: Haven is a lot farther away than I thought.

Ren: Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!

Jaune: Right but... how long?

Ruby: Maybe like, uh... two weeks?

Schrödinger: However long this journey takes, we must be prepared. After all, we wouldn't want our enemies to get the drop on us, don't

After a moment, Ruby stops something in the distance. As they investigate, they discovered a walled off village. 

Jaune: That's...strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Nora: Are those buildings... damaged?

Ruby: We have to search for survivors!

With that, Schrödinger and Team RNJR began searching the town for survivors. What they found was an empty town with no sign of life. As they searched, Schrödinger simply looked around for any useful intelligence for the Major while continuing his ruse.

Ruby: Anything?

Nora: Nothing over here!

Jaune: No one over here, either!

Ren: It almost seems like... the town was abandoned.

As Team RNJR searched for survivors, Schrödinger took tabs on Ruby and the others. He knew that any information on them would be useful to the Major and Millennium. At this point, all Schrödinger needed to do was maintain his cover. Soon enough, Nora found something. 

Nora: Hey, I think I found something!

As Nora said this, everyone went to where Nora was. They all saw a sign covered in vines. Nora removed the vines revealing a town's name. 

Nora: Oniyuri? Never heard of it.

Jaune: Me neither.

Ren: I have.

Upon hearing this, Ruby and Nora were surprised by this. Schrödinger looked around the town and wondered about Ren's possible connection. 

Ren: You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the Kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become its own Kingdom. Many thought it would be the future.

As Ren said this, he began walking away as he took a deep breath. 

Ren: I know my parents did.

Ruby: What happened?

As Ruby asked that question, Ren was silent for a moment. Katooni could feel a familiar emotion swelling within Ren. 

Ren: What always happens.

Jaune: The Grimm.

Ren: Not just any, one. 

Upon hearing this, Ruby became confused. She turned to Nora who kept her eyes on Ren.

Schrödinger: Have you ever wondered why the Grimm do what they do?

Ruby: Because they're creatures of darkness.

Schrödinger: Could you really call them evil?

Ren: Why would you even ask such a question?

Schrödinger: When you think about it, the Grimm are animals. They have no sense of right and wrong. They act on instinct. Could they be blamed if they happen to be controlled by a higher power?

As Schrödinger stated his fascination on the Grimm, Ruby and the others became creeped out.

Jaune: Did....did Cinder ever know about this?

Schrödinger: No. I kept my fascination about the Grimm to myself. In fact, you four are the first I've ever told of this! Thank you for your open mindedness!

Suddenly, several small black birds began flying the sky above them. 

Jaune: Come on. Let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps. 

As the group was about to move on, Schrödinger stopped.

Schrödinger: You all go on ahead.

Ruby: Are you sure?

Schrödinger: There's something I need to address.  I won't be long.

With that, Team RNJR went ahead while Schrödinger stayed behind. Once the coast was clear, Schrödinger blinks and finds himself by the Major's side.

Major: What splendid timing, Warrant Officer Schrödinger! His fares your mission?

Schrödinger: Going smoothly, Herr Major! Ruby Rose and her friends don't suspect a thing!

Major: Very good Warrant Officer Schrödinger! Everything is falling into place! All the players are moving exactly where they need to be.

A smile fell on the Major's face as he leads Schrödinger to the main hall of the Millennium base where a large gathering of Millennium soldiers were waiting. The Major was then joined by the Doctor and the Captain. As the Major met with his forces, the Major was approached by a high ranking Nazi Colonel.

Nazi Colonel: What the hell are you people doing?

Major: There's absolutely no way I can tell you that, Colonel. It's a top secret order issued by the late Führer.

As the Major says this, the Colonel strikes the Major with a cane.

Nazi Colonel: Get off your high horse Why won't you turn us into vampires?! Why? Why?! Answer me, you bastard!

Suddenly, a bullet strikes the Colonel's cane as a tattooed woman holds a smoking gun.

???: That's enough, Colonel. Any more of this childish behavior and I'll blow your fucking head off.

The Nazi Colonel backs away in fear as he finds himself isolated.

Major: Thank you, First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz.

Nazi Colonel: What do you intend to do with your army of 1000 vampires?

Major: I intend to savor the infinite pleasures of war. Of the next war and the next war after that one.

As the Major says this, two Nazi soldiers restrain the Colonel and drag him away. After that, Schrödinger blinks and finds himself back at the town. He then rejoins Team RNJR on their mission.

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