Chapter Thirty Nine - Oscar Pine

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Far off in Mistral lies a simple farm. Seemingly cut off from the events that has transpired in the world, the people living in the farm are simply trying to make their way in the world. Among those is a young boy name Oscar Pine. One day as he does some chores in the barn, he passes a sink with a mirror behind it, and something makes him pause and take a closer look. He sees his own reflection and lifts a lock of his hair, as if expecting something different. He leans forward and examines the mirror more closely when booms out, sending him crashing backward.

Voice: Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin!

As the voice of Ozpin spoke in Oscar's head, Oscar looks up at the sink and mirror from the floor of the barn, breathing heavily. From outside the barn, Oscar's Aunt calls out.

Oscar's Aunt: Oscar? You be careful with those tools!

As his aunt calls out, the voice seemingly disappears and Oscar goes about his day. Later in the night, Oscar was reading a book in his room. 

Oscar's Aunt: Oscar, supper's almost ready!

Oscar: What're we having?

Oscar's Aunt: Doesn't matter! You're eating it!

Oscar: I never agreed to these terms!

Oscar's Aunt: It's part of the "living under my roof" contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up!

Oscar chuckles closes his book and stands up. He is walking toward the door when a voice resounds, causing him to pause.

Ozpin(Voice): We have to leave.

Oscar seemingly ignores Ozpin's voice as he moves forward. 

Ozpin(Voice): Oscar. Oscar!

Oscar is about to grasp the door handle, but holds back.

Oscar: I've decided you're not real, so you might as well give up.

Ozpin(Voice): I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion.

Oscar turns around and looks at an open book on the floor. He bends down and shuts it, talking aloud as he puts it and the one next to it away on a shelf.

Oscar: It's not real. It's not real. It's not real.

Ozpin(Voice): I can assure you, you are perfectly sane.

Oscar: I'm talking to a voice in my head.

Ozpin(Voice): I didn't say you were normal. I said you were sane.

Oscar starts to leave his room again.

Ozpin(Voice): There's quite a significant difference between--

Oscar: Shut up! You think this is funny? It's not.

Ozpin(Voice): We are in complete agreement on that matter, I promise you. Believe me, I wish this weren't the case. But as I've told you, our Auras, our souls are combined.

Oscar looks up at the ceiling without really focusing on anything but clearly showing his disgust.

Oscar: I'm done listening to you.

Ozpin(Voice): Have you ever been to Haven?

Oscar: I told you I'm not going, and I told you I'm done listening.

Ozpin(Voice): Do you think you could describe the Headmaster's office?

Oscar: No. Why would I know that? I've never seen--

Ozpin(Voice): Try. Right now.

Oscar: It's probably... It's...

Oscar closes his eyes and tries to picture the office Ozpin spoke of. Much to Oscar's surprise, he could see it as clear as day. 

Oscar: It's autumn-colored... with a large mahogany desk. There's a small table with chairs in a corner for guests, with a tea set that... I... I gave him. W...wait....Why did I say that? Why did I know that? Why did I say that?

Oscar becomes increasingly bothered and he starts backing up, dropping his hand.

Ozpin(Voice): Because I helped build that school, and the tea set was a gift to the man running it now. If you don't believe me, you can look it up. If I recall, your aunt has several books on Mistral  downstairs. I'm certain you could find a picture in one of them.

Oscar: That... that's right, I must've seen it in a picture. 

Ozpin(Voice): Oscar...

Oscar stands upright, tightening his fists at his sides and shouts.

Oscar: Stop talking to me!

Ozpin(Voice): I have a grave responsibility to uphold. We both do.

Oscar: I never agreed to anything.

Ozpin(Voice): No, you didn't. And neither did I, at first. But you do have an opportunity.

Oscar(Voice): For what?

Ozpin(Voice): Greatness, hopefully. Greatness in knowing that, when the world needed help, you were the one to reach out your hand. It won't come without hardship, without sacrifice, but I know you don't want to live the rest of your life working as a farmhand in Mistral.

Oscar: So you just decided to read my thoughts?

Ozpin(Voice): I... well. They're our thoughts, now.

Oscar: Get out of my head!

Ozpin(Voice): I need you to listen to me carefully. Tonight, a very important individual is going to arrive in your home. An individual bound by a pact I made centuries ago. It is vital that the pact is renewed. The fate of Remnant is at stake.

Oscar: I said get out of my head!

As Oscar shouts, Oscar's Aunt calls out from outside his room.

Oscar's Aunt: Oscar! Supper time! I better see clean hands!

Oscar takes a deep breath as the voice of Ozpin seemingly relents. He walks out of his room and joins his Aunt for dinner. As they eat dinner, Oscar Aunt speaks with him.

Oscar's Aunt: Is something wrong, Oscar? You've been quiet.

Oscar: It''s nothing. Just tired. 

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door. 

Oscar's Aunt: That's odd. I'm not expecting a guest. Who could that be in the middle of the night. 

Oscar: I'll get it.

Oscar gets up from his chair and answers the door. When he opens the door, Alucard is seen from the other side. 

Alucard: Greetings. 

Upon seeing Alucard, Oscar felt as though he had met Alucard before. It was in that moment that Oscar realized that Alucard was the individual that Ozpin spoke of.  

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