Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six - Duel At The Crimson Castle

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As the game began, Ruby tries to think of her first move.

Ruby: Can you advance one space forward please?

The white pawn groans as they face the red pawn in front of them, who is clearly larger than them. The white pawn charges forward and engages in a duel with the red pawn, but gets knocked down. It dramatically "dies".

Red Prince: Victory for me!

Ruby winces. A stretcher appears next to the downed white pawn, and they roll onto it. It floats away and the pawn on it stretches its arms and yawns. Weiss scoffs at them.

Ruby: Um...Weiss and Hansel, take that space!

Hansel and Weiss go forward. Hansel aims his pistol at one of the red pawn and fires. Though he missed a few shots, he manages to shoot the red pawn down while Weiss dispatches the other one with Myrtenaster. Weiss curtsies. The prince gasps as he watches his pawn float away on a stretcher. He then regains his composure.

Red Prince: Beginner's luck. Doesn't bother me!

Ruby looks back down on the game board. The prince's expression turns from a smile to a serious face.

Red Prince: So...tell me, why do you want to go to the tree?

Ruby: We want to go home, and we believe the tree can get us there. Hansel and Yang, you're up!

Yang: All over it!

Hansel and Yang advanced to take down the two Red Pawns in front of them. When one of them charges at Hansel, Hansel aims his pistol and fires two shots. One shot hits the knee of the red pawn, causing them to fall. The other one finishes them off with a shot to the head. At the same time, Yang knocks the other one out. The white team cheers her on as she takes in the glory. Blake gives a small clap at her.

Hansel: So far so good.

Yang: Let's hope the Red Prince doesn't try anything....

The prince growls and nearly balls his hand into a fist, before calming himself down again.

Red Prince: And how do you know this?

Ruby: Well, it...worked for someone we know. Uh...Blake, your turn!

Blake then advances, taking down a Red Pawn. The crowd cheers her on. At this point, the Red Prince becomes livid.

Red Prince: Someone you know, hm....? ENOUGH! It's my turn! ATTACK!!! Full speed ahead!

All the red team charges forward and clashes with the white team, leading to an all out battle. Hansel, Weiss, Blake and Yang help take down some pawns too. Some pawns are sent away on stretchers.

Red Prince: This is not how it's supposed to go! This isn't right! This isn't fair! You'! Wait... what type of creatures did you say you are again...?

Ruby: Well, uh....Blake is a Faunus, Little's a mouse, at least I think....

Little: Sure!

Ruby: And the rest of us are Human?

Suddenly, a pair of turquoise eyes appear behind Ruby. The pawns gasp. Some of the red pawns raise their weapons at Hansel, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. The Prince's porcelain head suddenly cracks upon hearing this.

Red Prince: Human...? HUMAN?!! I KNEW IT!!! You must've cheated! ALL OF YOU! GET THEM!! GET THEEEEEM!!!

Suddenly, both the red team and white team charge towards Echo, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. The four prepare to fight. Blake swings Yang around with Gambol Shroud, knocking some pawns down. Weiss swiftly dodges and quickly moves around with her Glyphs, taking down more pawns. Weiss then leaps off a sword that flings backwards to knock three white pawns down. Hansel fires his pistol at both the red and white pawns. 

Ruby: Hey! Leave them alone! You're going to hurt them!

Red Prince: It's my royal birthday! And I can do whatever I like!

Some of the eliminated pawns return to the board on the stretchers. Yang gets dogpiled by some white pawns. Weiss and Blake end up getting cornered at the top of a cubed hill near the edge of the table. Blake tries to fire some rounds with Gambol Shroud's pistol form, but quickly runs out of ammo. Hansel finds himself cornered as she slowly get overwhelmed. Ruby helplessly watches as she puts her head in her hands.

Red Prince: I've won! Give up already...

Ruby: We. Won't.....Kick their WOODEN BUTTS!!!

Now motivated, Team RWBY along with Hansel gets back into battle. As the pawns charge at Hansel, he fires his pistol. One of the bullets bounces off the wall and hits the Red Prince in the eye, further cracking his face.

At the climax of the battle, the group was able to defeat the chess pawns.

Red Prince: If you won't concede, then I will have you beheaded!

Ruby: You can throw a tantrum if you want, but we won! Take us to the tree!!

Hansel: Ruby's right! A deal is a deal! 

???: Well that was harrowing!

As the voice speaks up, everyone looks to see a purple glowing quadrupedal cat.

Hansel: What the...

???: Oh, you must be so distraught. Not able to do the one thing you were put on this acre to do. I understand. Surely you don't want to behead them, they are but fragile things without a head. If you get angry and break them, they might not ever come back...

The Red Prince then cries and throws a temper tantrum.

Ruby: What about my friends? They're still tiny! And he promised he would....

???: Promises are like birds, they taste great, but always escape. You should go, before he changes his mind...

The Red Prince proceeds to banish the group from the Red Castle. Suddenly, Hansel falls down what hole that appears out of nowhere.

Ruby: Hansel! 

???: I'm sure your friend will turn up. We should get going. 

Left with no other choice, Team RWBY followed the Cat out of the Crimson Castle, hoping that Hansel will turn up soon. As the Red Prince was left alone, he was approached by Hansel who was in his original size. 

Red Prince: What are you doing here?! I banished you!

Without warning, Hansel fires his pistol at the Red Prince, wounding him. As the Red Prince collapsed to the ground, Hansel walks towards the Red Prince, sporting a playful smile. 

Red Prince: can't....

Hansel: Game over, your majesty. Auf wiedersehen.

Hansel then shoots the Red Prince in the head. When the Red Prince was killed, a hold appears under the Red Prince. Hansel smiles and walks away, eager to reunite with the others. 

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