Chapter Seventy Four - Stealing From The Elderly

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As everyone began to put Jaune's plan into action, Weiss met with Cordovin in the Argus Military Base. She was carrying a single suitcase.

Cordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending...Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

Weiss: It was...time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps.

Weiss: Absolutely....

Cordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part.

As Cordovin said this, the two Nubuck Guards approached Weiss. As they attempt to take her luggage, Weiss resists. Meanwhile, Alucard enters the base as a mist. At the same time, Saphron enters the base with Adrian in her arms.

Saphron: Just like we practiced.

The baby then lets out a loud wail that can be heard throughout the base. Adrian cries as he fusses in his mother's arms.

Saphron: Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you so much! You should hurry on out of here!

Nubuck Guard 1: A crying child?

Nubuck Guard 2: We must console it!

The two guards hup over to Adrian as they perform weird poses to amuse him. Cordovin continues walking with an unamused look on her face. While they are distracted, Weiss quickly gets onto the airship with the luggage behind her.

Weiss: That was close.

As Weiss said this, Alucard got on board the airship without as much as making a single sound. Weiss was caught off guard when she turned around and saw Alucard. 

Alucard: Good work, Miss Schnee. 

Weiss: T...thanks. 

As Alucard says this, Weiss opens the luggage and lets Maria out.

Maria: Call me heavy... It's all muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about heavy!

Weiss then contacts Ruby through her earpiece.

Weiss: We're on board.

With that, Weiss along with Alucard and Maria waited in the cockpit of the airship. Weiss looks down at her scroll and notices her friends' signals slowly going out of range. Upon seeing this, Weiss makes her move. She gets up and heads toward the cockpit. Suddenly, the Nubuck Guards enter the airship.

Nubuck Guard 1: Miss Schnee! For your own safety, we must request....

Nubuck Guard 2: What?!

Before the Nubuck Guards could react, Weiss starts up the airship and Maria takes control of it.

Nubuck Guard 1: Traitor!

As the Nubuck Guards moved to attack, Alucard looks at the two Nubuck Guards and mesmerizes them. The Nubuck Guards stop dead in their tracks.

Alucard: Everything is fine.

Nubuck Guards: Everything is....fine....

Alucard: Everything is fine. 

Nubuck Guards: Everything is just fine....

The Nubuck Guards then exit the ship without hesitation. As a battle was avoided, Alucard checks on Weiss and Maria. 

Weiss: And you're sure you can fly this?

Maria: Missy, I was the Grimm Reaper! What part of "best Huntress of her generation" don't you understand?

Weiss: Right, but your eyes.

Maria chuckles as she as she notices a small device plugged in the controls. She takes out the device and plugs it into her goggles. This transmitted sensory data to her prosthetic eyes.

Maria: You were saying?

Weiss: That you said your eyes were in desperate need of repair! 

Weiss ultimately relents as she sits in the cockpit seat and puts on her seatbelt as Maria pilots the airship to where Ruby and the others were. As the plan seemed to be going smoothly, the radio goes off and contacts the airship.

???(Radio): Manta 5-1, this is Argus Base. We see you circled back. What's your status, over.

Weiss: Why can they see us?

Maria: Somebody dropped the ball. Don't worry, I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon.

Maria picks up the radio and attempts to mislead them.

Maria: Argus Base, this is Manta 5-1. Feel free to gaff off. Thought we were going to scrub due to FOD, but we're back up and green across the board, over.

Alucard: This should be interesting.....

After a brief moment of silence, a response was heard.

Argus Base(Radio): Manta 5-1, return to base immediately, or you will be treated as hostile, over.

Weiss: I thought you said you knew their jargon!

Argus Base(Radio): Jargon was fine, but our pilots aren't elderly women.

Maria: Huh, well they got me there! Ooh, my mind really is going! Why would you kids let me fly this thing?

Cordovin(Radio): Calavera! You and those insolent children are up to something, aren't you?! You thought you could undermine my authority? If you don't return my ship this INSTANT, I will make an example out of you. I will show you the true might of Atlas!

As Cordovin issued her demands, Maria begins crunching on cashews.

Maria: You hear that, Cordo? That's the sound of me not caring!

As Maria cuts Cordovin off, Weiss contacts Ruby through her earpiece.

Alucard: I think you've made quite the impression on Cordovin.

Weiss: Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and Maria isn't helping! Why is the radar still up?!

Ruby(Earpiece): We don't know, Blake isn't responding.

Suddenly, the mountain at the base retracts, revealing a colossal mech that overlooks the city of Argus. As Weiss and Maria was stunned at this sight, Alucard simply claps. Meanwhile, the mysterious lone figure watched the airship fly past him. He laughs as he lights himself a cigarette. 

???: Let the games begin, Alucard....

In that moment, the mysterious figure began following the airship. But for now, Jaune's plan was scrapped. The arrival of Cordovin's mech changed things. They needed to adapt their plan if they are going to continue on their journey.

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