Chapter Forty Eight - The Trail

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Outside a fuel station called "Just Rite" Yang parks Bumblebee hear the entrance. As Yang and Walter hop off, Walter takes a moment to survey the building.

Walter: I doubt we'll find upstanding citizens in there. 

Yang: You never know. And besides, this seems like the kinda place where I can find someone who might know where Mom is. 

With that Walter followed Yang inside the Just Rite. As they walk inside, the people inside take a good look at the group. Yang walked over to the bar where the bartender was cleaning a glass. 

Just Rite Bartender: Aren't you a little young to be drinking?

Yang: A water. It's hot out.

Just Rite Bartender: Ohhh. Sure.

As the bartender fixes Yang a drink, laughter was heard from a drunk man named Shay. 

Shay: Are you telling me you're too young to drink? You look like a regular Huntress. And a beauty at that.

Yang: I'm good. Thanks, pal.

Shay laughs as he gets up and approaches Yang. Walter quickly moved closer to Yang. 

Shay: Seriously. Not too bulky. Not too lean. You're...

Yang: Just right. Yup. Like I said, I'm good.

Shay: And your hair...

At that point, Walter stepped in. 

Walter: The young lady is clearly not interested. If I were you, I'd walk away.

Shay: Was I fucking talking to you, old man!? Now fuck off!

As Shay moves in to touch Yang's hair, she quickly grabs his wrist. Before he could react, Yang slams her metal fist in the side of Shay's face. The man is sent flying through the door. Walter says nothing as he simply smirks.

Walter: Where does she get that strength?

Soon enough, the bartender arrives with Yang's drink. 

Just Rite Bartender: This one's on the house. He's been driving me crazy.

As Yang reaches over to grab it, her left hand begins to tremble. Her metal hand grabs it to steady it. Walter could see that the trauma of losing her arm still lingered. Yang then begins guzzling the water down. 

Just Rite Bartender: So, what brings you around these parts?

Yang holds her finger as she continues to guzzle the water down. Once she's finished, she addresses the bartender's question. 

Yang: Thanks. And I'm, uh, looking for someone.

Just Rite Bartender: Not too many people come out here. Too far from the Kingdoms. Only person worth notin' around here is...well, Ra....

Yang: Raven Branwen. Thanks again.

Just Rite Bartender: N-now, missy! You don't want to go messin' with bandits! They're a world of trouble!

Yang: So I hear.

Walter: We appreciate the warning, but we can handle ourselves.

As they prepare to exit the bar, they were blocked by two men. One of them stares Yang down. 

Yang: Can I help you? 

As the large man stares Yang down, the other man approaches them. 

Man: He doesn't like you. 

Yang: Lovely. 

Man: I don't like you either. You best watch yourself, missy! We're wanted men. I have the death sentence in the Four Kingdoms!

Yang: Good for you. I'll be sure to be careful around you two macho guys!

Man: You'll be dead!

At that point, Walter steps in to try and deescalate the situation. 

Walter: Now there's no need for violence, my friend. We want no trouble with you. How about I buy you a drink?

It seemed as if the situation had been deescalated. Suddenly, the man pushes Walter out of the way while the large man prepared to attack Yang. Just as Yang was ready to block his attack, Walter wraps his Wires around the large man's arm. In one swift motion, Walter dismembers the large man's right arm. As the large man collapsed to the ground, he screamed in pain as he clutched the stump where his arm used to be. Yang was deeply unnerved by this sight as it reminded her too much of her own experience. As the room fell quiet, Walter gets back on his feet and brushes the dirt off his clothes.

Yang: Are you okay, Walter?

Walter: I'm quite all right, Yang. It'll take more than a couple of unruly scoundrels to get the best of me. People are so quick to rush to violence these days. How are you feeling, Yang?

Yang: I'm fine, Walter. It's just hit a little too close to home. 

Yang turned her head away from the man whose arm Walter had just severed. She then walked back over to the bar and put some Lien on the table. 

Yang: Sorry about the mess. 

With that Yang along with Walter exited the bar. 

Walter: What's the next step Yang?

Yang: It's clear Mom hangs out around here. That means she could be close. 

Walter: We should exercise caution. If what that bartender's words mean anything, then we're dealing with quite the hive of scum and villainy.

Yang: I'm getting my answers no matter what. If I have to fight my way through an entire bandit camp to get them, then I'm prepared to.  

As they prepared to leave on the Bumblebee, Shay slowly gets up. Shay then gets their attention. 

Shay: Hey, girlie!

Yang: Seriously? This isn't over?

At that point, Walter moved in to attack, but Shay speaks. 

Shay: I think you might be interested in what I have to say. 

Walter: And what would you have to say? 

Shay: I heard you're... looking for someone. Heh.

In that moment, Yang was able to deduce that Shay was somehow connected with Raven. A trail had finally been established. Yang would follow Shay in an effort to find her mother. Walter would follow Yang to ensure Shay would not try anything. The search for Raven had finally produced a solid trail for them to follow. But the search was far from over. 

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