Chapter Seventy Nine - Bloody Rebirth

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At the Deus Ex Machina, the Major had watched all that had transpired in Mistral. From the battle with both the Collosus and the Leviathan as well as Alhambra and Adam Taurus, the Major watched with amusement. 

Major: Poor Dandy Man! Looks like a broken rag doll! Our opponent is quite impressive, isn't he? He's stronger than any of us could've possibly imagined!

As the Major laughs, the Doctor bites his finger to the point where it began to bleed. 

Doctor: I am....I am so sorry, Major. I suppose this means that I still have much work to do.

Major: Please! Don't be ridiculous! This is the dawn of our great success! The things we've learned today will serve us well against Alucard in the future! We've gained access to a most extraordinary being! A median! More than a person! A Vampire! I tell you, Doctor, 50 years of hard work are about to pay off! You will build monsters and turns them into soldiers, organize them, train them, supply them, militarize them and command them! We are the Last Battalion! It is magnificent, my dear Doctor!  

Doctor: Thank you, Major. 

As the Major says this, Schrödinger appears, dragging the barely living Adam Taurus. 

Major: Right on time, Warrant Officer Schrödinger! And would I have the pleasure of meeting the illustrious Adam Taurus!

Schrödinger: Ja, Herr Major! Unfortunately, his bit off a little more than he could chew! 

Major: Well then, Doctor. It appears that you have another subject. Bring him to life. 

Doctor: At once, Herr Major. 

With that, the Doctor leads both the Major and Schrödinger to his laboratory. As Schrödinger lays Adam Taurus on the slab, the Doctor accesses his condition. 

Doctor: The subjects vitals are slowly declining. His internal organs are severely damaged. Beginning procedure. 

As the Doctor says this, he performs the procedure. He begins the invasive and painful procedure of transforming Adam Taurus into a Vampire. As Adam was bioengineered into a Vampire, the Doctor began the secondary procedure of repairing the damage done to Adam's body through intensive cybernetic enhancements. The procedure was beyond agonizing as Adam screamed an almost inhuman scream. The pain kept him awake as he was restrained. The first thing the Doctor did was apply cybernetics to the internal organs that were damaged. Once that was done, they applied cybernetic limbs over the limbs he lost to Walter. The pain seemed to last an eternity as the mysterious figure continued to oversee Adam's surgery. Throughout the entire procedure, Adam never stopped screaming. Soon enough, the surgery was over. 

 Doctor: He is regaining consciousness, Herr Major.

Major: Good. Keep him restrained. We don't want him getting loose and causing too much trouble, don't we?

In that moment, Adam Taurus had finally woken up. The last thing he remembered was Blake. He looked around his surroundings and saw that he was no longer in Argus. Confusion began to set in the White Fang Supreme Leader's mind as he found himself bound to the surgical table.

Adam: Where....where am I?

Schrödinger: You are currently on the Deus Ex Machina. 

As Adam heard Schrödinger's voice, he cast his eyes on Schrödinger. 

Adam: You....what did you do to me?

Major: Warrant Officer Schrödinger rescued you from the brink of death. Your body was broken. I salvaged you and brought you here to be rebuilt.

It was at this moment that Adam remembered what had happened. During his confrontation with Blake and Yang, Walter had stepped in and engaged him in a duel. He remembered how Walter toyed with him, dismembering Adam's arm and leg. He remembered how Blake and Yang dealt the final blow. He looked at his new cybernetic limbs and saw what had happened. Immediately, rage gripped Adam as he tried to free himself. He then looked at the mirror and saw that he had been transformed into a Vampire. 


Major: I saved your live, Adam Taurus. With the injuries you sustained, it was quite impossible for you to remain Human. 

Adam: Look a what you've done to me, you bastard! I...I'm no Faunus! I'm a monster!

Major: Your....anger is understood. But I can give you the one thing you want most.

Adam: What makes you think that a Human could offer me anything?! Your kind are liars and murderers!

Major: Revenge! I can help you get revenge! Revenge on Blake Belladonna! Revenge on those who laid you so low. You will have your chance at vengeance. I still need you and the White Fang.

Adam: They won't follow me. I cannot even call myself a Faunus. 

Major: Then you must inspire fear to maintain control. Fear will keep them in line.

As the Major said that, Adam was released from his binds. As he got up, he approached the Major. He glanced over to a shattered mirror and saw what he had become. He remained silent as he looked at the monster he had become.

Major: Millennium will provide all the resources the White Fang needs to wage war against the Humans. The White Fang will have their revenge and the Faunus will finally be on the top of the food chain! In time, the White Fang will have their chance to wage war as you see fit!. Regroup and reclaim your rightful place as High Leader of the White Fang.

As the Major repeated Schrödinger's promise,  Adam Taurus realized just what he had now gotten himself into. The cause of the White Fang had been turned into a tool of terror for Millennium. However, Adam still believed that the White Fang could accomplish the goal of igniting a Faunus Revolution. To this end, Adam would go along with Millennium's plans.  

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