Chapter One Hundred Eight - Midnight

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The last thing Oscar remembered was being kidnapped by the Hound. After some time, Oscar hears the sound of Ozpin's voice.

Ozpin(Voice): Oscar? Don't panic. We're going to be okay.

Oscar is looking at his feet, which are hovering above the ground.

Oscar: Uh, what?

Oscar looks up to see fleshy walls, bone spikes, a bone staircase and a membrane door. Standing in the shadows of the doorway is Salem with a cloud of smoke hovering above her hand.

Salem: My long-lost Ozma, found at last. 

As Salem approaches Oscar, the young farm boy finds his heart rate increasing as he found himself face to face with the Queen of Grimm. 

Salem: So small, this new host of yours. It's a wonder my Hound didn't break you. It's been how many years since we saw each other like this, face to face? And nothing to say?

Oscar adopts Ozpin's speaking mannerisms as he responds to her.

Oscar: I'm sorry the reunion isn't living up to your expectations.

Salem suddenly grabs Oscar's face, her own face wrinkling slightly with a furious glare.

Salem: You can pretend, boy, but you're not fully him. Not yet, at least.

She relaxes and lets go of him with a sigh.

Salem: Well, perhaps you and I can have a better working relationship. Oscar, was it?

She begins walking around The Hound.

Salem: The Beacon Relic. My forces have been unable to locate the Relic beneath the school. If I know my Ozma, he has used some means of deception to hide its location differently than the others. Perhaps he entrusted it with the butler or even the Vampire Alucard. I need to know where it is. 

Oscar: I... That's not something I know about.

Salem stops and walks away.

Salem: Of course. He would keep that one guarded as long as possible.

Oscar sighs, and Salem stops at the other end of the room.

Salem: How about something easier, then? The password for the Lamp.

Oscar pauses for a moment, his eyes dart down then back up.

Oscar: The Lamp is all out of questions.

Salem turns to face Oscar and smiles, before summoning a black orb of magic in front of her. The orb sends out a rainbow of magic beams, all converging on Oscar's chest, causing him to scream out and writhe in agony. With an intense glare on her face, Salem keeps the torture going for eleven seconds, then lowers her hands with a frown, letting the magic fade. She walks over to Oscar, who is still squirming and gasping with remnants of the magic floating from the scorch mark on his chest.

Salem: The lies come out of you so easily.

Oscar turns away, cowering, as Salem gently puts her hand to his cheek and gives a sweet smile.

Salem: Like-minded souls indeed.

She turns and walks away, heading back to the door.

Salem: One of you is going to tell me what you know. I don't much care if it is you or Ozma. Either way, I'll finally have the Relic. 

Oscar: I won't tell you anything.

Salem turns to face him once again.

Salem: Hm. 

The membrane door pulls open to reveal Hazel. Salem smiles as Hazel begins punching Oscar. 

Salem: With all this pain that is being inflicted on you, I wonder if this will draw out your pet Vampire. I've always been curious about how far that bond goes. I suppose we'll find out soon enough. 

With that, Salem leaves the room, leaving Hazel to torture Oscar. Meanwhile on the Deus Ex Machina, the Major watches the footage of his fleet getting into position. As he marvels on the war to come, the Doctor approaches the Major.

Doctor: It seems everything is proceeding exactly as planned, Major.

Major: All variables are falling dutifully into place, Doctor. Every player in this glorious war to come is falling into their rightful places. Alucard. Ozpin. Ruby's group. Ironwood. Salem. Even Iscariot. I am so....giddy at the war to come. I can see it now. Midnight is fast approaching, Herr Doctor. 

Doctor: I know the men will be more than eager to help you carry out your war, Herr Major.

Major: As they should. They have waited decades for this moment. The moment that they rise from the ashes like the Phoenix and lay waste on all who stand against us. Their patience is about to be rewarded tenfold. They have asked for krieg. And krieg is what I shall give them. 

As the Major says this, he could see it all falling into play. His beloved war is within his grasp. Soon, he will have the war he has craved for so long.

Major: And now all of Remnant knows what is coming. They know the war that they cannot escape. I must say, while Miss Rose's plan to warn Salem was foolish, it was admirable in an abstract way. She sought to ease the world of the lingering horror that awaited them. And to be responsible to ripping that hope away, it's brings me ecstasy. Herr Doctor?

Doctor: Yes, Major?

Major: Can you feel it? The calm before the storm? This is our moment. Decades of work is about to pay off. War is within our grasp. Atlas and Mantle will be the starting grounds of our beloved war. When Atlas burns in the fires of war and Mantle drowns in blood, Remnant will know what is coming for them. And Hell....shall follow us.

With that, the Major eagerly awaited for the war he would wage. In Atlas and Mantle, he was the staging grounds of his beloved war. And when the time was right, he would unleash Hell on all of Remnant. 

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