Chapter Thirty Six - End Of The Beginning

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When Beacon Academy fell, the invasion was over. The Grimm had completely devastated the city. Ozpin and Pyrrha Nikos had been killed. Yet despite this, those responsible for the attack had been pushed back. After that, Walter met up with Glynda Goodwitch. 

Walter: Miss Goodwitch. Where's Master Ozpin?

Goodwitch: I'm...I'm afraid Ozpin was killed in the attack. 

Upon hearing this, Walter maintained a straight face. While he and Alucard had prepared for this eventuality, Walter was still shocked at hearing that Ozpin was dead.

Walter: I'm...I'm sorry. 

Goodwitch: I'm afraid that's not all. The woman responsible for the attack killed Amber and stole her power. 

Upon hearing this, Walter expressed deep concern about the situation. Ozpin's plan to transfer the powers of the Fall Maiden from Amber to Pyrrha had failed. Not only were both Amber and Pyrrha dead, the powers of the Fall Maiden fell into enemy hands.  

Walter: This....this is most troubling.

Goodwitch: The CCT Tower's have been destroyed as well. Global communications have been halted to a standstill. Remnant is vulnerable. Ironwood has taken his armies back to Atlas. I fear we can no longer count on his support anymore.

As Glynda said this, Walter took a moment to access the situation. The enemy had dealt a devastating blow to Ozpin's efforts to keep the peace.

Walter: How are the students?

Glynda: Many of them have lost friends and loved ones in this attack. I can only imagine the mental torment they are going through.

Walter paused as the gravity of the situation fell on him. It was clear to Walter that the repercussions from this attack would linger. But what troubled him the most was now the fact that Salem now had the powers of the Fall Maiden at her command, but the fact that there was no sign of Millennium throughout this attack. In fact, there had been no sign of Millennium since the Valentine Brothers attacked Beacon weeks ago.

Glynda: Where is Alucard? I haven't seen him since the attack.

As Glynda asked that question, Walter paused. Alucard's true nature as a Vampire was a closely guarded secret even among Ozpin's inner circle. Among the inner circle besides Ozpin, only Walter knew that Alucard was in fact a Vampire. Walter respected Ozpin's desire to keep Alucard's Vampiric nature a secret.

Walter: Before Ozpin passed, he entrusted Alucard with a special mission. A mission not too similar to the mission to Mr. Branwen's.

Glynda was confused by Walter's words. She knew of Alucard's unquestionable loyalty to Ozpin. For him to leave Ozpin's side for any reason didn't make sense to her.

Walter: As we speak, Alucard loyally serves Ozpin. In the meantime, I will remain here to assist in rebuilding Beacon until the time comes for me to take my leave?

Glynda: You plan on leaving?

Walter: Yes. My time on Beacon has come to it's end. With Beacon in ruins and it's Headmaster dead, my purpose has ended. But I will lend my hand in restoring Beacon to it's former glory.

With that, Walter aided Glynda in the restoration of Beacon to it's former glory. Meanwhile far from Vale, Alucard walks the night alone. As he walks to a seemingly random direction, he recalls a conversation he had with Ozpin during his final days as Van Helsing.

Alucard(Past): So you're taking your crusade to the next level? I'm impressed Abraham. 

Van Helsing: I was naive to think that the evils that plague the world ended with you, but the threat of Salem threatens to destroyRemnant. I now realize that evil exists everywhere. Evils beyond you or Salem. Evils that need to be defeated.

Alucard took great interest in Van Helsing's words. He saw potential in what he was planning.

Van Helsing: You have been a loyal servant Alucard. Your power has greatly served Remnant. Will you still serve Alucard?

Alucard had always respected Van Helsing as a man of honor. Despite being one time enemies, Alucard found respect and admiration for Van Helsing. 

Alucard(Past): You are a man of great conviction Abraham. It was that very same conviction that allowed you to defeat me all those years ago. You had every right to destroy me. I was at your mercy, and yet you spared my life in exchange for servitude. You have been an honorable master Abraham. I will continue to serve not only you, but the countless lives that shall come after you. I will serve them faithfully as I serve you. I will be your instrument. I will be your secret weapon against the great evils of the world whether they be Salem or otherwise.

Van Helsing smiled upon his one time foe. He gained admiration for Alucard and his abilities. He knew that Alucard's Vampiric abilities would greatly serve him in his shadow war against Salem. Alucard's loyalty to Van Helsing and whoever shall come afterward is absolute

Van Helsing: I have no doubt you'll serve me greatly Alucard. I hold high hopes our endeavors in the war against Salem. I intend to fulfill the promises of this new order to the highest authority. We shall be the vanguards of the light and purge the servants of the dark wherever they hide. 

Alucard(Past): I eagerly await the times we work together Abraham. I will happily serve you. From this day forth, I shall be the Bird of Hermes. Here standeth the Bird of Hermes...eating my own wings! To keep...myself... tame.

As those words echoed in Alucard's head, he continued walking the lonely night road. He looked to the Shattered Moon and saw it red. A smile fell on Alucard's face as he sets his sights on his new master.

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