Chapter Twenty Nine - Beginning Of The End

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As everything begins to fall into place, Cinder and her allies were at a safehouse. They watched as various news stations covered the incident. 

Lisa Lavender(TV): A terrible tragedy took place this afternoon in the one-on-one rounds of the Vytal Festival Tournament-

The TV then switches to a tourist from Haven who voiced his outrage. 

Haven Tourist(TV): I don't know what Beacon's Headmaster is teaching his students, but that was disgraceful! Completely uncalled for!

The TV then switches to a news report on a Grimm attack.

News Reporter(TV): Despite Atlas reinforcements, local authorities are still calling on any available Huntsmen to aid in suppressing the spike in Grimm activity.

The TV then turns off much to Mercury's annoyance. 

Mercury: Hey, I was watching that!

Emerald: Shut up!

Mercury: Is this how you treat a patient?

Emerald reaches over and twists the screwdriver in his leg, causing him to wince.

Mercury: Ah, too tight!

Cinder: Enough. Our Mercury put on a wonderful show. He was quite brave.

Mercury: These things aren't exactly cheap, you know.

Emerald: So, what's next, Cinder?

Cinder: You and I will ensure that our next matchup goes just as smoothly.

Mercury: What about me?

Cinder: You get to lay low until the end. We wouldn't want people to see you on your feet and have this all be for naught, now would we?

Mercury: Can do.

???: I must say, that little stunt of yours was exceptionally cruel, Mercury Black. 

As the voice called out, Cinder and the others turned to see Schrödinger waltzing into the warehouse. 

Schrödinger: Fooling Miss Xiao Long into thinking you were attacking her and sullying her reputation before the entire world, not to mention putting her through all sorts of mental torment! Poor thing must be absolutely devastated by this. And if she found all that her reputation was brought low through a lie, I could only imagine the carpet stain she'll leave behind once she's done with you. 

Mercury: As if you weren't doing the same thing. Pretending to be her friend? That's pretty low in of itself. 

Schrödinger: At least I don't do it in front of the entire world. 

Cinder: What do you want, Schrödinger? 

Schrödinger: Where are your manners, Fraulien Fall? What to do with you?

Schrödinger walks around the warehouse much to the annoyance of Cinder, Emerald and Mercury. At this point, they were at their wit's end with Schrödinger. As for Schrödinger, he simply smiled his smile. 

Schrödinger: I do suppose I should be thanking you for your hard work. Salem is lucky to have such obedient underlings at her side!

Mercury: Can we kill this asshole already? I'm getting real sick and tire of this guy's shit!

Emerald: Why are we still working with him?

Schrödinger: Because your master and mine want the same thing. This little operation is a test. 

Cinder: A test of what?

Schrödinger: A test to see if working with you and your master is worth our time. 

Schrödinger then walks up to Cinder with an arrogant smirk on his face. Cinder was tempted to incinerate Schrödinger where he stood. 

Schrödinger: Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man, you think you know. I'm looking forward to seeing what your endgame has to offer! 

As Schrödinger turns his back on Cinder, a giggle exits his mouth. Schrödinger then walks out of the warehouse, leaving Cinder and her allies with much to think about. 

Emerald: Are you sure we should be working with Schrödinger like this?

Mercury: I'm with Em on this. Something tells me that asshole is gonna start some problems. 

Cinder: If Schrödinger knows what's good for him, he'll stay out of our affairs. For now, we're at the endgame. It's time we got the wheel spinning. 

In that moment, Cinder and her allies prepared for their endgame. Meanwhile, Ozpin was watching the news reports on both the incident with Yang and the increased Grimm presence in Vale. Everything was falling apart. The threat of Salem and Millennium loomed large over Vale. Alucard soon entered the room.

Alucard: You summoned me, my master?

Ozpin: Yes. I wanted to speak with you, Alucard. all seems to be falling apart. I must ask you, do you trust me?

Alucard: You ask me this now? After so many lifetimes, you think to question my loyalty? When you defeated me centuries ago, you could've killed me. You had the stake in my heart. I was defenseless. But instead, you made me your servant. I have killed for you many times over and I shall kill for you for as long as you have need of me. Show me your enemies and I shall kill the without hesitation. Tell me who I must kill and I shall send them into Hell.

As Alucard states his continued loyalty to Ozpin, the Beacon Headmaster smiled at his most faithful servant. Despite all that was unfolding, Ozpin had faith that he and his allies would stand strong in the face of these dangers.

Ozpin: It is clear that the enemy is clearly trying to pick a fight with us. Unfortunately for them, we're not the type to back down in the face on an enemy. If they intend to wage war, then we shall face them head on. 

Alucard smiled at his master's resolve. Despite all that had happened, Ozpin's resolve remained strong. In that moment, Ozpin and his allies prepared for the coming danger as the forces of both Salem and Millennium prepared to unleash Hell itself on Vale. 

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