Chapter Forty Six - Schrödinger's Gambit

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As Qrow Branwen arrives at the scene, Tyrian pulls his tail back. Qrow turns around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side.

Tyrian: As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen. A true Huntsman has entered the fray!

Schrödinger: Don't take this one lightly, Tyrian Callows. Remember your mission. 

Tyrian: I'll have my own fun, Schrödinger!

As Ruby prepared her weapon, she became uneasy. She glanced over to Schrödinger who kept on smiling. 

Qrow: Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.

Tyrian chortles.

Tyrian: Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen.

Qrow: And what about you, kid? You with this psycho? 

Schrödinger: I am simply here on orders from my commanding officer! The Silver Eyed Girl is to be captured. I however do not serve Tyrian's Queen. 

Ruby: Queen? 

Qrow: Salem.

Ruby: Who?

Tyrian: Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?

Tyrian assumes a crouching position. Schrödinger reloads his pistol and grips his dagger.

Qrow: You took the words right out of—

Tyrian rushes Qrow before he can finish voicing the thought and the two begin fighting while Schrödinger plays the part of a passive observer. Qrow blocks two strikes with Harbinger, then slashes at Tyrian who jumps trying to pierce Qrow as he lands. Qrow dodges then swings but Tyrian back-flips away and rushes back in. The two clash as Tyrian goes flying, he comes to a stop digging his weapons into the ground. He ducks to avoid a slash from Qrow then leaps aside to dodge a horizontal strike. He follows up with a slash, using the force to transition into a kick that Tyrian slides under, then the Faunus tries to strike his back but it is stopped. Tyrian attacks again as Qrow parries several thrusts of his tail. As Tyrian blocks a downward strike pinning him on his knees, a roof gets damaged by the shock-wave and Tyrian uses The Queen's Servants built in guns to get free. As Qrow blocks the shots with Harbinger Tyrian circles him firing a steady barrage, Ren and Nora join in, but Tyrian catches their sneak attack and dodges then easily knocks them away. He moves to chase them as the two land back near Jaune and Ruby, but Qrow intervenes to hold him back.

Qrow: Don't come closer!

The two men continue to fight. Schrödinger watches as Ruby grips Crescent Rose.

Ruby: Fine!

She takes Crescent Rose to the top of a building and waits for an opening to shoot Tyrian. However, both he and Qrow move too fast for her to get a clear shot. Ruby grimaces in frustration. It was at this point that Schrödinger made his move as he shot at Ruby while running at her. When he got close, Schrödinger began attacking Ruby with his dagger. 

Schrödinger: How are you going to save your Uncle, Ruby? 

Ruby groans in frustration as she attacks Schrödinger with everything she had. The Millennium Agent proved too agile for her to dodge. As  Ruby struggled to battle against Schrödinger, Ruby glanced over to see Tyrian gaining the upper hand on Qrow. This is enough to make Ruby decide to no longer stay back as she kicks Schrödinger in the face and uses her Semblance to speed past Schrödinger. Staring at the dust cloud in concern she descends to street level. Just as she reaches the building, Qrow comes crashing out through a wall, his body bouncing. He tosses Harbinger which lands with its blade in the ground, and Qrow perches atop it. Red flickers of damaged Aura move over his body twice.

Tyrian comes out of the floating dust and grime inside the building, purple flickers moving across his body. As the two begin to strike again, Ruby jumps in between and deflects Tyrian's blades with Crescent Rose.

Jaune: Ruby!

Ren holds Jaune back from moving forward.

Tyrian: Do you wish to be taken?

Ruby: No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!

Both Qrow and Ruby move in to attack Tyrian who parries both weapons and the three clash. He kicks Qrow away then shoots and jabs at Ruby with tail, she blocks and tries to counter but the blow is knocked aside. His eyes purple again, Tyrian closes in and almost gets her with his stinger, but Qrow blocks it. At the fight dragged on, Ruby and Qrow were eventually able to gain the upper hand on Tyrian. Tyrian then stabs Qrow in the abdomen with his Stinger. Tyrian chuckles while everyone but Ruby pauses in shock. She, however, immediately cuts off the stinger from the rest of Tyrian's tail. It bounces, spurting purple liquid, to the ground. Tyrian reels back and cries out from the pain. Standing, he whirls to face Ruby, infuriated.

Tyrian: You bitch!

Tyrian is off balance as Jaune, Ren and Nora block his path to Ruby and Qrow. At this point, Tyrian knew he couldn't take on everyone. He took a few steps away as he glances over to Schrödinger. He then talks to himself.

Tyrian: She'll forgive you....

Tyrian then runs away, leaving Schrödinger alone to face Ruby and the others. Schrödinger remains unfazed as he chuckles.

Schrödinger: How does Salem tolerate such idiots? If he was an agent of Millennium, he would've been shot. 

Ruby: It's not too late to surrender, Schrödinger.

Without saying a word, Schrödinger aims his pistol at Ruby. He then slowly aims the pistol at the wounded Qrow. Suddenly, pages were seen flying behind Schrödinger. Before Schrödinger could fire his pistol, Alexander Anderson appears from behind Schrödinger and impales him with two bayonets. 

Anderson: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

As Anderson killed Schrödinger, Schrödinger's body collapsed to the ground with a smile on his face. By the time Ruby was helping Qrow, Schrödinger's body had disappeared without a trace. Qrow simply chuckled. 

Qrow: Ruby....what's your favorite fairy tale? 

With that, Schrödinger and Tyrian were defeated. At the same time, they gain an unexpected ally in the Paladin Alexander Anderson.

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