Chapter One Hundred One - The Enemy Of Trust

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As everything transpired at the Atlas Academy, Oscar along with Jaune, Ren, Nora and Qrow attempt to calm things down in Mantle. As the situation deteriorates further into chaos, they encounter Neopolitan. Suddenly, they found themselves being chased by Atlesian Soldiers. Oscar is exhausted from his previous encounter with Neopolitan from before Team JNPR found him, and due to his exhaustion, he is unable to keep up with JNPR and becomes lost. Neopolitan, having disguised herself as Nora, hides Oscar from the Atlas soldiers and steals the Lamp. She then flees, making it past Oscar and Jaune with her agility and then Ren by playing with his feelings for Nora. Due to more interference from Atlas soldiers, she manages to escape. Eventually, Oscar sneaks away and soon after tells them that he must do something alone. It was during that chaos that Oscar made his way to the Atlas Academy. Meanwhile in the Atlas Vault, Ironwood stands alone, staring at the golden door that only the Winter Maiden can unlock. He hears the soft ping and low whoom of the elevator. He sighs and begins speaking with his back still turned to the elevator.

Ironwood: Winter, thank you. I know that must have been difficult. I... I'm so sorry.

He turns and looks, only to find Oscar riding the elevator with his hands resting on his cane in front of him. When the elevator docks, Oscar begins walking toward Ironwood, using the cane with each step.

Ironwood: And... whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?

Oscar: Still just me.

Ironwood: It was smart of you not to bring the Lamp down here. I wouldn't trust me either right now.

Oscar stops and stands a few feet away from Ironwood.

Oscar: Trust is what I'm hoping to fix. I know we can still figure this out, all of it, together. Please.

Ironwood: Do you intend to fight me?

Oscar: No. That's exactly what she wants. 

Oscar lifts up his cane and looks at it. 

Oscar: I guess it's because of Oz, but... holding it helps calm me down when I'm afraid. 

He withdraws the cane into its handle and attaches it to the back of his belt. 

Ironwood: You still think I'm afraid? 

Oscar: We all are. It's what we do in our fear that reveals-- 

Ironwood: That's easy for you to say! 

Ironwood begins walking toward Oscar, who backs away. As Ironwood moves to Oscar's right, Oscar moves to his left toward a portion of the platform that extends out to the side. The two stop walking soon after. 

Ironwood: You can label me whatever you'd like, but the fact of the matter is I was right! The minute I softened, let my guard down, that's when Salem had her opening.

???: A coward and a fool is what I would label you. 

As the voice speaks, Alucard suddenly appears at Oscars side. Alucard smiles as he aims his Jackal and Casull pistols at Ironwood. 

Alucard: General.

Ironwood: Alucard. I always knew there was something different about you. But a Vampire....what was Oz thinking?

Alucard: Ozpin is my master. He is one of the few Humans in this godforsaken world that I trust. You however.....are undeserving of that trust. Your actions....

Ironwood: Don't you dare lecture me, Vampire! 

Oscar: If you abandon Mantle, you abandon our best chance of reuniting the world. You abandon Remnant, leaving millions to fend for themselves so a few can survive. What kind of--

Ironwood: All excellent philosophical points that won't matter if Salem wins. 

Oscar: Listen to me! 

Ironwood: No, you listen! 

Ironwood begins walking toward Oscar again, and Oscar backs away toward the edge. Alucard tightens his grip on his pistols, awaiting Oscar's orders. Oscar gestures him to stand down.

Ironwood: So you do have under control. 

Oscar: Alucard is not our enemy! WE are not your enemy!

Ironwood: I am done letting others' inability to see the big picture get in the way of doing what's right. Robyn, the council, this Kingdom, that monster standing by your side... even you.

Alucard: The only enemy I see here is you. Your blindness and stupidity have allowed Salem and Millennium to manipulate you. You do their bidding without even realizing it. Look upon my master, Ironwood. For centuries, he has shed his own blood... and chose to fight for his life. Giving up kills people. When people reject giving up... they finally win the rights to transcend Humanity. "Never give up even if it means death"... That is the pride and dignity of our Master. A dignity you sorely lack. 

Oscar: Then you're as dangerous as she is, James.

Ironwood: James is what my friends call me. To you... it's General.

Ironwood draws his gun and shoots Oscar, breaking his Aura and sending him off the edge. With no emotion on his face, Ironwood lowers his smoking gun. Ironwood then aims his pistol at Alucard, prompting him to laugh. 

Alucard: Do you think your puny gun is going to kill me, Ironwood? You attack my master and expect me to let you live? I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to put a bullet in you, you foolish little man. 

Without hesitation, Ironwood unloads his pistol on Alucard. The bullets rip through Alucard's body, but he simply laughs. 


As Ironwood continues to fire his pistol, he manages to hit Alucard in the head. However, Alucard fires a shot which tears through his shoulders. Had it not been for his Aura, the shot would've killed him. Alucard was soon blasted off the edge. Meanwhile, Oscar limply plummets into a pit, with his eyes half open and the cane falling near him. His eyes begin to close, but suddenly, a voice rings in his ears.

Ozpin: Oscar.

Oscar's eyes momentarily glow yellow, and he opens his eyes again. After the glow fades, he shakes his head and looks around. Spotting the cane, he reaches for it. Oscar opens his eyes, spins and thrusts the cane toward the bottom of the pit, screaming. Green electricity sparks around him, and a transparent green orb of energy is momentarily seen before a cloud of dust forms on impact with the floor of the pit.

Ozpin: The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet... is fear. It's funny then, that as common as fear is... we so easily underestimate its power. Fear of growing close to someone......a subsequent fear of loss. A fear of failure. And as more people depend on you, those fears can take on greater power. But fear itself isn't worthy of concern, it is who we become while in its clutches. Will you be proud of that person? Will you forgive them? Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did? Will you even recognize them? Or will the person staring back at you be the very thing you should have feared from the start? I suppose we all find out... sooner or later.

Oscar plummets through the air just beneath the City of Atlas. At first, his eyes are closed, and then he opens them and looks around. Alucard lands next to him. A smile falls on his face.

Alucard: Welcome back, my master. 

Oscar: That power, these memories, you're back aren't you? You saved me. 

Ozpin: Actually you saved us. 

Thunder rumbles, and Oscar looks up at the sky. 

Ozpin: Oscar, I-- 

Oscar: Stop, all I want to know is how we save Atlas next.

In that moment, Oscar and Ozpin had become one, ready to do whatever they could to save Atlas. And Alucard would be by their side every step of the way.

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