Chapter Seventy Three - Lost

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As everyone began searching for Oscar, Alucard and Walter joined up with Jaune, Nora, Ren and Saphron. During their search, Alucard splits off from the rest of the group. As the search went nowhere, Jaune began to feel immense guilt.

Ren: This city's enormous, he could've gone anywhere.

Jaune: It's my fault. I overreacted. Me and my big mouth!

Walter: Calm yourself, Jaune. We remain calm and focused. Dwelling on the past will do us no good.

Jaune: Listen....about what I said....

Walter: You don't have to apologize, Mr. Arc. I know what it is like to be consumed by anger.

Meanwhile, Oscar took this time to reflect on everything that had happened to him. As he walked the streets of Argus, he began to doubt himself. He thought about the words that were said to him by Jaune as well as Yang. It didn't take long for Oscar to develop feelings of anger and resentment. However, it was not towards them, but at the world. He soon found himself in a secluded alleyway. In the alleyway, he finds an olive coat with shoulder pads. As he puts it on, a voice calls out to him.

???: Oscar.

As the voice calls out to him, Oscar turns around to see Alucard.

Oscar: Alucard. What are you doing here?

Alucard: Searching for you, my master.

Oscar: I...I just needed time to myself. Ever since....Ozpin got in my head, everything about my life has been turned upside down. After what Jaune said, I'm starting to feel as if I never had a choice.

Alucard: Fate is often a cruel mistress. When I was bound to you all those centuries ago, I felt robbed of a good death. But after some time, you've given my miserable existence purpose. You had every right to destroy me. I was at your mercy, and yet you spared my life in exchange for servitude. You have been an honorable master Abraham. I will continue to serve not only you, but the countless lives that shall come after you. I will serve them faithfully as I serve you. I will be your instrument. I will be your secret weapon against the great evils of the world whether they be Salem or otherwise.

As Alucard said that, Oscar took a moment to reflect on Alucard's words. As he thought over Alucard's words, Oscar had found his spirit again.

Oscar: T....thanks, Alucard.

Alucard: Now then, let's head back.

With that, Alucard and Oscar began to head back to the Cotta-Arc Household. As they left the alleyway, a lone figure was seen watching them from a distance. Alucard turns around after sensing something, but when he turns around, the lone figure is nowhere to be seen. Alucard simply laughs. As the Sun began to set, everyone returned to the house, shocked to see Oscar inside with Walter.

Oscar: I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.

Jaune: It's my fault we were all out there in the first place. Oscar, I am so sorry for earlier. I was way, way out of line, and what I said...

Oscar: No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.

Qrow: I hate to interrupt this celebration, but we're not a single step closer to Atlas.

Jaune: Actually, I think I have an idea.'s sort of a "no-going-back" kind of idea.

Walter: What do you have in mind?

Jaune: With Cordo on watch, only Atlas airships have the clearance to leave for Solitas. So... we... steal an Atlas airship.

Upon hearing this, the group became silent.

Weiss: That's not just breaking the law. That's... that's definitely worse.

Yang: How would we even get onto the airfield?

Jaune: That part I haven't quite figured out yet. But I....

Qrow: Okay, stop. Just... stop! Look, if this thing goes south, it's not something we can just fight our way out of. This is the Atlas Military we're talking about. For your sake, just drop this.

Ruby: I want to hear him out.

Qrow: Ruby...

Ruby: I want to hear him out! I know you're trying to protect us, that you're afraid we can't do it, but right now, I don't really care what you think!

Qrow was shocked at Ruby's tone. She had never talked to him that way before.

Alucard: Such fire, Miss Rose. I can see that the heart of Summer Rose lives on. 

Ruby: Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you.

Walter: Your niece is right, Qrow. This might be the best way to get to Atlas quickly. We don't have any other option on our hands. If we're going to get to Atlas and continue our mission, we'll need to be bold. 

Alucard: This should be fun!

With that, everyone agreed on Jaune's proposal to steal an Atlas Airship from the Argus Military Base. However, this plan would soon encounter unforeseen complications. 

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