Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight - The Herbalist

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As Hansel joined Team RWBY and Little in meeting the Herbalist, the Herbalist gathers the group to his enclave.

Herbalist: We all have our titles, our roles to play, but in order to help you become whatever it is you need to become, you should really have a better understanding of what you are now.

The Herbalist goes through a beaded curtain into the next room. Ruby follows. There are shelves of bongs all around the room. The Herbalist is seen smoking from a large hookah.

Herbalist: Please... take a seat.

Blake: Actually, I think.... Maybe we should be going!

Suddenly, the door behind them closes. Hansel and Team RWBY take a seat in his enclave.

Herbalist: Just...answer the questions.

Ruby turns around. The Herbalist inhales another puff of smoke from the hookah.


The Herbalist drops the leaves in their hands into the fire pit in front of them, causing a large amount of black smoke to surround Team RWBY. Ruby starts to cough violently, falling to her knees.

Ruby: No!

Herbalist: Are you sure you know? You have to be sure what you are, and of what you're going to be...

The entire group were engulfed by smoke.

As Team RWBY felt the effects of the smoke, Hansel simply chuckled as he blew the smoke away. He then walked over to Team RWBY and see they were completely under the effects of the smoke. When he looked at Ruby, he waved his hand in front of her only to find her unresponsive. 

Hansel: Now that's interesting. 

Herbalist: Interesting indeed. Do you know what you are? 

Hansel smiled as he approached the Herbalist. 

Hansel: I know exactly what I am. I am the byproduct of the Human condition. 

Herbalist: Is that so?

Hansel: I can see what lurks within their minds. A broken girl who wishes to be whole again. A girl caught between the world of Human and Faunus. A girl who bears the burdens of her name. And...a girl who wishes to be a Hero. 

Herbalist: You're not like the others. You're...different. Do the others know what you are?

Hansel: That's the question, isn't it? Do they know? Do they not know? Do they see a scared little boy or do they see something....more. We all have our titles, our roles to play. Some of us are destined to for glory while others are destined to fade into obscurity. 

Hansel paused as he glanced at the members of Team RWBY. He looks into their minds and observed Team RWBY facing the Herbalist's tests. Each faced their own inner turmoil. Hansel watched as they faced visions of themselves telling them to return to their old and simpler times. Yang, Blake, and Weiss refuse to listen to their illusions, and decide that they are Huntresses. Ruby is then shown; struggling to deal with her past illusion. Hansel chuckles at this. 

Hansel: But there are a few that were destined for glory, but fate denied them such. But instead of being content with fading into obscurity, they follow a much more....different path. A path where the forged path ahead comes with a cost.

Herbalist: You speak of chaos. A gapping pit that shall swallow us whole. 

Hansel: Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try it again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. What are your tests if not ladders of chaos? Many of us hide our true selves. Some don't even know that they are. But others....embrace their true selves and keep it hidden, biding their time until the train comes on time. And then....there is the climb. 

As Hansel said this, he glanced back at Team RWBY who were unaware of what was being said. Hansel smiled as he turned his attention to the Herbalist. 

Hansel: Hiding one's true self does not always mean they're lost. No. Not at all. It simply means that they have a plan. A plan that requires....careful execution. And after all, a wolf in sheep's clothing is considered the deadliest, are they not? Now tell me which am I? The wolf or the sheep? 

The Herbalist had no response to Hansel's words. Suddenly, the Cat appears and jumps through, waving their tail, dissipating the smoke.

Herbalist: Oh my! That's a bit much.

Curious Cat: Oh, Herb. Look at yourself. You're done. You're supposed to be helping others find their way. But you've lost your own. Please, let me help. And take a bit of my heart. You'll feel much better.

The Cat places a paw on the Herbalist, and parts of themself go to the Herbalist's heart.

Herbalist: Oh, I do apologize. I... always was a bit of a workaholic. Huntresses, was it? Hmm. Peculiar things.

A hole appears below the Herbalist and they fall through it. The ground suddenly closes the hole. Team RWBY looks on in shock. Hansel however showed no type of reaction. Little comes out from Ruby's hood.

Little: Oh! I found the Cat.

Hansel and the Curious Cat exchanged stares at one another.

Curious Cat: A curious one you are. 

Hansel: What can I say? I've always been a curiosity among my peers. I'm sure you'd understand more than anyone, being so....curious yourself.

Curious Cat: Hhm.

With that, Hansel along with Team RWBY and Little followed the Curious Cat out of the Herbalist's enclave. The journey would continue.

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