Chapter One Hundred Seventeen - The Final Word

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As Alucard joined Ruby's group began escorting the refuges through the pocket dimension created by Ambrosius, they attempt to contact Shade Academy to assist them once they reach Vacuo, but communications are blocked. Alucard could sense that something was out of place. Suddenly, the ground began to shake as the doorways leading out of Mantle erupted into flames with refuges frantically getting away. The doorways leading to Mantle quickly disappeared. Alucard knew what this meant. 

Alucard: Mantle has been destroyed. 

Yang: How?

Alucard: Ironwood's bomb. The fool gave Millennium the means to destroy Mantle. With Mantle's destruction, chaos shall further grip Remnant. 

Suddenly, an explosive shockwave knocks several refuges as Cinder Fall reveals herself.

Cinder: Your little friend Oscar was right, but the easy part ends here.

Ruby's group was in shock as they learned that Cinder had discovered their plans. As for Alucard, he simply laughed as he aimed his Jackal and Casull Pistols at Cinder. 

Cinder: I knew your plan would be bold, but I never could have predicted all of this... At least, not without a little help from Jinn. I suppose I have all of you to thank for one last lesson.

Alucard: What a clever little mongrel you are. But I grow tired of these games. 

Cinder: Sometimes, if you want to win, you simply can't do it alone.

It was in that moment that Neopolitan revealed herself. As the battle broke out, Oscar along with Ren and Nora began escorting the refuges to safety. During the fight, Yang tries to go after Cinder, but is ambushed by Neopolitan who lands a powerful slash that was meant for Ruby. Yang was then pushed over the edge and plunges into the abyss. As everyone is horrified by this, Blake desperately attempts to catch her, but she fails to. Alucard says nothing as he fires at Cinder. 

Alucard: I'll enjoy sending you to the lowest pits of Hell! 

Cinder: In our last battle, I realized that I could never hope to destroy you in my current state. That's why I came prepared. 

As Cinder says this, Alucard was attacked by a humanoid Grimm. The Grimm showed impressive strength as it nearly knocked Alucard off the edge. Alucard fires his pistols, but the Grimm dodges it. 

Cinder: Allow me to introduce you to the Nosferatu. A Grimm Vampire hybrid. This one is more than a match for you, Vampire. 

Alucard: You little fool. You think this monstrosity will hinder me?! 

As Alucard battled against the Nosferatu, the members of Team RWBY began to fall one by one into the abyss. Winter arrives to try and turn the tide, only to witness Weiss fall into the abyss. As for Alucard, the Nosferatu landed several devastating hits on him. However, Alucard simply laughs.

Alucard: Those who dare impersonate the dead...are judge to join their ranks!

Alucard then began firing on the Nosferatu, unloading both his pistols on the Grimm. The Grimm howls in pain as the bullets tear through it's body. 

Alucard: Releasing Control Art Restriction System to Level 2! Situation A. Cromwell approval is now in effect. Releasing Power Restriction... until the target has been silenced.

As Alucard enters his Level 2 state, Alucard summons his familiars to attack the Nosferatu. The Nosferatu was quickly overwhelmed by Alucard's familiars. The Nosferatu growls as it attempts to power through Alucard's attacks.

Alucard: You thought this cockroach could match me, Cinder Fall?! This is nothing! Nothing but garbage! You call this thing a Vampire, yet this is the furthest thing to a proper Vampire! 

As Alucard continued to battle against the Nosferatu, Cinder turned her attention to Penny. It wasn't long before Penny was mortally injured by Cinder. Jaune was quick to move her out of the battle and attempt to heal her wounds. Back with Alucard, he gained the upper hand on the Nosferatu and fired a shot at it's heart. The Grimm screamed in pain as Alucard gripped it by the skull. He then proceeds to crush the Grimm's skull. Once the Nosferatu was killed, Alucard joins Winter in fighting Salem.  As Alucard and Winter battled Cinder, the sound of screaming was heard. Alucard turns his attention to see Jaune killing Penny with tears in his eyes. As Penny died, Winter was given the powers of the Winter Maiden. In that moment, the battle became even.

Alucard: You're a narrow-minded king... who creates a host of ghouls to keep as slaves. You're a coward incapable of acting on your own. EVEN HELL WOULDN'T ACCEPT YOU! IT'S TIME TO PLAY, CINDER FALL! I am going to make you squeal like a pig. 

As the fight was about to begin, Alucard turned to Winter. 

Alucard: Go. The powers of Winter must not fall into enemy hands. 

As Winter flees, Cinder attempts to chase after her, but Alucard stops her.

Cinder: You have interfered in my affairs for the last time, Vampire. 

Cinder then uses her Maiden powers to attack Alucard, but Alucard stood his ground to buy time for Winter to escape. The battle between Alucard and Cinder was fierce. Suddenly, Cinder vanishes with the Staff. As this happened, the paths and portals begin vanishing, indicating that the Staff had been used. Winter was able to make it to the exit portal, but it dissipates before Jaune can reach it, causing him to fall. Alucard however managed to get through the portal. Alucard soon finds himself in the deserts of Vacuo where Winter, and the other refuges. Suddenly, a horde of Ravagers and Sulfur Fish began attacking the group. In that moment, the forces of darkness dealt a devastating blow to the forces of the light. Despite this terrible blow, they would fight on. 

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