Chapter Sixty Nine - The Angel Of Death & The Grimm Reaper

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As they continued their journey, Maria revealed that she used to be a Silver Eyed Warrior known as the Grimm Reaper. As she told about her exploits, Yang spoke to Walter.

Yang: You said you knew Miss Calavera, Walter.

Walter: I did. 

Maria: I knew this old codger back when he was a young man. 

Walter: Time has not been so kind to the both of us, but at least we still retained most of our skills.

Ruby: So how do you and Maria know each other?

Walter: I remember it like it were yesterday.....

With that, Walter began telling his story. In a mountainous region, a young Walter was walking along a pathway. When he reached a rickety bridge, the screech of a Nevermore was heard. Walter simply smirked as he readied his wires. As the Nevermore closed in on Huntsman, a lone, cloaked feminine figure with a skull mask armed with two sickles backflips off the bridge and engages the Nevermore in a fight. As the woman fought against the Nevermore, Walter recognized her.

Walter: Hhm.

Walter watched as the Grimm Reaper fought the Nevermore. She throws one of her sickles at one of the Nevermore's wing and uses the gravity Dust imbued in it to pull herself back up, while also dragging the Nevermore down. She grabs her other sickle on her way back up, getting above the Nevermore, and uses the recoil of her weapon to spin and grapple onto the Nevermore. She then throws one of her sickles to a mountain, pulling the Nevermore with it. The Nevermore crashes into the mountainside, losing its balance, before crash landing to the ground. Maria's other sickle is called back and lands on the ground in front of it. She then lands a swift decapitation on the Nevermore. After killing the Nevermore, the Grimm Reaper notices Walter watching her. She holsters her sickles and approaches him.

The Grimm Reaper: Enjoyed the show?

Walter: Another fine display, Maria Calavera. 

Maria: Glad I could put on a good show, Walter. 

Suddenly, Maria deflects a bullet aimed at her. She notices three men - one with a giant hammer, one carrying a rifle, and one with a machete - come out of hiding. Another woman, a crocodile Faunus. 

Tock: Well, that's a fancy trick now, innit? 'Fraid it comes with a price though, love.

Maria: I don't think you realize who I am.

Tock: Course I do.

Tock then takes out an alarm clock, sets it's timer and hooks it onto her belt.

Tock: You're the Grimm Reaper, and these...are the last sixty seconds of your life.

As Tock issues her threat to Maria, Walter calmly stepped forward and assessed the situation. A smirk soon falls on his face.

Walter: There's an awful lot of garbage here. 

Tock: Our business is with the Grimm Reaper. You're just collateral damage. 

Walter: Oh I don't think so. Whoever you serve, I regret to inform you that you've been set to your graves. I'll try to make your deaths as quick and painless as possible. 

As Walter says this, Tock and the other criminals laugh. Maria immediately readies her weapons. Tock hits the button on her clock, starting the timer's countdown. She then draws a pair of saber swords and activates her Aura. The ticking clock can be heard in the background as the battle begins. Tock rushes forward and clashes blades with Maria. Maria attacks back, but Tock's Aura knocks her sickle out of her hand. Tock kicks Maria back, with the latter summoning her other sickle back to her hand. As the other criminals were about to attack, Walter steps in. 

Walter: Allow me to repeat the words of your boss. These are the last sixty seconds of your lives. 

One of the criminals swings his machete at Walter, but he simply sidesteps out of the way and wraps his wires around the criminal. With a flick of his wrist, Walter dismembers the criminal into bloody pieces. Another criminal fires his rifle at Walter, but he dodges the bullets and charges at him. As the criminal fires his rifle at Walter, Walter proceeds to sever one of the criminal's hands. He follows through by killing him with his wires. 

Walter: How disgraceful. I thought you would at least put up a better fight. 

The final criminal swings his hammer, but Walter simply dodges his attacks. When the criminal tires himself out, Walter promptly dismembers him. 

Walter: All too easy. 

Walter turns around to see Tock blind Maria with her weapon. 

Tock: You know, the only reason my master wants you dead, is 'cause of your eyes. But seein' as you ain't got 'em no more, you might be able to convince me to spare your life. 

In response, Maria tries to throw her sickle at Tock, but she dodges it. 

Tock: Well, I respect that, a fighter to the end. 

Tock readies her saber to kill Maria, but Maria manages to find her other sickle. She clicks the switch on it, calling the other blade back over. Tock, in its path, gets the blade of the other sickle embedded into her back, causing her to fall forward. Maria then uses the sickle in her hand to decapitate Tock. Back in the present, Walter and Maria conclude their story. 

Maria: After that fight, Walter helped me get to safety. I went into hiding soon after. 

Qrow: I can't believe it. You... You're the Grimm Reaper, you were a legend! And then you disappeared... 

Oscar: How exactly does a legend just disappear? 

Qrow: You never used your name, never showed your face. Lots of us thought you were just layin' low. Eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper. 

Maria: Well, I'm nothing but a disappointment, so you're well on your way. 

Blake: How can you say that? 

Maria: Child, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes, I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery, I was too afraid to fight. Afraid someone would find me again, finish what the others started. You shouldn't aspire to be like me, especially when some of you are clearly stronger already. 

Upon hearing this, Yang looks down sadly. 

Maria: It's... comforting, seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm just sorry I didn't do more to leave it in better shape. 

Walter: But the old guard still has some fight left in them. 

Alucard: Growing old seems so awful.

Walter: Nonsense! Growing old is a traditional pleasure of all gentlemen. 

Alucard smirks at Walter's wit. With that, Maria took on the task of teaching Ruby Rose on how to use her Silver Eyes. In that moment, the group continued on with the journey.

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