Chapter Ninety One - A Night Off

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After Alucard's success in retaking the Eagle, he informs his allies of Millennium's plans. In response to this, Ironwood begins doubling his efforts to complete the construction of the Amity Tower to combat both Salem and Millennium. But despite this victory, they were no closer to stopping either Salem or Millennium as they have their eyes set on Atlas. After constant missions and vigorous training sessions, Alucard and Walter along with Ruby's Group were granted a night off. The group decided to attend a party celebrating the election win of Robyn Hill. On the way to the party, Ren discusses the threat of Salem.

Ren: We spent so much time worrying about how Ironwood will react to the truth about her, but have any of us considered how we're even going to beat her if we manage to work past that?

Nora: Jinn said she can't be beaten.

Ruby: Jinn told Oz that he couldn't destroy her.

Nora: But maybe someone else could?

Walter: Perhaps there was more to Jinn's words than we initially thought. Words can sometimes have different meanings. 

Blake: What do you mean by that?

Walter: As Miss Rose said, Jinn told Master Ozpin that he couldn't destroy her. Perhaps that means that he is not meant to destroy her. Perhaps that responsibility belongs to another. Who that is, I cannot say. 

Ren: But how do we know this?

Alucard: There are forces in this world and beyond the world, great forces that men call magic. Such things are not for mortal minds to ask nor comprehend. It simply is. 

Ren: We should be training right now.

Nora: We've trained enough! Take some time to--

Ren: We don't have time!

The situation soon became tense as Ren and Nora became frustrated with each other. It was at this point that the group split up. Blake and Yang would go to a club while Weiss, Oscar and Jaune go to a movie. Alucard and Walter opted to join Oscar, but Oscar stops them. 

Oscar: two enjoy the night off. Relax.

Alucard: As you wish, my master.

Walter: Enjoy this night off, Master Pine. 

With that, Alucard and Walter joins Ruby and the others in attending the party. As they arrive at the party, they are greeted by Penny.

Penny: Penny: Ruby, Nora, Ren, Alucard, Walter!

Ruby: Hey, Penny.

Penny: I am so glad you made it. It's just Marrow and I tonight, so more friends means more fun. Where are the others?

Nora: Weiss is out with the boys, and Blake and Yang are off doing their own thing...again.

Ren: At least they're back to being friends.

Nora: Friends, huh? Just friends?

Walter: Enough. We have been given this night off to recuperate. We will not get many other days like these. Let's not waste them bickering among ourselves. 

Ren: I thought you of all people were taking this seriously. I guess I was wrong.

Walter: Young man, no one is taking this more seriously than I. This is the calm before the storm. In times like these, it is best to enjoy moments like these while we still have them. You may not get another chance. 

With that, the group entered the building and attended the victory party for Robyn Hill where it was projected that she would win the council seat. As the guests mingled with one another, Walter spoke with Ruby who appeared stressed out.

Walter: Is something on your mind, Miss Rose?

Ruby: Walter, are we doing the right thing?

Walter: We doing the best that we can with what we are given. That is all any of us can do.

Ruby: Do you think Ren's right? Are we just wasting our time?

Walter: Mr. Ren has some good points. His heart is in the right place. I once felt as he did. A part of me still does. But we cannot dwell on what might happen. Remnant needs us. If we do not believe in ourselves, then how can we expect others to believe in us when the time comes? All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. 

With Walter's words, Ruby found her confidence. Despite not knowing what would happen, Ruby felt confident that she would lead her allies through the journey. Meanwhile, Alucard spoke with Robyn Hill. 

Alucard: Congratulations on your victory, Miss Hill. You must be very proud.

Robyn: I didn't do this for the glory. I did this to help the people of Mantle. The people here need someone to help them since Ironwood doesn't give a damn about them.

Alucard: Such fire and passion! And here I thought you were just like all the rest of them. Consider me a staunch supporter. 

At that point, Robyn's instincts told her that there was something off about Alucard. Alucard smiles as he raises a glass to her. 

Alucard: To your good health, Miss Hill. And may your time in office be beneficial to those you represent. 

Robyn then joins Alucard in raising her glass. Despite this, Robyn felt uneasy around Alucard. 

Robyn: If you'll excuse me, I'm needed on stage. Soon enough, Fiona Thyme addresses the crowd.

Fiona: I want to thank everyone for going to the polls today. This is Mantle's moment. I know that, like me, you're all thrilled that we chose Robyn as our voice in Atlas. No one has fought harder for Mantle than she has. And...I know Robyn will continue that fight on the Council. Will you share a few words?

Robyn soon takes center stage and addresses the crowd who began to applaud for her.

Robyn: I've never been much for public speaking, probably wasn't my best idea ever to go into politics. Thank you so much, everyone, for choosing me. You said you believe in me. But I'm the one who believes in all of you. You've proven to me that as individuals, we are strong. But together, we're unstoppable. So no matter what happens tonight, win or lose, we will continue to fight for our city, because it is this city that brings us together.

As the results of the election are about to be announced, Ruby notices a hooded figure among the crowd. A prosthetic tail could be seen on the individual. At the same time, Alucard and Walter notice the same individual. Before Alucard, Walter or Ruby could intercept the individual, the lights in the room suddenly shut off. In that moment, a threat would soon reveal itself.

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