Chapter Thirty One - Chaos

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Hordes of Grimm began pouring onto Vale. Panic and chaos had taken hold. Alucard and Walter made their way to the fairgrounds where they saw Blake and Weiss fighting off a several Grimm. Alucard guns down several Grimm with his Casull and Jackal Pistols while Walter uses his Wires to slice the remaining Grimm into pieces. Once the initial wave of Grimm was cleared, Walter checks on Blake and Weiss.

Walter: Are you two alright? 

Blake: We'll be fine. Thanks for the assistance.

Alucard: Two of your teammates seem to be missing. Where is Ruby and Yang? 

Weiss: Yang's in Beacon. I'm not sure about Ruby.

Blake: These Grimm aren't the only things we should worry about. Yang told us that the White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school.

In that moment, what was happening became clear. Immediately, a wave of White Fang soldiers began swarming the fairgrounds. Before Weiss and Blake could do anything, Alucard and Walter proceeded to slaughter the White Fang soldiers without hesitation. When the White Fang soldiers were killed, only bloody corpses remained. Weiss and Blake were shocked by the level of brutality displayed by their teachers. 

Alucard: I see you haven't lost your step, Angel of Death.

Walter: It has been quite some time since I've been in a proper fight. 

Alucard: It seems the enemy has been planning this attack for quite some time. 

Walter: You make a valid point. The Grimm and the White Fang do make a rather formidable duo. Our best approach will be to split up. I will escort Miss Schnee and Miss Belladonna to Beacon. You will find Miss Rose. 

Alucard: So the Angel of Death rides once more?

Walter chuckles as he approaches Blake and Weiss. The two were still processing what they had just witnessed. 

Walter: Put the veteran with two rookies and you may as well have one regular soldier. Come along. It would not be wise to tarry. Alucard? Do you have any superlative words for our students?

Alucard looked around as chaos grips Vale. A smile fell on his face as the enemy had finally made their move. For Alucard, this was indeed the perfect night as he would slaughter his master's enemies without hesitation. 

Alucard: This is the moment you all have been training for! The enemy has come to kill all that stand in it's way! You wish to become guardians? Now is the time to live up to the role that you have undertaken! Show the enemy no mercy for no mercy shall be shown to you! Death rides to claim you! Fight to your last breath!

As Alucard said this, Weiss and Blake felt a chill running down their spine. Walter smirked as he readies his Wires. 

Walter: Good luck, my friend. May fortune favor you. 

Alucard: And may the battle be worthy of your skill, Angel of Death!

With that, Alucard and Walter parted ways with Walter escorting Weiss and Blake while Alucard sets off on his own to find Ruby. As all this happened, the Major was watching the newsfeed of the attack on Vale from his base of operations. He watched with a smile on his face as chaos gripped the city of Vale. He could hear the thousands of screaming civilians fleeing for their lives. He could see the slaughter of thousands at the hands of both Grimm and White Fang. As the Major watched this, the Doctor enters the room. 

Doctor: Are you enjoying yourself, Herr Major? 

Major: Why of course, my dear Doctor! Look upon this chaos! For all her flaws, Cinder was able to execute her plan with such precision! Even the might of the Atlesian Military is beginning to crack. Oh what a perfect night!

Doctor: Shall I give the order to the rest of the Battalion? 

Major: No, Herr Doctor. There is no need to rush this. We have all the time in the world to wage war once more. We will have our time soon enough. 

The Major watches with glee as Grimm begin flocking to Beacon like a moth to a flame. He could only imagine the kind of chaos that was occurring. A part of him wishes that he could send his forces to wage war on Beacon, but the Major knew that such a move would be a mistake. After a moment, the Doctor gets an update. 

Doctor: I have just received word from Warrant Officer Schrödinger that Alucard is on the move. I have also been informed that Cinder Fall is converging on the Beacon Vault. 

Major: Cinder Fall is attempting to reclaim the powers of the Fall Maiden right from under Ozpin's nose. How devious! And if I remember correctly, Ozpin will be attempting to have the Fall Maiden's powers transferred to Miss Pyrrha Nikos. A game of cat and mouse is unfolding before our very eyes. Who shall become the Fall Maiden? I think it will be quite interesting to see how this little game unfolds. 

Doctor: Warrant Officer Schrödinger could easily eliminate both Cinder and Pyrrha, Herr Major.

Major: He could, but where would be the fun in that? For now, we will act as nothing more than passive spectators. Warrant Officer Schrödinger will be our eyes on the ground. He will watch, observe and report. He will maintain the façade of aiding Beacon Academy. But for now, let us enjoy this chaos that is unfolding before us. 

As the Battle of Beacon began, the Major and Millennium would act merely as observers with Schrödinger's agent on the ground. In that moment, the Battle of Beacon had begun. 

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