Chapter Eighty Seven - The Huntress

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As Alucard and Walter prepared for war, Jacques Schnee returns to the Schnee Manor, still outraged by what had just happened. As he sits in his office, his young son Whitley opens the door.

Whitley: Father, you, um...have a visitor.

Jacques: I told you I didn't want to be disturbed. Why did you let them in?

Whitley: I didn't. He... let himself in.

Suddenly, Schrödinger entered the room. The sudden appearance of Schrödinger caught Jacques off guard. 

Schrödinger: A spitting image of you, this lad, Jacques. Creepily so, I might add.

Jacques: Leave us, boy. See to it that I'm not disturbed. And I mean it this time.

Whitley leaves the room and shuts the door. Jacques pours himself a drink to calm his nerves.

Jacques: Why are you here?

Schrödinger: The Major is not pleased with your lack of progress, Jacques. 

Jacques: But...but I've given you all the Dust shipments I can! This goddamn embargo is bleeding my company! Not to mention that bitch Robyn Hill is leading in the polls! I'd lay off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get their damn votes for this Council seat.

Schrödinger: And the Major appreciates your efforts....for the most part. In fact, the Major wishes to speak to you himself. 

As Schrödinger says this, he pulls out a device from his pocket and activates it, projecting a holoimage of the Major. 

Jacques: M...Major. 

Major(Holoprojection): Herr Schnee. I do not want to hear excuses. Now I have made the necessary arrangements to see that you win the election. As Warrant Officer Schrödinger has said, your assistance is most appreciated. However, your recent endeavors have been...disappointing. Your Ironwood problem is starting to be quite the headache.

Jacques: I'm taking a big risk talking to you. If anyone finds out about this, then not only am I going to lose this election, but that bastard Ironwood will no doubt have me shot!

Major(Holoprojection): You worry too much, Herr Schnee! You'll win this election. And once you win this election, you'll help prepare Atlas for the glorious war to come. What if I said you can have your cake... and eat it, too?

As the Major said this, Jacques took a seat in his desk. With a smirk on his face, Schrödinger walks over to Jacques desk and sits on it. 

Major(Holoprojection): Now then, continue your campaign and we'll take care of the rest. Don't waste this opportunity. It would be a shame if we had to take matters into our own hands. Farewell for now. 

With the Major's message delivered, Schrödinger walks away. But as he reaches the door, he turns to Jacques. 

Schrödinger: Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man, you think you know.

As Schrödinger says this, he skips away. making it clear that Millennium would aid Jacques in his bid for election against Robyn Hill. However, The Major also made it very clear that failure would not be tolerated and the punishment for such failure would be severe. Meanwhile in the skies of Atlas, the Atlesian Warship called the Eagle was stationed just outside the city limits and outside the blockade. As the Eagle patrols Atlas, a lone helicopter begins approaching in. Inside the helicopter was a tall and lanky woman, with glowing blue eyes and freckled cheeks. She has long blue tinted black hair that reaches down to her knees. A few bangs tend to stick up from her head, including a particularly long lock of hair that ends in a curl. She wore an outfit that consisted of  a dark blue-purple suit, a dark pink dress shirt, a green tie, and black shoes. She also wears glasses, white gloves. She holds what appears to be a musket while singing an old war song. As the helicopter approaches the Eagle, the crew inside spots the helicopter. 

Atlesian Ensign: Sir! An unidentified helicopter is approaching us! Our hails have been completely ignored three times!

Meanwhile in the lower decks of the ship, hidden coffins were being opened. As the Millennium Vampires emerge from their coffins, the Atlesian ensign updates the crew.

Atlesian Ensign: It won't be long until that helicopter reaches us!

Atlesian Captain: Prepare a warning shot from our guns. If they ignore that, then we have no option but to shoot it down. 

As the Atlesian captain says that, an officer begins to chuckle. 

Atlesian Officer: I'm afraid that isn't going to happen. 

Atlesian Captain: Number One?! What the hell are you....

Atlesian Officer: I'm saying I can't allow you to do that.....

The Atlesian officer takes off his hat and gnashes his fangs. Seeing this horrified the crew. Without warning, the officer lunges at the captain and bites down on his neck, tearing his throat out and drinking his blood. As if on cue, a few other Atlesian crew members turned on the crew and began killing the crew. It wasn't long before the Millennium Vampires began their attack, slaughtering the crew and turning them into ghouls. Once the slaughter was complete, the helicopter lands on the ship. The woman exits the helicopter where she is greeted by the Atlesian Vampires. 

???: Thus the hunting ground become the hunter's! Tinker tailor soldier sailor, my bullet punishes all without distinction. 

As the woman begins painting a large symbol on the deck of the ship, the Atlesian officer speaks up. 

Atlesian Officer: Welcome to the Eagle, Lieutenant Rip Van Winkle. This ship is now under Millennium's control. 

Rip Van Winkle: How does it feel, my newly minted captain, to become a vampire, lead a mutiny, murder your own crew and commit high treason all in one night? *vampires are confused* I see... How about condemning your shipmates to hell? Doomed to walk the Earth as ghoulish, rotting corpses, what was that like?

The Atlesian Vampires paused for a moment. Rip smiles and giggles. 

Rip Van Winkle: Excellent work! This is really amazing! Millennium is happy to have go-getters like you on our team! We couldn't have done it without you! And of course, the Major! He's so proud! You definitely deserve everything that's coming to you!

Rip Van Winkle aims her musket in the air and fires it. The musket ball zips through the air before killing the Atlesian Vampires. With the loose ends tied up, Rip Van Winkle now has the Eagle under the control of Millennium.

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