Chapter Sixty Five - The Lost Fable

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After awakening Jinn, Ruby proceeds to ask her to reveal what Ozpin was hiding from them much to Ozpin's protest. Jinn soon reveals that Ozpin was once a warrior named Ozma who had onced rescued the human Salem from a tower in an age where magic was available to all humans. They soon learned that Ozma had Salem had fallen in love and lived a happy life together until Ozma died of a mysterious illness. When Ozma dies, Salem attempts to plead to the Gods of Light and Darkness to bring him back to life, in which Ozma is resurrected only to be destroyed again due to the conflict between the two Gods. Salem was soon guided by a growing darkness in her heart. It was that darkness that guided Salem to attack the Gods in which she was cursed with immortality. They soon learn that in Salem's isolation, her heart turned to darkness and in her grief, Salem leaps into the Grimm Pool in the Land of Darkness and becomes the being she is today. In response to this, the Gods resurrected Ozma and cursed him with reincarnation in order fight Salem. Team RWBY, Qrow and Walter watched the story unfold as Ozma and Salem clashed time and time again. Eventually, the origins of the Relics and the Maidens are soon revealed. But they also witnessed Ozma using the Relic of Knowledge to ask the first of three questions to Jinn.

Ozma: How do I destroy Salem?

Jinn(Past): You can't.

With that, the story ended. However, the scene soon shifted to what appeared to be Vale in ancient times. They soon saw the scene of a bloody battle. The boy who was now ruler was leading his army to battle.

Weiss: Wait...I recognize him. That's....Vlad the Impaler....

Vlad The Impaler: Fight! Fight for the glory of your Gods! The Gods do not help those who kneel before them! The Gods do not save those who pray for mercy, for those are not true prayers! Would you beg in the presence of your lords? Your impiety begs only for death! True prayer is forged in battle! Dazzle your lords with your prayer, and you shall know them! You shall know glory! After the tearing, the crushing, the breaking of bones of those who seek nothing more than your death, when the fruits of our prayers lie at our feet, the Gods will descend from their thrones on high to bring judgement upon their wretched and pitiful servants!

They watched as Vlad waged bloody war across all of Remnant. They watched as Vlad stood at the center of a forest of thousands of impaled corpses. Team RWBY along with Qrow and Oscar were beyond horrified. Seeing all this horror caused Ruby to hyperventilate. Yang was quick to calm her down.

Ruby: could someone do this....

Yang: It's okay...take deep breaths.

As Ruby calmed down, the scene shifted to the capture of Vlad the Impaler's capture.

Alucard: Tell me. Did your promises come to pass? Where's your God? Where's your Kingdom?

As Vlad the Impaler was chained up and escorted to what appeared to be a chopping block, Alucard spoke up.

Alucard: What's the matter? Answer me, King? Mad king! Lord Impaler! They're all dead. Every last soul dead. In service to you and to your promises. For your prayers! For your paradise! For your God! ALL WERE SACRIFICED!

They all watched as Vlad the Impaler was dragged in chains to the place where he would be executed.

Alucard: Enemies and allies! The people you swore to protect! The kingdom you would rule! Men! Women! Old and young! Even...yourself.

Executioner: Irredeemable. You are truly a monster beyond all salvation, Count.

As Vlad was about to be executed, be sees a puddle of blood beneath him. Without hesitation, Vlad the Impaler licked the blood off the ground. As the executioner brought his axe down on him, Vlad the Impaler transformed into a Vampire and slaughtered everyone without mercy. From that point on, Vlad the Impaler was no more. He was Dracula. Everyone watched in shock as Dracula unleashed a reign of terror on Remnant. For hundreds of years, Dracula ruled from the shadows, drinking the blood of thousands of people.

Qrow: Dracula....I....I thought he was a myth....

???: For all flesh is as grass and all the glory thereof as the flower of the field. The grass withereth. The flower fadeth. But the word of our Gods abideth forever!

The scene transitions to the legendary Van Helsing thrusting a stake into Dracula's chest. The form of Ozma and Ozpin could be seen above Van Helsing.

Dracula: Have I been...bested, sir?

Van Helsing: Yes. You are bested. This is no nightmare from which you'll soon awaken. Your castles are plundered, your dominion in ruins, your servants destroyed and the girl has fled this place forever more. She will never be yours!

Dracula was seen weeping tears of blood, not saying a word as Van Helsing plunged the stake deeper into Dracula's chest, causing him to scream in pain. Van Helsing then grabs Dracula by his coat and pulls him up towards him.

Van Helsing: You are judged and found wanting, Vampire King! You have nothing! You are nothing! Nothing!

Dracula: Then why do you hesitate, sir? Finish it.

Van Helsing paused for a moment.

Van Helsing: You have committed monstrous acts upon the world. But can serve the forces of light....

In that moment, Van Helsing had made Dracula swear to serve him, Van Helsing forced the weakened Dracula into serving him. As Dracula became a servant of Van Helsing, the Huntsman reveals that he is in fact a reincarnation of the ancient warrior Ozma and that Dracula was recruited for his fight against Salem.

Ruby: So....Mr. Alucard is related to Dracula.

Blake: No....Alucard IS Dracula....

Everyone watched in shock as Dracula changed forms over the centuries until he is seen as Alucard. They watched as the past shows events that happened since that day Ruby met Ozpin. They watched as Alucard slaughtered Torchwick's men. They watched as Alucard slaughtered the White Fang soldiers on the train. They watched as Alucard fought in Beacon when the Valentine Brothers attacked. They saw Alucard killing both Roman Torchwick and Leonardo Lionheart. In that moment, Alucard's form appeared standing before Ozpin.

Alucard: I am the Bird of Hermes, eating my own wings to make myself tame.

In that moment, the group not only learned of Ozpin's origins, but the revelations that Alucard was not only a Vampire, but the Vampire King himself. Such a revelation would threaten to fracture the group.

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