Chapter One Hundred Six - Fault

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After the Hound kidnapped Oscar, Walter along with the rest of Yang's group began chasing after it. The chase soon leads into mountains.

Jaune: It's going to lose us in these mountains! We can't keep up!

Walter: We must not allow it to escape with Master Pine!

During the chase, Ren's hoverbike begins to give way due to the extensive cold.

Ren: I don't know how much longer these bikes can stand the cold.

Yang: I'm really wishing one of us could fly right now.

Jaune: Wait, hold on!

Jaune then deploys his shield on his arm and hits the brakes on his bike, moving back to drive parallel with Ren.

Jaune: Ren, going to get you up there.

Ren then leaps from his hoverbike and jumps on Jaune's shield. Jaune then charges the Gravity Dust in his shield and blasts Ren toward The Hound. As Ren flies through the air, he manages to latch onto the Hound's hind leg. As this happens, Walter speaks to Yang.

Walter: Get me closer to that Grimm!

Yang: I hope you know what you're doing!

Walter prepares his wires while Yang tries and get closer to the Hound. Suddenly, more Grimm arrive, destroying Jaune's hoverbike and severely damages Yang's. 

Yang: Walter, whatever you got planned, you better do it now!

Walter: I only need a window of opportunity!

As Yang gives the damaged Hoverbike everything it has, they spot a rock formation which is set up like a ramp. Yang drives up the ramp. When the Hoverbike gets close enough, Walter jumps on the Hound. Ren is forced to let go of the Hound to save Yang and Jaune from falling off a cliff. As Walter attempts to cut down the Hound with his wires, he was attacked by a group of Grimm. Walter focus his attack on the Grimm. During the attack, Walter was knocked off the Hound. By the time Walter recovered, the the Hound was too far away to catch up. Walter then regrouped with the rest of Yang's group. He quickly saw that they were arguing.

Ren: Are you kidding?! We don't know the first thing about being Huntsmen. We clearly weren't ready.

Jaune: Guys, stop it.

Yang: Were we not ready when we saved Haven? When we took down a Leviathan? We got the Lamp to Atlas.

Ren: And then we lost it! And after that, when we had to make real decisions, we got every single one wrong.

Yang: I'm not going to pretend like we did everything perfectly, but if we'd done nothing, things would be even worse than they are now.

Ren: How could they possibly be worse? We are stuck out here while has the Lamp and Oscar. We've got no plan, no army.

It was at this point that Walter stepped in. 

Walter: Enough! Now is not the time to bicker among ourselves! That Grimm has Master Pine. If my suspicions are correct, than that Grimm must be taking Master Pine to Salem, which means that time is against us.

Ren: When was it ever with us? Ever since we arrived at Atlas, everything has gone wrong!

Walter: Bickering among ourselves will get us nowhere. Present circumstances aside, we still have a job to do.

Ren: And what would the problem be, Walter? Salem? Or Millennium?

Walter: The enemy marches on us as we speak. We may be the only ones capable of stopping this threat before it engulfs Remnant in the fires of bloody war! 

Ren: And you're just in the dark about everything as we are! 

Walter: I am not saying that everything we did is perfect. There are things that we did that were wrong. But we cannot change the past. We must focus on the here and now. 

Ren: It seems like I'm the only one who sees reality! People are going to die. Because of us.

Yang: So what, we should just give Ironwood what he wants? Abandon Mantle? You think Atlas is still gonna be able to float to safety now that she's here?

Ren: I don't know. But these aren't the kinds of decisions we should be making because we have no idea what we're doing.

As the argument intensified, explosions were heard in the distance. A fleet of zeppelins bearing the Nazi insignia were seen flying towards Atlas.

Walter: Millennium is coming. We must keep moving.

It was at this point that Jaune stepped in.

Jaune: Everyone cut it out!

Ren: I'm just saying what nobody else wants to. We're in way over our heads, Ruby is barely more than a kid, I'm just an orphan from the middle of nowhere--

Jaune: Ren, I....

Ren: You cheated your way into Beacon!

As Ren said this, everyone fell silent. After a tense moment of silence, Jaune finally spoke up.

Jaune: You don't think we should be Huntsmen, fine, but I'm getting out of the cold. We've still got a job to do.

Yang: What is wrong with you, Ren?! Seriously, is your goal just to push everyone away?!

Walter: ENOUGH! We don't have time for this. While we are arguing with each other, the Grimm is taking Master Pine to Salem. We know the direction of where the Grimm was going. We'll have to follow on foot. And with Millennium converging on Atlas, we're low on time.

As the group began to get moving, Walter speaks with Ren. 

Walter: I understand where you are coming from, but we must remain united. If we fall apart, our enemies will win and everything we hold dear will be destroyed.

With that, Ren relents and joined the others as they walked in the direction of where the Hound was going. Before they would continue their chase, they would need to find refuge from the cold.

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