Chapter One Hundred - Survival On The Street Of Insincerity

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As Ruby's group split up, Alucard and Walter moved through  the corridors of the Atlas Academy in an attempt to keep the Atlesian forces occupied. On the way there, they find themselves attacked by both Atlesian Knight 200s and Millennium Soldiers. 

Millennium Soldier: Kill them!

As the Atlesian Droids and Millennium Soldiers fired on Alucard and Walter. The two servants of Ozpin decimated both the Atlesian Droids and the Millennium Soldiers. When the skirmish was over, both sides were wiped out. 

Walter: It seems Millennium has finally made their move. 

Alucard: Let Ironwood reap what he sowed. He brought this on himself. 

As Alucard and Walter moved forward, they were suddenly attacked by the Ace-Ops. 

Harriet: Where are the other traitors?

Walter: Doing what needs to be done. Think about what you are doing.

Elm: You gave us no choice.

Vine: This doesn't have to end in violence. Stand down and surrender.

Walter: I'm afraid we cannot. 

Harriet: Do you have any idea what you're standing next to, old man?!

Walter: I am. I am standing next to one of Remnant's best hopes of destroying Salem. 

Alucard: Why do you continue to waste your breath trying to reason with these dogs? It's clear that they have no interest in cooperation. If these fools seek to impede our efforts, then they are the enemy. And we show no mercy to our enemies. 

As Alucard aimed his pistols at the Ace-Ops, the Atlesian Operatives pulled out their weapons and aimed them at Alucard. As Alucard was about to pull the trigger, he felt a familiar presence nearby. 

Alucard: Master....he's here....

In that moment, Walter stepped forward. 

Walter: Go, Alucard. Find the young master. I will hold them off. 

Alucard: Does the Angel of Death ride again?

Walter: It'll be good to get some exercise. 

As Alucard runs past the Ace-Ops, the Ace-Ops attempt to stop Alucard, but Walter uses his wires to attack the Ace-Ops. Once Alucard was gone, the Ace-Ops turn their attention to Walter. 

Harriet: You got a death wish, old man? You're outnumbered.

Walter: Miss Bree, weren't you ever taught to respect your elders?

As Walter taunted Harriet, she charges at Walter, but the seasoned Huntsman easily dodges Harriet's attacks and wraps her with his wires. He then flings her against the other Ace-Ops. 

Walter: I've been told by General Ironwood that you were among the finest operatives the Atlas Academy has to offer, but I'm not so easily convinced. Allow me to humble you. 

As the Ace-Ops readied their weapons, Walter surveys them. He smirks as he readies his wires and assumes a calm stance. 

Harriet: Take this old man down! Then we're going after the Vampire!

As Walter begins to calmly approach them, Elm then fires a rocket with the rocket launcher attachment of her Timber weapon. As the rocket shots towards Walter, Walter slices apart the rocket with his wires, destroying it and exploding it between the two. Marrow attempts to use his Semblance to freeze Walter, but the butler whips his wires at Marrow, cutting his arm. He then follows through by kicking Marrow in the face. 

Walter: This is most disappointing. I expected better. 

At this point, the Ace-Ops were in shock as to how Walter was able to keep up with them. At girst glance, they saw Walter as an old man past his prime, yet he fought with the speed, aggression and ferocity of a young Huntsman. 

Harriet: Vine, restrain that bastard!

Vine attempts to use his Aura Vines to attack Walter, but Walter wraps his wires around Marrow and pulls him in the direction of the vines, restraining him. Before Vine could react, Walter closes in and takes him down. Harriet and Elm then charge at Walter. Walter easily dodges their attacks and wrap them around his wires. They attempt to free themselves, but were unable to. 

Walter: My my. How disappointing. It seems General Ironwood's praises were exaggerations.

Harriet: You bastard! 

Walter: Miss Bree, as of now, you and your comrade are in my mercy. With a flick of my wrist, I would tear you to pieces. These wires can cut through solid steel like paper. Imagine how they would fare against flesh and bones. 

As Harriet attempts to break free, Walter flings both Harriet and Elm against the wall, knocking them out. With that, Walter decided to make his escape. Eventually, he regrouped with Team RWBY along with Penny who now had the powers of the Winter Maiden. Soon enough, Walter entered the airship with the rest of Ruby's group. 

Ruby: Walter! Where's Alucard?!

Walter: Alucard had some business to tend to. He'll regroup with us in due time. Now we must hurry!

As the airship took off, Adam Taurus suddenly appeared on top of the airship. He glances over to see Blake. As the two locked eyes, Blake recognizes him.

Blake: A....Adam?

Adam then begins to kick in the glass window of the cockpit, but the window holds. As the glass begins to break, Walter uses his wires to grab Adam and fling him off. The airship then crashes through the walls of the hanger bay, allowing them to escape from the Academy. As Adam recovers from his fall, he is contacted by the Major. 

Major(Comlink): Adam, have your men retreat to the rendezvous point. You have done your part for now. I will contact you when I have need of you again.

With that, Adam soon gave the order to retreat and the remaining Millennium soldiers retreated from the Atlas Academy.  And even as Walter and the others escaped, a looming threat would soon reveal itself as Salem arrives in Atlas on top of a Whale-like Grimm called a Monstra, accompanied by a massive army of flying Grimm. In that moment, Salem had arrived in Atlas.

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