Chapter One Hundred Seven - Amity

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As Alucard and Penny made their way to the Amity Tower, they make their way to the Schnee Dust Mine and begin planting explosives. As the two begin making their way to the control room, Penny speaks to Alucard. 

Penny: Alucard. Do you think we're doing the right thing?

Alucard: We're doing the best we can with the situation we're given. I'll admit it's not the best of plans, it's our only option. 

Penny:'ve killed so many people. 

Alucard: And I shall continue to kill all who stand in our way. Anyone who dares stand against me is my enemy. 

Penny: Those men and women are just following orders. 

Alucard: They choose to follow those orders. They choose to blindly follow Ironwood's madness. If they die, that is on them. 

Alucard's cold words took Penny aback. Unlike the rest of Ruby's group, Alucard was someone who was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way. In Penny's eyes, Alucard was no different from Ironwood, or even Salem or Millennium. Soon enough, they meet up with Pietro who was with Maria Calavera at the base of the Tower.

Pietro: All systems are ready. Penny?

Penny looks at him and then gets up and walks over.

Pietro: Amity is requesting launch

Penny looks at the screen, which says "Connecting..." She looks down, waiting. Pietro and Maria look at Penny, and after a few moments, her eyes glow slightly. The tower's stabilizers activate, glowing purple, and Pietro and Maria celebrate.

Pietro: Oh yes, it worked!

Penny smiles, but then lowers her head. Pietro places his hand on her arm to comfort her, and she looks at him and smiles. He then begins typing on the computer again.

Pietro: Oh, I didn't have time to install seat belts, so I'd advise you to hang on.

Pietro taps a button on his walking chair, and parts of the chair's legs begin glowing purple. Maria laughs and walks away. The bombs in the Dust mine begin counting down from thirty seconds, and Penny begins helping Maria get back inside the mech. The two are soon distracted by a loud thud. Alucard chuckles. 

Alucard: Looks like our arrival hasn't gone unnoticed. 

What followed by a fireball flying up through the air. Penny flies over to the edge of the platform and looks down to see a huge hole where the fireball melted through from outside the colosseum. An airship levitates up from the smoke, and atop the airship stands Cinder Fall.

Cinder: And where do you think you're going?

Penny looks back at Pietro, who looks scared.

Pietro: Penny, no!

Against her father's wishes, Penny flies down and floats above the arena to face Cinder, drawing Floating Array. Cinder hops down from the airship with a grin, while Emerald Sustrai and Neopolitan exit the airship. The countdown on the bombs reaches zero, and the bombs explode, setting off a chain reaction of Dust eruptions. As the colorful explosions intensify, four jets on Amity Tower activate. The combined force causes the tower to begin flying into the air, which slams Penny into the floor. Cinder drops to one knee and steadies herself with her hands. Emerald has been forced to the floor by the tower's ascent. She looks at Cinder, who is focused on Penny.

Cinder: I was hoping your friends would be here. But it looks like they left you to do all the work.

Cinder begins spawning dozens of glowing hot glass swords on the floor around herself.

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