Chapter Eighteen - Breach

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As Grimm began pouring into the city of Vale, Alucard and the rest of Team RWBY rush into battle. As they fight the seemingly endless hordes of Grimm, they eventually make their way to the middle of the pavilion where they are surrounded by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. Alucard begins shootong down various Grimm with both his pistols. Ruby plants Crescent Rose on the ground before kicking away the Grimm, Yang propels herself upwards, performing aerial bombardments with Ember Celica on the Grimm before three Giant Nevermores send her crashing to the ground. Blake slashes a Beowolf with Gambol Shroud before firing on the other approaching Grimm. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade. Yang, back on the ground, sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. As Ruby finishes slashing at a Grimm, she notices the King Taijitu ready for the attack, until she also sees Nora flying on Magnhild towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

Nora: Nora Smash!

It wasn't long before the rest of Team JNPR arrive to aid Alucard and Team RWBY. Walter who had been assigned to Team JNPR was not seen.

Alucard: Where is Walter?

Pyrrha: He went to help Headmaster Ozpin defend Beacon.

Alucard: Then it is time for me to take my leave.

Jaune:'re not gonna walk to Beacon with all these Grimm, are you?!

Alucard: These mindless beasts will be child's play. This battle is yours and yours alone.

Blake: At least let us come with you, Mr. Alucard.

Alucard: I am more than capable of killing my way through these mindless beasts. You have your duty. Fulfil it. Now then if you'll excuse me.....

With that, Alucard began walking to Beacon, killing any Grimm he came across. Eventually, he transforms into mist and traverses through the battlefield. Meanwhile as all this happened, the Valentine Brothers were approaching Beacon Academy. An armored vehicle was driving slowly behind them. As they closed in on the gates leading to Beacon, Jan talks to Luke.

Jan: Heheheheheh! So this dude's friend, I mean he's like a real doctor but like does the cosmetic shit on the side, right? So then that same crazy fuck with the horn comes back but now he wants a plexiglass plate for his skull! And the doctor fuckin' does it! He makes a window! You can see the fucker's brain and shit! The guy's got a big monster horn and his head meat on display! The guy's a freak, I mean what the fuck!? Hahahahaha...Yeah, get it?

Luke: Shut up. This stream of dribble pours from your mouth at every job. Can we just this once try for quiet, focused and cool?

Jan: Yeah yeah yeah. Same old shit, I know. Fuckin A, bro!

Luke: Failure is not an option.

Jan: Oh please! I can pull this job in my goddamn sleep!

Soon enough, the Valentine Brothers approach the gate which was guarded by a squadron of Atlesian soldiers. Upon seeing the Valentine Brothers, the Atlesian commander stops them.

Atlesian Commander: Stop right there! This is a restricted area!

Luke: Oh I'm so sorry! My brother and I just escaped from that terrible Grimm attack. We were hoping to find sanctuary at Beacon.

Atlesian Commander: I'm sorry, but this area's off limits by order of General Ironwood.

Luke: If you say.

As Luke says this, he snaps his fingers. Immediately, a shot was fired and hits the commander in the head. Caught off guard by this, the soldiers looked to see a smoking barrel coming out of the window of the bus. As the Atlesian soldiers aimed their assault rifles at the Valentine Brothers, more rifle barrels were seen popping through the windows. This stunned the soldiers.

Jan: These dudes are looking kinda queasy.

Luke: They could use a nap.

Jan: Right then. Ciao!

As Jan snaps his fingers, the Atlesian soldiers were slaughtered in a hail of bullets. Even as they were dead, they kept firing much to Jan's annoyance.

Jan: Hold your fire! Hold your fire! I said hold your fucking fire!

The unknown assailants finally hold their fire. At this point, Jan became even more annoyed.

Jan: Dude, bro. These guys are complete fucking idiots! Are you sure about this shit?

Luke: Please. This is a test. An insignificant ordinary test. Don't forget the big picture. His plans are moving forward and we are but the smallest cogs in his great machine.

Jan: Heh. Fine. Whatever. Let's have a little fun!

Jan then snaps his fingers and the doors to the bus is blasted open. A small army of heavily armored zombie like creatures walk out of the bus armed with machine guns and riot shields with the words "Boo Doo People Murder People" printed on them with the emblem of the Valentine Brothers painted at the top. As the creatures formed up behind the Valentine Brothers, Jan brandishes two machine guns.

Jan: Listen up, maggots! You know how the plan goes, you make the kill, you drink the spill! And if you run into Alucard or that Ozpin PRICK, don't you quit until they're DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!

With that, the Valentine Brothers led their army on Beacon Academy. Using the Grimm attack on Vale as a coverup, the Valentine Brothers would launch a full scale attack on Beacon Academy with the intention of killing Alucard, Ozpin and all others who stood in their way.

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