Chapter Ninety Five - Cordially Invited

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After their encounter with Robyn, Alucard and Walter along with Blake and Yang met up with the others. They were informed that they were invited to a to dinner, hosted by Jacques Schnee. They decided that this was the perfect opportunity to search for clues regarding Jacques's election. As they made their way to the Schnee Manor, they were led to the dining room where Jacques greets them. Alucard and Walter along with Ironwood, Penny, Winter and Clover Ebi were led to the dining room. When they reached the dining room, Alucard and Walter sees that the Atlas Council was in attendance as well as Robyn. 

Ironwood: Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla.

Ironwood takes a seat at the end of the table.

Robyn: Councilwoman Hill would have had a nice ring to it. Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table.

Jacques: Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight.

Ironwood: What is she doing here?

Jacques: What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our kingdom, which means we have much to discuss.

Alucard and Walter took their seats and surveyed the room. They remained silent as everyone speaks about the increasingly tensions between Atlas and Mantle as well as Remnant as a whole.

Sleet: The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us.

Ironwood: But I have....

Camilla: It's obvious that no kingdom intends to declare war on Atlas. We had no involvement in the incident at Haven, we have proof our drones weren't acting on orders at Beacon. At this point, the closure of Atlas borders is only serving to hurt our relations with the rest of the world.

Robyn: The rest of the world? It's hurting us. The people of Atlas are suffering and they want to know why.

Jacques: Quite right, Miss Hill. I'm afraid of the ever-growing list of classified information you seem to be keeping. I asked our fellow councilmen here to shed some light on your Amity Colosseum project and, as it turns out, they know about as much as I do. And I'm afraid there's more than just your choices that have brought harm to our citizens as of late. Have your forces found any additional evidence as to who is slaughtering innocent civilians down in Mantle?

As Jacques said that, Alucard chuckled. This caught Jacques's attenton. 

Jacques: Did I say something funny?

Alucard: As a matter of fact, you have. For all your claims of being concerned for the wellbeing of the citizens of both Atlas and Mantle, the truth is quite the opposite. 

Jacques: Excuse me? I've dealt with slander before so I know how to react accordingly.

Alucard laughed once more as Alucard locked eyes with Jacques. Jacques became uneasy as the Vampire stared at him. 

Alucard: You reek of fear, Jacques. Do not bother trying to hide it from me. I sense deception in you. A deception that only you know. It is a deception I am very well accustomed to. Everything that has transpired here was not of your doing. 

Jacques became even more nervous. He tries to deflect the conversation about Ironwood's leadership, but Alucard doesn't relent.

Alucard: I know your kind. You were born to wealth and privilege, yet you have nothing else to offer. You use your wealth and status to acquire more power. You're a narrow-minded king...a coward unable to do anything on your own. When stripped of your wealth and status, you're nothing more than a leech. 

Walter smirked as he talked down on Jacques. To see someone like Jacques Schnee be frightened of Alucard amused Walter. 

Alucard: Do you know what happens to scum like you? They meet ignoble ends. They die and the world will forget that you ever existed. When your bones are reduced to dust and scatter to the winds, all history shall say of you is simply another power hungry fool who flew too close to the Sun. 

As Alucard continued to talk down on Jacques, he found himself  terrified of Alucard. Meanwhile, Weiss made her way to Jacques's office after coordinating a plan with the rest of Ruby's group to uncover the truth about Jacques. As she was about to search the office, she was approached by Weiss's mother.

Willow: I'm sorry I couldn't come down for your party, I'm... afraid I'm not feeling well.

Weiss: Um... it's okay, mom. It's fine.

Willow: What are you doing your father's office?

Weiss: Just looking for something I left. I need to use father's computer.

Willow: Why?

Weiss: Because I think he may have done something. Something wrong.

Willow: I thought we all simply assumed that at this point.

Willow soon informs Weiss that Jacques started locking his computer. However, Willow then hands Weiss a Scroll from the desk.

Willow: You haven't come back to stay, have you?

Weiss: No.

Willow: Good. A man came by. I'm afraid your father may be involved in something more dangerous than he realizes. No matter what happens, Weiss... please don't forget about your brother.

Weiss nods her head to her mother with sadness in her eyes. After that moment, Weiss looks over the footage on the scroll. The footage shows Jacques speaking to Schrödinger as well as the holoimage of the Major. 

Major(Footage): Herr Schnee. I do not want to hear excuses. Now I have made the necessary arrangements to see that you win the election. As Warrant Officer Schrödinger has said, your assistance is most appreciated. However, your recent endeavors have been...disappointing. Your Ironwood problem is starting to be quite the headache.

Jacques(Footage): I'm taking a big risk talking to you. If anyone finds out about this, then not only am I going to lose this election, but that bastard Ironwood will no doubt have me shot!

Major(Footage): You worry too much, Herr Schnee! You'll win this election. And once you win this election, you'll help prepare Atlas for the glorious war to come. What if I said you can have your cake... and eat it, too?

As the Major said this, Jacques took a seat in his desk. With a smirk on his face, Schrödinger walks over to Jacques desk and sits on it.

Major(Footage): Now then, continue your campaign and we'll take care of the rest. Don't waste this opportunity. It would be a shame if we had to take matters into our own hands. Farewell for now.

With the Major's message delivered, Schrödinger walks away. But as he reaches the door, he turns to Jacques.

Schrödinger(Footage): Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man, you think you know.

As the footage ended, Weiss was in shock to find out that her father was an agent of Millennium. With that information now known, Weiss moved quickly. Meanwhile, Arthur Watts shuts off Mantle's heating grid. The temperature of Mantle's air drops enough for the rain to become snow. In that moment, events had been set in motion that would bring about chaos in Atlas.

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