Chapter Ten - An Unconventional Partnership

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As Alucard and Walter aid Ozpin in his efforts to prepare Remnant for the war to come, Salem's agents have already arrived in Vale. Cinder Fall along with Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black have allied themselves with the criminal Roman Torchwick. As Cinder sets Salem's plan in motion, Roman leads Cinder and her allies to a seedy club. 

Emerald: What's your game, Torchwick? 

Roman: It seems your arrival didn't go quite as unnoticed as you would hope. Luckily for you, these two are friends of mine. 

Cinder and her allies follow Roman into the club. As they follow Roman into the club, he leads them to a VIP section where a man with pale skin, long blonde hair tied with a white ribbon at the end, and green eyes wearing a white suit. Roman greets the man. 

Roman: Luke Valentine as I live and breathe! Is your brother around?

Luke: Roman Torchwick. I knew you'd come here eventually. Jan's in the back taking care of some....riff raff. I see you've brought the newcomers to our club. 

It was at this moment that Cinder Fall approached Luke. Luke showed no sign of concern as he takes a sip of his drink which contained a red liquid. 

Cinder: You've been keeping watch over my affairs? Can't exactly have that, can we?

Luke: Threatening me at my establishment is not how you gain associates. Luckily for you, the man I'm working for is quite interested in your little scheme. But what else do you expect from agents of Salem?

Upon hearing this, Emerald and Mercury were caught off guard. 

Mercury: How the hell do you know about Salem? 

???: Hey bro! Who're these dipshits?! 

As the voice called out, a man with dark skin, amber eyes, and dark hair with multiple piercings wearing a dark blue high-collared jacket entered the room. 

Luke: Jan, these are the people our boss informed us about. 

Jan: They don't look like much to me. How about we waste these fucking assholes? I call dibs on skull fucking the bitch in red!

Luke: Don't be stupid, Jan. Killing them would be pointless, not to mention a violation of our orders. 

Jan: Always gotta take the fun out of everything, don't ya, Luke? 

Luke then gets up from his chair and gestures Roman and the others to follow him. They follow Luke and Jan into a private office. Once they were alone, Luke speaks with Cinder. 

Luke: We've been keeping an eye on you ever since you arrived. Your little schemes have been attracting the wrong attention. 

Cinder: Ozpin has no way of tracking us. 

Jan: Clearly you don't know shit, bitch! 

Luke: Let's be civil, Jan. We can't fault them for being ignorant. It's an honest mistake. 

Emerald: You clearly think very highly of yourself. 

Luke: Unlike you, I am a professional. A professional with...enhancements. 

Jan: The kind that makes Ozpin's school of pussies into our bitches!

Luke: Up until now, we've been waiting for the right time to make our move. Now that you're here, we can begin. 

Cinder: And what exactly are we planning, Valentine?

Luke: I'll keep the finer details of the plan to myself. After all, I'm sure you wouldn't be comfortable sharing your secrets to us. 

Cinder became annoyed at Luke's attitude. Despite this, Cinder maintained her composure. 

Luke: What I can reveal is that you are free to continue operating as you see fit. All that I ask is that you don't get yourselves compromised or killed. 

Cinder: Then I assume we'll be in touch, Valentine. 

Luke: Indeed. Our business is concluded. You may leave. 

With that, Cinder along with Emerald, Mercury and Roman left Luke's office and proceeded to leave the club. Inside the office, Jan speaks with his brother. 

Jan: Why are we wasting our times with that sorry lot of assholes, bro? I knew Torchwick was an idiot, but I didn't think he'd work with a bunch of sorry ass pussies like them! 

Luke: They'll play their part and we'll play ours. It's high time we stopped all these territorial pissing matches once and for all. Don't you agree, Jan? 

Jan: War games, eh? I'm down for that shit!

Luke: But first, we're going to be needing some soldiers. 

With that, the Valentine brothers set their plan in motion. Meanwhile outside the club, Cinder speaks with her allies. 

Mercury: You think those Valentine assholes are gonna be a problem?

Cinder: We'll have to keep a close eye on them, but it looks like they won't interfere. 

Emerald: Those guys guys gave me the creeps.

???: Oh you don't have to worry about the Valentine Brothers, fraulein! 

When Cinder and her allies turned around, they found a young boy standing in front of them. He appeared to be a teenage Cat Faunus wearing cadet uniform. 

Mercury: Who the hell are you? 

???: My name is Schrödinger and I've been sent by my commanding officer to aid you, Cinder Fall.

Emerald: How did you....

Schrödinger: As they say, I am everywhere and nowhere. As for the Valentine Brothers, you need not worry about them. They'll do their part when the time comes. 

Cinder: And how exactly are you a part of this?

Schrödinger: I'll be posing as the fourth member of your team!

Cinder: I don't have time for this. Just don't get in my way.

With that, Schrödinger joined Cinder and her allies in their efforts to advance Salem's plans. And with the Vytal Festival near, the gears have begun rolling towards one outcome: destruction.

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