Chapter Forty Five - A Personal Mission

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Outside the Xiao Long-Rose Family Home, Yang spray paints her robotic arm and half of Ember Celica bright yellow. After doing so, she walks to the toolshed and removes the tarp covering her motorcycle named Bumblebee. As she readied Bumblebee, Taiyang approached her.

Taiyang: I don't remember saying that you were ready.

Yang: Oh yeah? You're gonna try and stop me?

Taiyang: No. I think I'm still too sore after our last fight. I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter. And, I also have a question for you. Where are you going?

Yang: What do you mean?

Taiyang: Well, despite asking him numerous times not to, I know that Qrow told you where your mother's been at these days. I know how much you wanna see her. I've stopped you in the past, but I won't anymore. And we both read the note. We know your sister's headed to Mistral. So, where are you going?

As Taiyang asked his daughter that question, Yang was silent. It was clear to him where his daughter was going.

Taiyang: I thought as much. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Yang: I have to, Dad. I have to find out why she left.

Taiyang: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. But I understand that you want answers. But I wish you didn't go alone.

At that point, Walter intervened.

Walter: And she won't be alone, Mr. Xiao Long. I shall be accompanying her on this endeavor.

Yang: This is personal.

Walter: I understand. I was once in your position when I was your age. So allow this humble butler to aid you in this mission.

As Walter said this, Yang became curious as to why Walter wished to join her.

Walter: As your father said, you still have much to learn. While your fighting abilities seemed to improve, you still need training over controlling your emotions. Now I have taught many students before you and I will continue teaching many students after you.

It didn't take long for Yang to compare Walter with Doctor Oobleck. The way Walter was passionate about teaching was all too familiar. Yang then looked to her robotic arm.

Walter: I understand your need to see this through. Though it would be considered unwise to do this alone.

Yang: Is that right?

Walter: Yes. You endured much in such a short span of time. I feel I must take responsibility for what happened to you. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of all my students. But in your case, I failed. Now I wish to correct that mistake.

As Walter made his case, Yang could see that he took what happened to Yang very seriously.

Yang: You don't owe me anything, Mr. Dornez.

Walter: But I do, Miss Xiao Long. While I am no longer a teacher at Beacon, I still feel I have an obligation to help you see this through. And besides, I know your mother quite well. I can help ensure that nothing interrupts your reunion.

Yang took a moment to think on this. While she wanted to find her mother alone, she also knew that Walter could be a big help to her. She knew of how skilled he was in battle. Yang also knew that finding her mother wouldn't be easy. 

Yang: All right, Mr. Dornez. 

As Yang says this, Walter lets out a smile as he bows his head to her.

Walter: Thank you, Miss Xiao Long. I can assure you that you will not regret this. 

Taiyang: Walter, I just wanted to say thank you for all that you've done. Not just with Yang, but with Ruby. You took care of my little girls when I couldn't. I can't thank you enough. 

Walter: Thank you, Mr. Xiao Long. Your kind words are much appreciated.

Taiyang: Don't mention it. You helped my daughter get back on her feet.

Walter placed his hand on Taiyang's shoulders.

Walter: I only pushed her in the right direction. You give yourself too little credit, my friend. As her father, you deserve the most credit. You of all people were there for both your daughters when they needed you the most. You must be very proud of how far your daughter has come.

Taiyang then glances over to his daughter. A sense of pride began to swell within Taiyang.

Taiyang: More than you know.

Walter: I promise on my life and my honor as both a Huntsman and a gentleman that I will keep your daughter safe. As long as I am by her side, no harm shall come to her.

Taiyang: I have no doubt you will. I'm sure Yang will watch your back as closely as you watch hers.

Yang: Can we get a move on? We're losing light. Walter. How about you ride with me? I hope you like motorcycles.

Walter: Under most circumstances, I wouldn't. I find those dreadful machines to be far too dangerous for my liking. But since I have no means of transportation, I take you up on your offer.

With that, Walter joined Yang on her mission to find her mother. After that, Walter got on the Bumblebee with Yang  rode away from the Xiao Long-Rose Family Home.

Taiyang: Stay safe, my little Sun Dragon.

Taiyang watched with both sadness and pride as his daughter set out on her personal mission. Though Taiyang would always be concerned for his daughter's safety, Taiyang was confident that Walter would protect her every step of the way. 

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