Chapter One Hundred Three - Into The Lion's Den

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As the evacuation was underway, Ruby's group along with May Marigold made their way to a abandoned building. Alucard then kicks down the door.

May: That's one way of opening a door.

Alucard nods at May as he walks inside. The others soon followed.

Nora: Thanks again for coming.

May: Don't mention it. Once Robyn learned about Amity Tower, she wouldn't shut up about it. Wherever she is, I'm sure she would want us doing what we can to get it up in the air and get the world talking again. Besides, Fiona's got your friends helping out in my stead.

Alucard: This situation is far from ideal, but I'm sure we'll manage.

As they entered the building, they see numerous robots are seen manning devices next to large, slightly transparent tubes. A package goes up one of the tubes with an audible whoosh. The robots do not react as the group walks in.

Weiss: Snow Shoe Shipping is an SDC subsidiary, meaning all the drones here report to the company, not the general. The pneumatic tubes allow for Dust refined in the crater to be sent straight up to Atlas. We just need to find the one for the military base.

Blake: Are there any buildings in Atlas that your family doesn't own?

Weiss: That isn't relevant.

As Penny looks upon a terminal that says "Destination: Atlas Academy" she looks down in sadness as Ruby approaches her.

Penny: I do not like it when friends fight.

Ruby: I know. Yang and I may not agree on how best to save Mantle but....

Penny: No. I mean Winter. The general. They were our friends. But then the Ace Ops attacked you. And the general, he said people were going to die, because of me.

Alucard: You cannot blame yourself for what Ironwood plans to do. Your path has so far led you to this moment. Only you can decide where you path shall lead you.

Though Alucard words brought some comfort to her, Penny couldn't help but feel as though she could do more.

Penny: I was the protector of Mantle, but now, I am much more than that, and I wish I was not.

Ruby: But, you're still you Penny. By becoming the Winter Maiden you did protect Mantle.

Penny: Thank you Ruby.

Alucard: I do not envy you, Penny. Carrying that kind of power is never easy.

Penny smiled as they moved forward. Soon enough, Nora calls out to them. When they reach Nora's position, they found the terminal in which activates the tubes. 

Blake: I suppose there's no turning back now.

May: Between our secret weapon, and my Semblance, you all couldn't be in better hands.

Alucard: You have no need to worry about me, Miss Marigold.

As Alucard said this, Ruby and the others looked at Alucard.

Nora: So do we use this thing?

Weiss makes her way to the tube and sits where the cargo is loaded.

Weiss: It should be simple. If you lie back in the tube and press launch-

Nora presses a button on the nearby console, sending Weiss up the tube, causing her to scream in surprise. As the others look on with bewildered expressions, Nora expresses joy at the sight. Soon enough, the rest of the group use the tubes to enter the Atlas Central Command undetected. 

May: Alright robo-girl, you're up. Which way?

Penny: We'll cross the bridge, then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left.

As Penny tells the directions in a very fast pace, Alucard was able to keep track of what Penny was saying. May then uses her Semblance to turn everyone invisible. As they stealthily navigate through the halls of Atlas Central Command, they reach an elevator. As they reach the floor to where their target was, two soldiers enter the elevator.

Soldier #1: I don't think even the squad captain knows what's going on up there. They can't get close to that storm without getting shocked right out of the air.

Soldier #2: It's creepy, all those Grimm just... waiting. Worse than if they'd attacked...

Soldier #1: Hey, don't say that! You'll jinx us.

As the soldiers carried out their conversation, Penny leads the group past the soldiers. As they exit the elevator, Nora presses every button on the elevator controls. After that, they reach a wide corridor to a large locked door with "03" in large print on it. Penny then uses Pietro's credentials to unlock the door.

May: Alright, where to next, Penny?

Penny: Right through central command!

As May peaks out the door, she sees that the room was filled with Atlesian workers. Standing at the entrance were two Atlesian soldiers. Alucard then approaches the soldiers and looks at the soldiers and began mesmerizing them.

Alucard: You have been reassigned by General Ironwood. You will leave your posts. 

Atlesian Soldier #1: We have been reassigned by General Ironwood. 

Atlesian Soldier #2: We will leave our posts.

Without hesitation, the two Atlesian soldiers walk away. Once they soldiers were gone, the group moved forward. As they get closer to their objective, the room is locked down as an alarm was raised.

Ironwood(Intercom): A security threat has been detected in the compound, status alert level 3: red. Lockdown initiated. Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force. Alucard began laughing.

Alucard: This is where the fun begins!

In that moment, the plan went south. Now they would have to adapt if they were going to salvage the plan. As Alucard cocked his Jackal and Casull pistols, he prepared himself for a hostile encounter with the Atlesian forces stationed at the base. 

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