Chapter One Hundred Twenty - A Strange World

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The last thing Ruby remembered was falling. During her fall, she found herself locked in a bitter struggle against Neopolitan. During the struggle, Neopolitan shifted her form Oscar. After pushing Neopolitan off of her, everything went black. After what seemed like an eternity, Ruby woke up in what appeared to be a beach. She slowly got up and observed her surroundings. Ruby sees two very intact suns seemingly orbiting each other as they slowly orbit. She turns around to see a tropical albeit equally strange forest. The palm trees form odd bulbous shapes, some wrap around each other while others appear to be two or three trees stacked together. The tree in the center, however, is enormous towering over the distance. It stands so tall that only the bottom section of its canopy is visible as the rest. A flock of large birds burst out from the top of the forest, drawing Ruby's attention to a not quite as distant cliff edge on the other side of the forest. After scanning her environment she begins making her way towards the large tree in the distance, eventually becoming frustrated after repeatedly passing through the same location despite moving in a straight line. Ruby settles down and begins to cry right as it begins raining. Eventually, she came across a mouse. Ruby smiles as the mouse eats its food.

Ruby: Now if only you could help me...

The mouse then looks to Ruby, gulping its food.

Mouse: I could try.

Ruby stares at the mouse wide-eyed for a moment, before suddenly screaming out, startling the mouse as well.

Mouse: Why are you yelling?!

Ruby: I. Uh. Because. You. Oh! You're--

Mouse: Did you wanna share? Oh, I guess it's only fair...

Ruby: No, that's-- that's alright. Uh, I guess, uh... I've just never really spoken to, uh... a mouse before?

Mouse: Hmm, well, I guess I've never spoken to a... you before. What are you?

Ruby: Oh, uh, I'm a human. A girl? A Huntress?

Mouse: That's a lot of things.

Ruby: I'm.... I'm Ruby Rose. 

Mouse: And to Ruby Rose is... your purpose? 

Ruby: No. No, that's my name. Do you have a name? 

Mouse: I'm still young, so...not yet. 

Ruby points to her chin in thought. 

Ruby: How about I call you....Little, for now. Would that be alright? 

Little: Hm, how does one....Little? 

Ruby giggles a bit before frowning again. Suddenly, frantic footsteps were heard. Ruby turned to face whatever was approaching. Suddenly, a young boy who appeared to be Ruby's age rushed out from the trees. During his frantic running, he tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. Ruby and Little rushed over to the boy. 

Ruby: Are you okay?!

Boy: I'm...I'm fine. 

As the boy locked eyes with Ruby, he recognized her. 

Boy: I....I know you. You're that Huntress that warned us about Salem! My parents and I were among the people you were trying to get out of Mantle. 

Ruby: Where are your parents?

Boy: I...I don't know. I....I remember a big explosion. I was pushed off the edge. Before I realized what was happening, I ended up here.....

At this point, Ruby hugged the boy to comfort him as he was distressed about the situation. 

Ruby: It's going to be okay. We'll get you back to your parents. I'm Ruby. What's your name?

Boy: H...Hansel. 

Ruby: I know it's scary, Hansel, but we'll find a way back home. We just need to find my friends....

At this point, Ruby turns to Little. 

Little: Huh? What's wrong?

Ruby: I'm....uh, have you seen other people? Humans, like me or Hansel.

Little: Exactly like you?

Ruby: No, not....exactly like me. Look at me and Hansel. We don't look exactly like each other, but we're both Humans. 

Little: I'm sure it'll make sense eventually.

Ruby: would have long, blonde hair, the other has... well, uh ears.

As Ruby says this, Little yelps, hiding behind the cheese. Ruby quickly realizes the mistake she made.

Ruby: Sorry! I-- I should've known. I've seen plenty of cartoons.

Little: Well, I've never seen anyone who does, or doesn't, look like you. But, maybe someone in my village has. They're always out foraging, you know, since we need food and stuff.

Ruby sighs in relief. 

Little: Speaking of which....a few more of these wouldn't hurt!

Little points to more of the cheese sprouts planted in the ground.

Ruby: Hansel, have you seen any others?

Hansel: When I woke up, I was all by myself. You are the first person I encountered. 

Ruby lets out a disappointed sigh. Hansel quickly notices that Ruby was without her weapon. 

Hansel: What happened to your weapon?

Ruby: I...I don't know. I lost it during the fall. Someone really bad was attacking me. all happened so fast.

Hansel: It must've been scary. 

Ruby: You have no idea....

Hansel: It's okay, Ruby! I managed to find this. 

Hansel then proceeded to show Ruby a pistol. Ruby was caught off guard by this. 

Ruby: Is that a gun?!

Hansel: Yeah! It's my Papa's! He must've dropped it when that mean woman and the Grimm attacked. I....I hope he and Mama made it safely. They must be worried sick about me. 

At this point, Ruby could see that Hansel was clearly distressed at the situation. 

Ruby: Everything will be alright, Hansel. We'll find a way back home. But first things first, we need to find the others. 

With that, Ruby had companionship with Hansel and Little. In that moment, Ruby began her search for the rest of their friends with Hansel and Little in this strange world.

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