Leave Her Alone (Alpha!Laxus v Omega!Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Oddxddiams.

I have to be honest, this request was a bit unexpected, mainly because I'm not exactly involved in the A/B/O trope and kinda forgot that it existed.

As for my opinions on Lalu, I love it! I think that Laxus and Lucy had a lot of potential to be at least good friends. I have a soft spot for rare ships and crack ships. I totally ship them and love to read fanfics about them. I especially love to read fanfics that depict Laxus' soft side. I also adore fanfics that show Laxus being protective because I honestly wholeheartedly believe Laxus would be the protective type of boyfriend.

On to the oneshot.

I don't have much experience with A/B/O fics (I think I've only read three fics with the trope and I've never written anything involving it), but I did research into it, and I did the best I could while staying away from aspects of this trope that make me uncomfortable. I wasn't sure how to fit A/B/O into the canon world of Fairy Tail, so I decided to go with a High School AU instead. This means that instead of Team Natsu abusing Lucy per se, they more bully her.


I hope you enjoy it!


Lucy Heartfilia approached the large high school cautiously. She didn't want to stop being homeschooled. She didn't want to begin public school. She didn't want to attend this high school. She had heard about Fairy Tail High. It was a high school that was notorious for having alphas that horribly picked on omegas.

Lucy, being an omega, had begged her father to not make her attend Fairy Tail High, but he was adamant in his decision. So, here she was, walking into the school where she was bound to be picked on. She was relieved, though, that her father agreed to let her get pills that would suppress her heats. Despite that, since she didn't want to draw much attention to herself, she decided to wear a simple white turtleneck and a pair of plain skinny jeans.

Lucy walked towards the office and knocked on the door. When the door opened she saw a very pretty, white-haired young woman that was probably her age or a little bit older. The young woman was dressed in a beautiful yellow dress that reach her knees and showed off her large bust. Her foresty scent told Lucy that she was a beta. The young woman gave a wide smile and greeted Lucy, "hello! You must be the new student! Come on in and I'll get you your schedule." A small smile made its way onto Lucy's face as she walked in and sat in the chair that was in front of the office's desk.

The white-haired woman sat in the swivel chair on the other side of the desk. "I'm Mirajane, by the way, but you can call me Mira." Lucy nodded in acknowledgment of the introduction and watched as the young woman turned her attention to the computer on top of the desk and questioned the other teenager, "could I please get your name?" Lucy hesitated for a few seconds before answering, "Lucy Heartfilia." She cringed a little at how she sounded. She had tried to sound confident but ended up sounding meek than anything.

Mira typed in the name she was given and, after scanning the information that came up, gave Lucy a pitiful look. She spoke with a sympathetic tone in her voice, "you're an omega, huh? I thought so from your pleasant scent. I won't lie to you, omegas don't exactly have it easy here. The alphas tend to be real jerks. Not all of them, of course, but there are quite a few." Lucy nodded, already knowing this. Mira printed off the teenager's schedule and, as she picked it up off the printer, continued to speak in a soft tone, "my advice is to stay clear of a group of alphas that call themselves 'Team Natsu.' They are the worst. Their names are Erza, Natsu, and Gray. Natsu is the ringleader. Also, stay close to betas, many of them stick up for the omegas. It's better to let someone who stands more of a chance against alphas stand up to them rather than face them yourself."

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