Cuddles and Protective Teammates (Cana x Lucy ft. Team Natsu)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Butterflyzilla.

Here is some CaLu fluff and Team Natsu being protective. I also tried to add some humor, but I don't really know how good it'll be because humor is one of those things that is difficult for me to write when I'm actually trying.

I hope you enjoy!


Cana sneaked out of the Fairy Tail guildhall, making her way to a familiar apartment. The full moon was high in the night sky, which was dotted with hundreds of brightly shining stars. There was no doubt that the people of Magnolia are sleeping, or at least, trying to sleep. Considering Fairy Tail was having another party, it wasn't a surprise that the town's residents were probably going to be a bit grouchy in the morning due to their local guild. Why was Fairy Tail partying? Nobody knew, not even the mages themselves. They were partying for the sake of partying, and they likely weren't going to stop until they are passed out on the guildhall's floor.

Cana chuckled at the thought, remembering the many times that she had woken up from a night of partying and drinking, one side of her face red from having slept with that side pressed against the surface of the bar. She would then return to drinking herself back to a blackout about five minutes after waking up.

The card mage looked behind her, making sure that she wasn't being followed, before she turned back around. She then picked up her pace a little, wanting to get to her destination as quickly as possible. When she left the guildhall, it was ten minutes till midnight. She knew that by the time she got to her girlfriend's apartment, then it'll be midnight. This was her goal.

It didn't take her long to reach a familiar, pink building, having been here more times than she could remember in the past. She easily climbed up to a window, silently sliding it open. She stuck her head inside, seeing that the blonde in the bed that was below the window sill was sound asleep. Cana stopped for a moment, watching the blonde woman, just for a bit. She watched as her girlfriend's busty chest rose and fell with her breaths. The peaceful look on her face caused a small smile to appear on Cana's face. The brunette felt almost bad about what she was about to do.


After a few moments of savoring the lovely sight of her sleeping girlfriend, Cana slipped through the window and gently stepped onto the bed, being careful to not accidentally wake Lucy. She didn't want to do that just yet. She then readied herself. Her feet were far apart and her knees were bent, she looked as though she was about to leap forward. Her hands were brought up in front of her body, elbows bent. She waited a few moments before she dropped herself forward. Her legs were on either side of Lucy's body, holding Cana so that she wasn't putting her full weight on her girlfriend, but was also sitting on her. The brunette's hands gripped the celestial wizard's shoulders.

Her small smile grew as she watched Lucy jump awake and begin to panic before quickly calming down when she realized who had jumped onto her. The blonde woman sighed, "Cana! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Cana gave a hearty laugh and leaned down to kiss Lucy. She then pulled away to respond, "sorry, couldn't resist the opportunity."

Lucy rested her hands on Cana's knees, sighing once more, "you could have knocked, you know." After Cana gave a mere shrug and an amused grin, the blonde continued, "why are you here?"

The card mage collapsed onto the bed next to her girlfriend and pulled her against her chest, her arms wrapped around the blonde tightly in a hold that made Lucy feel loved and protected. Cana further moved so that she was laying on her back, making Lucy rest her head on her barely-covered chest. The brunette then finally answered, "it's midnight, which means, it's our one-year anniversary."

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