Mating Season and Jealousy (Lisanna x Lucy x Erza ft. Mira and Aquarius)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Butterflyzilla.

So, the requester wanted for celestial wizards to have a mating season. Now, do I understand how that makes sense? No. Am I going to try to explain it in the oneshot? Also no.

I hope you enjoy!


Erza gave a satisfied hum as she took a bite of a strawberry cake. She glanced over at the doors of the guild, wondering when Lucy would arrive. She knew that her close friend and crush wasn't on a job, nor was she away from Magnolia for any other reason, so why hadn't she entered the guildhall yet? It was frustrating Erza, a bit. The courage she had managed to build up was waning, and she wasn't sure how much longer it would remain.

She looked down at her piece of cake as she took another bite when she heard the doors open. She snapped her head up, hopeful that the mage entering was Lucy. However, when she saw that it wasn't, she felt a slight twinge of disappointment. This twinge was small, though, because she instantly noticed that the mage was Lisanna.

Erza smiled as her girlfriend made her way over to her, a large smile on her face. The two women shared a kiss before Lisanna sat on the other side of the table and asked, "has Lucy gotten here yet?"

Erza shook her head, answering, "I can't figure out why. She's not on a job and she doesn't have anything else to do."

Lisanna gave a short hum. "That's strange," she muttered, "she always comes to the guild when she's not busy."

Erza sighed and laid her fork on the plate in front of her. She then lamented, dark eyes staring down the table, "it's probably for the best. I don't think she'll be interested."

She felt Lisanna gently take hold of her hand before soothing her, "we won't know until we ask her. Who really knows, she might be interested."

Erza shifted her eyes to look at her girlfriend, but didn't title her head up. She asked, "and if she isn't?"

Lisanna's eyes softened, "then we can remain friends with her"

Erza gave a silent sigh and nodded, taking back her hand to resume eating her cake. She and Lisanna had been dating for several months. Imagine their surprise when they realized that they both were crushing on Lucy. They had just managed to decide to confess to Lucy together on that day, but it appeared to them that they will need to reschedule this planned love confession.

Erza was lost in her thoughts as she ate when she glanced up at Lisanna, only to pause in her eating when she saw that her girlfriend was staring at something behind her, blue eyes wide and nostrils flared.

The redhead turned around slightly and froze when she saw that Lucy was sitting at the bar. What caused jealousy to swirl within her gut was the fact that Mira was leaning over the bar, her hands holding Lucy's, as she whispered into the blonde's ear. Lucy promptly laughed, her cheeks red.

Erza turned back around to stare down at the table again, her hands curled into fists. She fought the urge to come between the two aforementioned women as she bit out a whisper, "I wasn't aware that Mira and Lucy were interested in each other." She knew that she shouldn't be assuming without direct confirmation, but it was difficult to think what she just witnessed was something other than what she suspected it was.

Lisanna muttered, her reaction no doubt resembling Erza's, "my sister never mentioned it to me."

Erza heard the doors open, and looked over to see Mira and Lucy leaving the guildhall. She stared at the now-closed doors, she felt her heart break, accompanying the bitter of feeling of jealousy that she was trying to swallow down.

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