The Cat Caught the Fairy Part 3 (Millianna x Lucy ft. The Four Women Again)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

It's time for Millianna to get protective and for the pursuers of Lucy from the first part of the story to try and break them up. Also, if you're wondering why I didn't put Cana's, Levy's, Erza's, and Mira's names in the title, it's because Wattpad has a character limit for the title, and the one I wanted to use had too many characters.

I hope you enjoy!


Millianna sat at the bar, drinking a glass of water. She was waiting for her girlfriend to return from a job that she had gone on with Natsu, which was supposed to be later that day. She had a date planned and wanted to go as soon as possible.

As she waited patiently, she heard a woman clear her throat. She looked over to see the barmaid, who she thought was named Mira, standing right next to her. She felt a bit unnerved by the smile on her face. It was sweet. Too sweet.

Nevertheless, Millianna pushed that aside and set her glass on the bar, and smiled back at her, asking, "do you need something?"

She watched as Mira sat beside her and spoke, "waiting for Lucy to come back, hm?"

Millianna nodded, answering, "yeah. I have a date planned for her and me."

Mira gave a small sigh before she remarked, looking at her guildmates, "you have a lot of trust in her."

The Mermaid Heel mage raised an eyebrow as her smile fell, questioning, "what do you mean?"

The barmaid turned to her, answering, "exactly what I said! You seem to trust her a lot!"

Millianna was taken aback. What was Mira doing saying this? Was she implying something? She shifted on the stool she was sitting on as she questioned, "what are you implying?" It was clear from her tone that she was suspicious about something.

Mira put her hands up, as if defending herself, and she answered, "nothing! I'm just surprised that you trust Lucy so much!"

Millianna's eyes narrowed into a glare, anger rising to a boil within her in an instant. "Of course I trust Lucy. She's my girlfriend. Why are you surprised?" She didn't want to get into an altercation with one of Fairy Tail's S-Class mages, but she also wouldn't shy away if the woman in front of her really was implying what she thought she was.

Mira dropped her hands and answered with a smile, "well, nearly everyone has expected Lucy and Natsu to get together. It takes a lot of trust to let your girlfriend go on a job with a guy who was the top contender for her heart."

Upon hearing that, Millianna stood up and grabbed the front of Mira's dress, pulling her closer. She leaned in and whispered, her tone low and threatening, "I will not sit here and let you insinuate that my girlfriend is cheating with your sister's boyfriend. If you do it again, then I will hurt you."

She then released Mira and stormed out of the guild, making her way to Lucy's apartment, which she had an extra key to, with the intent to wait for her there.

Millianna strolled along the streets of Magnolia, a serene smile on her face. She enjoyed going on morning walks, but her girlfriend wasn't so keen, unfortunately. After several minutes of trying to get Lucy up to accompany her, she eventually gave up and decided to go for a walk alone. She was now on her way to a cafe to get herself and Lucy some coffee and pastries.

As she soaked up the warm, morning sun, she heard a familiar voice call out to her from behind, "Millianna! Wait!"

The Mermaid Heel mage turned around before quickly grinning when she saw Erza jogging toward her. She threw her arms around the red-haired woman as she exclaimed, "Erza! It's great to see you!"

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