Apology and Confession (Gajeel x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Pup.

The requestor mentioned that in canon Gajeel's earlier treatment of Lucy wasn't acknowledged and that sucks. I agree with this. I don't like how the fact that Gajeel tortured Lucy and was about to kill her was basically brushed under the rug. I would have loved to see Gajeel and Lucy have a moment where he expresses regret for how he treated her and she assures him that she forgives him and doesn't hold it against him. I love them as a couple, but also love them as close friends. I wish that they had more moments together, especially meaningful moments. The whole Phantom Lord thing would have been such a great way to make them close friends and it would've been a major source of angst, and you people should know by now how much I love angst.

I am happy to write some angsty GaLu where Gajeel is regretful and genuinely sorry about what he did to Lucy.

I hope that you enjoy!


Gajeel stared at the plate of iron that Mira had placed in front of him, not hungry for the substance that he was known to eat almost as much as Cana drank alcohol. He tuned out the sound of his guildmates talking and brawling. As he stared down at the iron as if it owed him money, he fought to keep his thoughts off of a certain celestial wizard.

However, when his red eyes shifted to the bar. He watched as Lucy chatted happily with Mira, periodically sipping on her strawberry milkshake. Her beautiful laugh rang through the sound of fighting and reached the Iron Dragon Slayer's ears. Gajeel closed his eyes, enjoying the carefree sound, before he looked back down at the plate of iron in front of him.

He clenched his fist, forcing down the urge to go over to her and start a conversation. Since he joined Fairy Tail, he's had some passing conversations with her, but he still kept his distance. Instead of talking to her, he watched her. He watched as she displayed endless amounts of kindness toward her guildmates. He watched as she lived her life in a carefree manner, not weighed down by what happened when Phantom Lord attacked the guild that she called home, not letting what he did to her cause any negative effects.

Gajeel, however, couldn't let go the way that Lucy seemed to have. As he watched the blonde woman that he tortured and nearly killed, he found himself quickly falling in love with her. He found himself loving the kindness that he showed toward her guildmates, loving her sharp mind, loving her intense interest in literature and writing her own novel, loving her.

He hated that he loved her.

Gajeel watched from her dark corner as Lucy went about her day, completely oblivious to his longing gaze and how he itched to make her his. He loved Lucy, but he knew that he didn't have a chance.

After all, who the hell would want to be with a guy that tortured them and was moments away from killing them? Why would Lucy want to date him when she could date her best friend? Why would she even forgive him? Gajeel hated himself for what he did to her. He hated that he was so happy to end her life. He hated that he couldn't even forgive himself. He hated that he had ruined all chances he had with Lucy before he even fell in love with her.

The dragon slayer sighed. He thought about apologizing to her, but never could make himself do it. Every time he had pushed himself to approach her, he would chicken out. His mind would become flooded with the worst possible way she could react to his apology. He knew that she wouldn't be callous, but once his mind would start to imagine it, he was suddenly not able to go through with the apology.

He's spent countless days watching her and wishing that he could turn back time and do better. Countless sleepless nights beating himself up for what he did to her. Countless hours staring up at the stars that dotted the night sky, wishing upon a shooting star that he had the balls to express how sorry he was and maybe even confess his feelings for her. He was beginning to loathe himself for what he had done. He was truly sorry and loved Lucy. He just wished that he could express that.

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