Demon Lucy Part 2 (Minerva x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by luck and Yu_Ju, and on Wattpad by Maddy2846.

Imma try to make this angsty!

I hope you enjoy!


Natsu stared at the demon who stood in front of him, his eyes wide and mouth dropped open. He took a few steps back as his gut twisted, making him feel almost as sick as he is when on a train, and his heart clenched painfully. Tears stung the corners of his eyes, a few slipping free. His brain was blank and he had no words as he processed the sight before him.

So, this is what had happened to Lucy. Standing across from him was his best friend, dressed provocatively and clearly demonized. She was staring at him, into his soul, with a smirk on her face. The dragon slayer's mind quickly became flooded with questions, none of which he was able to ask aloud.

What exactly happened to Lucy? Why was she here? Why was she with Tartaros? But, the main question on his mind was, did she join willingly?

He mentally scoffed at the idea. This was Lucy! Of course she didn't join Tartaros of her own free will. It was obvious to even himself that she was forced into this. And, he was determined to save her from these demons and bring her back to Fairy Tail, where she belonged.

Natsu watched with a furrowed brow and renewed determination as Lucy stalked toward him. He asked when she stopped about halfway across the path between them, "what happened to you, Luce?" He had to know if his best friend was still there. He had to know if he could avoid a fight.

Lucy - no, not Lucy, Demon Lucy - chuckled before she answered, "what do you think happened? I came to realize what a weak guild Fairy Tail is and joined a stronger one!"

Natsu balled his fists and clenched his teeth, anger searing through him. This wasn't Lucy! This wasn't his Lucy! He barked at her, "Luce, I know you don't mean that!"

The demonized young woman didn't respond. Instead, she rushed forward with the quickness of Laxus' lightning and delivered a kick to the middle of Natsu's abdomen. The young man felt the air in his lungs get forced out of his body with that one kick. He was sent into a crumbling building, groaning as he tried to regain his bearings.

He was eventually able to get back to his feet, his head already pounding from the force that it hit a large rock with. He called out, desperation to reach his best friend seeping into his voice, "please, Luce, I know that you don't want to fight us!"

Demon Lucy scoffed, "oh, Natsu, such an idiot as always."

Once again, she launched herself at the dragon slayer, aiming for another kick, but this time, Natsu was ready. He lit his fist and punched her cheek, causing her to yelp and get knocked away. He watched as she rolled a few times before landing right back on her feet. Natsu kept his fist ignited and raised, ready for another attack.

As Demon Lucy growled at him, a burn mark already appearing on her cheek, he questioned, "who did this to you?"

Demon Lucy growled again before she went in for another kick. Natsu was able to dodge her kick, but was knocked back when she punched him in the jaw. He groaned as he stumbled backward a few times. Demon Lucy's laughter filled his ears as he looked back up at her, rage clearly seen in his gaze.

This woman wasn't his best friend. He hated the thought of hurting her, but it was obvious to even him that he would have to in order to have even a hope of getting the real Lucy back. He took advantage of her laughing session to rush toward her, calling out his attack, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He delivered his firey punch to her stomach, grimacing when he heard her scream in pain.

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