Falling in Love with an Old Enemy (Minerva x Lucy ft. Natsu)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

Okay, MinLu has grown on me quite a lot. I used to not be much of a fan, but as time went on and I ran out of fics about the ships that mainly liked, I decided to give it a chance. I'm honestly surprised at how few MinLu fics there are. From what I have seen, there are more Jackal x Lucy fics than there are Minerva x Lucy fics. Moving on from that, though, MinLu isn't too bad, honestly. I haven't made my love of the Hero x Villain/Reformed Villain trope a secret. I LOVE it. So, the fact that MinLu has really grown on me shouldn't be very surprising. I think that they look great, so I really like them together.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy and Minerva made their way to Fairy Tail, hand-in-hand. The blonde looked at her girlfriend with a smile, stopping when she saw that she was visibly nervous. Lucy turned to face Minerva and asked, "what's wrong, Min?"

The woman from Sabertooth was silent for a few moments before she looked up at her girlfriend and said, "are you sure that they'll accept our relationship?"

Lucy kissed Minerva's forehead and answered, "of course. I promise that my guildmates won't care that we're together. After all, your guild was fine with us."

Minerva chuckled at the memory of when they had announced their relationship to Sabertooth. All were perfectly fine with the fact, Yukino lost her mind with happiness, and Sting asked the two women what their sexualities were.

Lucy pulled Minerva into a short kiss, saying when they pulled away, "Fairy Tail doesn't judge anybody, you know that. They won't care that we're together."

Minerva looked in the direction of the Fairy Tail guild, questioning, "about all of the things that I've done? Befriending someone who has hurt you is one thing, but dating them is different."

Lucy brought her hands up to cup that black-haired woman's face, softly telling her, "Min, I promise, they will not have a problem with our relationship. We might be asking a lot of questions by Mira, but nobody will have a problem. Nobody holds any of what you did against you." Minerva sighed and smiled at Lucy, leaning forward for another kiss. The pair pulled away and resumed their walking.

Upon reaching the guildhall, Lucy stepped in front of her girlfriend, asking, "are you sure you still want to do this?"

She watched as Minerva looked at the closed doors of the guildhall, her brow scrunched up in uncertainty and nervousness. Lucy was excited to tell her guildmates about her relationship, but she doesn't want to if her girlfriend wasn't comfortable with it just yet.

She took the Sabertooth mage's hand into both of hers and cooed, "we can just go back to my apartment and do this another day."

Minerva exclaimed, "but, you want to do this! And we already told my guild!"

Lucy shook her head, whispering, "I'd rather you tell me that you're uncomfortable with doing something than do it just to make me happy. You're very important to me, Min. I love you. I don't want you to feel pressured to announce our relationship to my guild. If you aren't sure about this, then we can go do something else."

Minerva wrapped her arms around the celestial wizard, pulling her into a hug. Lucy returned the hug tightly, being careful to not hug her too tightly. They remained like that for a few moments before pulling away. Minerva took a deep breath and released it before she spoke, "I'm sure about this."

Lucy tilted her head forward slightly, ensuring, "really? Are you sure?"

Minerva nodded her head, biting her lip. "I'm just anxious, I guess."

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