Finally Together (Erza x Lucy)

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This was requested on Tumblr by dchan87.

PLEASE READ: I am so sorry about pushing the ErLu and RuLu fics back a bit. My internet had decided that it hated me and stopped working. I had to get it fixed.

I absolutely loved ErLu. I personally headcanon Lucy as pan-ace and Erza as bi-demi, so I can definitely see them together. They also have a great friendship, I ship them both romantically and platonically. They look great as a couple and their personalities go well together. There are not enough fanfics of this ship and it is terribly underrated.

I tried to keep this one about as long as the others, I didn't want to write another 4000-word long oneshot. Part of the request was humor. Like banter, humor is a bit difficult when you're actually trying. Also, please remember that I'm not experienced in romance or romantic attraction, so both the humor and fluffy romance might not be that good. I did my best though.

I just recently realized that used the word "mission" in place of "job." I also realized that "I've been spelling Bickslow's name as "Bixslow." I don't know why, though. Why didn't anyone point that out?

I hope you enjoy it!


Lucy and Erza walked along the sidewalk, hand in hand. They enjoyed the silence between them as they came to their destination, a coffee shop that they both enjoyed. They sat at one of the tables and began talking while they waited for a waiter. "We should go on a job together, without the two idiots." Erza had suggested that three times already, but even though, Lucy gave the same answer, "as long as you don't break stuff, then that sounds great." Erza gave her a humorous smile, knowing that her girlfriend was only half-joking.

She placed her hand on top of Lucy's and watched as the younger woman blushed at the simple contact. The redhead then stated, "that would give Gray a chance to go on a job with Juvia. Natsu and Lisanna could also take the opportunity to go on a job together." Lucy giggled, commenting, "yeah, and then Lisanna can deal with Natsu's destructiveness and Juvia can deal with Gray's chronic stripping. They can give me and you a break." Erza chuckled at that.

A brunette waitress then approached the two young women. "Hello! What can I get you two today?" Lucy was the first to speak, "I'll have a hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin, thank you." The waitress wrote down the order and looked at Erza. The red-haired woman requested, "I'd like a coffee and a slice of strawberry cake, please." The waitress nodded as she wrote down the second order. She then walked away to prepare their treats and beverages.

Lucy looked back at her girlfriend. She remembered when their relationship was just platonic and she would spread countless hours wondering if Erza had any romantic feelings for her at all, or if she was even into women. Lucy remembered her heartbreak when she witnessed Erza's close relationship with Jellal, she was sure that there was something between the two of them. She was immensely happy and surprised when she learned that Erza wasn't into her old friend. Lucy thought that meant she had a chance.

After everything they'd been through together, the two women have become closer. After everything died down after the whole thing with Zeref, Erza was the one that confessed her feelings first. Lucy, speechless, could only think about kissing her friend to tell her that she felt the same way, and so, that was exactly what she had done.

Now, they were on their first date. Erza's strong voice shook the blonde out of her thoughts, "I heard that Gajeel was planning to propose to Levy." Lucy smiled at that. "Well, they do have a baby together. I'm not surprised." Erza rubbed small circles on Lucy's hand with her thumb. "I'm quite surprised that the two of them became a couple. Considering what he had done to her, and the rest of us, before he joined the guild."

Lucy hummed, looking out the window to her left. She watched the people pass by for a few moments before speaking, her brown eyes still watching the passersby outside and her voice soft, "we couldn't just keep a grudge against him or Juvia forever. I especially couldn't. Besides, love is a strange thing. It has a way of blooming between two people, no matter how surprising." Erza smiled softly at her girlfriend. She loved the moments that Lucy was off in her own world, staring at nothing in particular and daydreaming about anything. It was these moments that made Erza realize just how beautiful the blonde was, and made her fall in love all over again.

The waitress returned with the two mages' orders. Setting them down the beverages and treats, she said that she would bring them the bill once they were ready and walked away to take the orders of a trio of teenage girls.

Erza took a bite of her slice of cake as Lucy sipped her hot chocolate. The celestial wizard looked back at Erza and spoke, her voice still as soft as it was before, "did you hear that Bisca and Alzack are thinking of having another child?" Erza raised an eyebrow. "Really? Does Asuka know? I bet she's doing as much as she can to convince them to have another." Lucy chuckled, setting the hot beverage back down onto the table. "Bisca told me that Asuka has already begun practicing magic."

Erza nodded, sipping her coffee. She sat it back down with a small clink as she spoke, "Wendy and Romeo went on a date a few days ago. I found that out from Mira." Lucy smiled. "Of course, Mira would know. Is she squealing about dark purple-haired and brown-eyed or dark blue-haired and black-eyed babies yet?" Erza chuckled lightly while shaking her head. "No, not yet, thank goodness. She is though, bothering Natsu and Lisanna about pink-haired and blue-eyed babies. Also, Gray and Juvia about blue-haired and dark blue-eyed babies." Lucy chimed in with "yesterday, I heard her talking Evergreen's ears off. The topic was brown-haired and blue-eyed babies." The two women chuckled together.

The pair continued their talking, joking, gossiping, and eating over the course of a couple of hours. Once they fought over the bill, with Erza becoming the victor after kissing Lucy on the cheek and flustering her, the two walked hand-in-hand to Lucy's apartment. They entered and made their way to the bedroom, both were tired, as it was nighttime, and Erza wasn't in the mood to walk all the way to Fairy Hills alone, nor did she want Lucy to walk home alone. So, Lucy had invited her girlfriend to stay at her apartment.

The two mages took turns showering. Lucy gave Erza a pair of her pajamas after the redhead exited the bathroom and was on her way to shower. After she dressed in a comfortable tank top and pair of sweatpants, Lucy walked into her bedroom to see her girlfriend sitting in her bed, reading a book. Erza looked at Lucy, smiled warmly at her, and closed her book before placing it on the bedside table. She then scooted over in the bed, leaned back, and opened her arms welcomingly.

Lucy smiled and made her way to the bed. After turning the lights off, the two women settled in each other's warm embrace. They soon drifted off to sleep, enjoying each other's presence and warmth, both happy that they were finally together.


I hope this wasn't too bad.

My posting schedule:
March 12th: I Quit for You (Rufus x Lucy)
March 16th: Are You Jealous? (Rogue x Lucy)
March 21st: Found You (Cobra x Lucy)
March 26th: Older Men (Gildarts x Lucy)
March 29th: Frosch's Plan (Rogue x Lucy)
April 1st: One-Sided (Romeo x Lucy)

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