Golden Key to Your Heart (Laxus x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Andromeda_Isan.

The names of Leo Minor and Phoenix as well as their magic were given by the requestor. According to them, Asphard is the second brightest star in Leo, and Ankaa (aka Alpha Phoenix) is the brightest star in Phoenix.

This oneshot is meant to take place a year after Fairy Tail's end.

I hope you enjoy!


Laxus and the Thunder Legion walked to the mayor's office. They had just completed an S-Class job and were on their way to collect their reward. The Lightning Dragon Slayer couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of the plan that he had concocted the moment he saw the reward for this job.

Back at the guild, just a couple of days ago, Evergreen had brought to him a job request and directed him to look at the listed reward. When Laxus saw that three celestial spirit keys were a part of the reward, he knew that he had to take it, especially since one of the keys was a golden key.

He knew from Lucy that while she now had only nine of the Zodiac keys, some celestial wizard from Sabertooth had two. From that information, he knew that this golden key, a member of the Zodiac, was Aquarius, the celestial spirit that Lucy had sacrificed and was missing greatly.

Laxus hated seeing Lucy so sad whenever she remembered what had happened to her beloved spirit. It's not a surprise that he would hate seeing Lucy express any emotion other than happiness considering he had been in love with her for who knows how long. He wanted to not only cheer her up, but also finally confess his love for her, and giving her these three keys would certainly help.

Evergreen noticed the smile on the man's face and remarked, "I know that you would be excited about these keys, but I didn't expect them to make you smile."

Laxus glanced down at her. Still smiling, he shrugged. "why would I be smiling. I'm going to use these keys, Aquarius' in particular, to tell Blondie how I feel about her."

Bixlow chuckled at that, sticking his guild marked tongue out per usual, before he spoke, "what if Cosplayer doesn't feel the same way, Boss Man?" His babies repeated the words "Boss Man" as they floated around his head.

Laxus' smile dropped as he gave the seith mage a side-glance. He had thought about that several times during these past few days. He knew that even though he had grown considerably close with the blonde, even having gone on many jobs with her and been invited into her home for dinner, that doesn't mean she sees him the same way that he sees her. He had already resolved that even though it would hurt like a bitch, he would accept her rejection and try to maintain the friendship he had developed with her.

The blonde man finally answered his friend, "I can't force her to love me the way that I love her. If she rejects me, I'll just keep being her friend."

Evergreen gave him a pat on the back as she exclaimed, "now that is the proper reaction."

Laxus chuckled lightly. Freed soon pipped up, "I'm sure that the gift of Aquarius' key along with the two silver keys will put you into a new light. Even if she doesn't return your feelings now, she may develop romantic feelings for you after your romantic gesture and confession." Laxus nodded at his best friend with a smile, acknowledging the possibility of such a thing happening.

The group of four soon arrived at their destination and hurriedly collected their reward so Laxus could get back to the guild as soon as possible to confess his love to Lucy.

Lucy sat at the bar, sipping on her strawberry milkshake while a metaphorical dark cloud hung over her head. Today was one of those days that she missed Aquarius greatly and all she could do was mop around. Her friends had tried everything they could think of to cheer her up before deciding to leave her alone and let her bring herself out of her depressed state, like she usually did.

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