Gifts from Layla Heart (Evergreen x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

I fucking love Evergreen x Lucy! What's the ship for it? I haven't seen one, so I'm not sure what to call it. Anyways, I love this ship. It is my number one yuri Lucy ship. I don't know why I love this ship so much, but it's the same thing for pretty much all of my other favorite Lucy ships. I love Evergreen in general, so it's not much of a surprise that I majorly ship her with Lucy.

I hope you enjoy!


Evergreen sat at her team's table on the second floor of the guild as she stared down at a jewelry box in her hands. Laxus, Bixlow, and Freed looked over at her, both curious about what had caught her attention and already knowing the source of the object. Evergreen looked up at Laxus when the man asked, "what is it this time, Ever?"

The fairy mage looked back down at the piece of jewelry before she held it up for her best friends to see. It was a necklace that consisted of a thin gold chain with an amethyst pendant that was shaped like a butterfly. It was pretty and she loved the gift, but she had no idea who gave it to her.

Freed pondered, "this mystery person has been leaving gifts at your door every day for two weeks, right?"

Evergreen nodded, responding, "I don't hate the gifts. I just wish that they would tell me who they are."

Bixlow laughed and exclaimed, "so, Ever has a secret admirer." His tongue then rolled out of his mouth as his babies repeated the words 'secret admirer.'

Evergreen rolled her eyes. She placed the necklace back into its box as Laxus questioned, "did they leave a not?"

The brunette woman shook her head. "Only a piece of paper that says 'From Layla Heart'." She then pulled out a piece of paper that was attached to the latest gift. She handed it to Laxus as she asked, "could you see if you could get a scent off of it?"

The dragon slayer grunted as he accepted the piece of paper and sniffed it a few times. He shook his head as he handed it back before he crossed his arms and leaned forward against the table. He informed his close friend, "the only scent I can get is your's."

Evergreen groaned and place the piece of paper in the jewelry box before she closed the box and placed it on the table. She folded her arms on the table and laid her head on them as she wondered out loud, "I wonder who it could be." Her eyes were once again locked on the box.

Freed closed his book and placed it on the table as he asked, "could it be Elfman? You and him dated, yes? He could want to get back together with you."

Evergreen shook her head. "I already thought about him. He's not the type to do this. I also asked Mira if he was dating someone else and she said that he was." She sighed, racking her brain for who could be her secret admirer. She knew who she wanted it to be, but she didn't dare let herself get her hopes up.

Laxus then spoke up, "it has to be someone in Fairy Tail that knows where you live. I can't think of anybody that fits that criteria."

Bixlow then laughed and suggested, "maybe it's Cosplayer." His babies echoed the word 'Cosplayer'.

Evergreen's head shot up and she instantly straightened in her seat. She stared down at the box as her face burned with a fiery blush. She didn't need to look at her teammates to know that they were smirking at her reaction to what Bixlow said.

Her dark brown eyes went to the blonde celestial wizard that was on the first floor of the guild, laughing at something that Levy had said. Her gaze softened as she stared down at the younger woman that she's fallen for. Perhaps feeling her gaze, Lucy looked up at Evergreen and smiled at her, causing the fairy mage's blush to darken and she quickly looked away.

Avoiding the knowing looks her three friends were giving her, Evergreen cleared her throat and responded, "d-don't be stupid Bix! Lucy doesn't feel that way about me!"

Bixlow shrugged his shoulders, reasoning, "well, it makes sense, don't you think? Cosplayer is a part of Fairy Tail and she knows where you live." His babies repeated the words 'Cosplayer' and 'Fairy Tail'.

Laxus mused, "wow, Bix actually said something smart." This caused the seith mage to elbow the man that was sitting next to him.

Freed then agreed, "it does make sense. Maybe it is Lucy." He then turned to Evergreen and asked, "what did you say was the pseudonym that this person is using?"

The brunette answered, "Layla Heart."

The rune mage next to her continued to speak, "from the little information I have gathered about Lucy's past, her mother was named Layla. As you know, her last name is Heartfilia. She does fit as the most likely option."

Evergreen snapped her eyes up to Freed's calm ones. She then looked back down at Lucy. Could it be that she is her secret admirer? She found it hard to believe. Was Lucy into women? Evergreen was sure that the celestial wizard was interested in Natsu. But now, she was doubting that belief. She had to find out who this secret admirer was.

Evergreen leaned against her Fairy Hills dorm's door. Every day for two weeks, a gift would be in front of her door. Since there would always be a gift there when she woke up in the morning, she guessed that her secret admirer would show up to leave the gift early every morning. She listened for someone to approach her door as she waited.

She told herself over and over that she shouldn't get her hopes up, but she couldn't stop herself from hoping that this person was Lucy. For a few years now she's been in love with the celestial wizard. She began falling for Lucy when the blonde comforted her after her breakup with Elfman. Since then, she's only fallen more and more in love with Lucy. She felt herself blush as she thought about the blonde woman.

She had managed to become close friends with her, but she hadn't noticed any indication that Lucy felt the same way. Maybe she was mistaken. Maybe Lucy didn't feel the same way and wasn't her secret admirer.

Just as Evergreen began to worry that she didn't have a chance with Lucy, she heard someone cough quietly on the other side of the door. The brunette turned around and reached for the doorknob. Opening the door slightly, she peeked through the crack of the door. She gave a silent gasp at what she saw.

Lucy was leaving an adorable teddy bear on the floor in front of her door.

As Lucy began walking away, Evergreen shook herself out of her shock and opened the door before she stepped out and said, "Lucy?"

The celestial wizard whipped around and stared at her, both women blushing heavily and in shock. The fairy mage bent down and picked up the toy. She looked at it before she looked back at Lucy and spoke in a voice that was so quiet, she was surprised that Lucy heard her, "you're my secret admirer?"

Lucy rubbed the back of her head as she stared down at the floor. She responded just as quietly, "um...y-yeah." She then looked up at Evergreen and said a bit louder, "I love you, Ever."

Evergreen's blush deepened and her heartbeat began to pound in her chest. She stepped toward Lucy, letting the teddy bear slip out of her hands and fall to the floor. She took Lucy's hand into hers and the pair stared into each other's eyes. As they both blushed heavily and their heartbeats quickened, they leaned toward each other and shared a soft, sweet kiss.


I love this ship and would love it if more people requested it. I hope you enjoyed the fluff. Looking at the requests that I have on my schedule, there is going to be quite a lot of fluff coming.

My update schedule:
August 24th: Drawn to Her (Zeref x Lucy)
August 30th: Bride Succubus Lucy Part 2: Alternate Ending (Vidaldus x Lucy x Juvia)
September 4th: Rune Mage to the Rescue (Freed x Lucy)
September 7th: Apology and Confession (Gajeel x Lucy)
September 12th: Reunited at Last (Mira x Lucy ft. Elfman)
September 16th: The Cat Caught the Fairy (Millianna x Lucy ft. Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and Levy)
September 20th: Mate of a Take-Over Mage (Lisanna x Lucy ft. Natsu)
September 27th: A Room Full of Lucy Ships (My Top 10 Lucy Ships)
October 1st: Go Talk to Her (Midnight x Lucy)
October 5th: Falling in Love with an Old Enemy (Minerva x Lucy ft. Natsu)
October 10th: We Wanna Ruin our Friendship! (Gajeel x Lucy x Rogue)
October 14th: Demon Lucy (Minerva x Lucy)

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