Please, Forgive Me (Gajeel x Lucy)

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This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.

I love GaLu. I really like GaLe, of course, but I am still a major Lucy shipper. There is just something about GaLu that I can't resist. It is no secret that I love the Bad Boy x Good Girl trope. The Demon x Angel trope. Call it what you will, I love Opposites Attract. I just can't get enough of it, especially if Lucy is involved. I ship her with nearly everyone, and Gajeel is very, very high on the list of characters that I ship her with.

I hope you enjoy!


Gajeel stared at the beautiful blonde that captured his heart from his spot in the shadows at the other end of the guild. He watched as she sipped happily on her favorite flavored milkshake. He rested his chin in his palm, propping his elbow on the wooden surface of the table he sat at. He watched as she smiled and laughed while talking to Mira. His keen dragon slayer hearing picked up on the sound easily.

How he loved her laugh. It was like a lullaby that he could happily fall asleep to. He loved her voice just as much. It was like a song he would never get tired of.

He was in love with Lucy. He had been in love with her since the Fantasia Incident, when he began to actually care about Fairy Tail. He loved everything about her. He loved her blonde hair that shined, as though it was weaved out of the sun's very own rays. He loved her brown, sparkling eyes that he longed to stare into and get lost in. He loved her curvaceous body that his fingers would often twitch to explore, only for him to drown himself in alcohol in an effort to forget about his non-existent chance with her. He loved the way she would stare off into space when thinking about her novel. He loved how she could go on and on about topics of interest, especially if that topic is her celestial spirits or the stars. He loved her witty and quick mind. he loved how she could easily keep up with Levy in games that challenged the brain and with Freed in intellectual debates. He loved how kind and forgiving she was. He was honestly amazed by how easily she forgave the Thunder Legion and befriended them. There was no doubt in Gajeel's mind that if Laxus returns to the guild, then Lucy would be the first to accept him back. There was nothing about her that Gajeel didn't love. She was smart, beautiful, kind, brave, strong, and cute like a bunny. She was everything that he dreamed of.

There was only one thing that stopped him from asking her out.

He highly doubted that she forgives him for what he had done to her. He hadn't even apologized to her because he didn't think that she would forgive him, not completely. He didn't even think that he deserved her forgiveness. He couldn't even forgive himself. He knew that she was easily able to forgive the Thunder Legion for what they did to their guildmates, and she was able to forgive Juvia for her role in trying to return her to her father. However, what they all did wasn't that bad compared to what he did to her. At least, their actions weren't as bad as his, in his opinion.

Gajeel sighed. How could someone as beautiful and, honestly, perfect as Lucy ever be his friend, much less love him the way that he loves her? It was a hopeless dream. He turned his red gaze to the mug of alcohol that sat before him. He didn't even feel worthy of looking at her.

He glared at the drink that he hadn't even taken a single sip of. He was constantly told by Mira, Levy, and Juvia that he should talk to her. He knew that, logically speaking, if he talked to her, or even apologize, then he might be able to have at least a friendship with her, but how was he supposed to expect her to forgive him when he can't even forgive himself? Several times he had tried to talk to her, but he would always bail before he could even get her attention. He knew what he had to do, but his nerves and guilt would always get the better of him.

Gajeel's eyes almost instinctually caught the melodic sound of Lucy's laughter. He dared to look over at her again, only for a feeling of jealousy to flare as he watched that flaming bastard Nastsu saddle up next to her and sling an arm around her shoulders. The Iron Dragon Slayer suppressed a growl. He hated how close Natsu was with Lucy. He hated how that Fire Dragon Slayer could so easily talk to the celestial wizard while he could even stand next to her without feeling like she was glaring at him.

Gajeel downed his alcohol, setting it down with a rather loud 'slam.' He then stood up and stormed out of the guildhall, not caring about the possibility of any of his guildmates noticing his abrupt and a bit loud exit. He began his walk towards his house, knowing that Lily would come home later. As he walked, he fought the urge to go back and confess his feelings to Lucy. He pushed down his wants.

He wanted to call her 'Bunny Girl' and watch her get annoyed at the stupid nickname. He wanted to make her be his bunny dancer for his songs again. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her close to his body, enjoying her warmth and relishing in her intoxicating scent of vanilla and strawberries. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to ask for her forgiveness, beg even, if he had to. He wanted to make her his Bunny Girl and never let her go or doubt his love for her. He couldn't get past his own actions those several months ago. He couldn't forgive himself. He couldn't talk to her at all without feeling unworthy of her or ashamed of what he did.

Gajeel stopped walking and looked up at the night sky. Though he had never been interested in the stars, he recently found himself enjoying stargazing because the stars reminded him of Lucy. They were a lot like her. They were beautiful and bright, just like her. They often lite the way for lost travelers, like how Lucy is Fairy Tail's light. The stars are also so far out of reach and unattainable, just like Lucy.

He felt a tear slide down his cheek, quickly brushing it away. He didn't care that nobody was there, he didn't want anybody to see him cry. He gazed at the sparkling lights that dotted the vast night sky. His chest began to ache, a feeling that he was familiar with. It would happen every time he lamented about his hopeless love for the only blonde that he had beaten and almost killed. He didn't even pay any attention to the aching in his chest. It was so frequent that he wasn't bothered by it anymore. It was something that simply happened.

The former dark mage whispered, almost like a prayer to whatever deity there was, or to Lucy herself, "please, forgive me."

He then continued on his walk back home, fully knowing that he would stay up all night beating himself up for letting Lucy slip through his fingers so easily and pining for the celestial wizard that dreamed of.

Honestly, why would she love him? He was a terrible person. He didn't deserve her forgiveness, not after what he had done to her.


I tried to make this short and angsty. Hopefully, I did well.

My update schedule:
May 19th: Unexpected Partner (Orga x Lucy)
May 23rd: When the Matchmaker Falls in Love (Mira x Lucy)
May 26th: The Bunny Babysitters (Levy x Lucy ft. Romeo)
May 30th: Bride Succubus Lucy (Vidaldus x Lucy)
June 3rd: Fairy Meets Dark Wizard (Zeref x Lucy)
June 6th: Get it Off Your Chest (Cana x Lucy)

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