Gender Roles, Who? (Gray x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by mistyblues.

I love GrayLu! It's such an underrated ship and they look great together. Not to mention their personalities complement each incredibly well. GrayLu is definitely in my top ten Lucy ships.

For the oneshot, I think taking chivalrous gender roles tropes and reversing them is amazing and interesting to read. I can totally see a romance between Gray and Lucy where they don't care about what's masculine and what's feminine in a relationship, just as long as they're both happy. I can also totally see them as playfully bantering with each other a lot.

Hope you enjoy!


Lucy sat at the bar, sipping her strawberry milkshake and watching as her guildmates conversed with each other peacefully. Natsu and Happy went on a mission together after Lucy turned them down and Erza was who knows where. Probably visiting Jellal, Lucy thought with a small smirk on her face. So, that left Lucy at the guildhall, giving her time to relax and have to deal with her team's destructive antics. She loved them all to death, but sometimes they could get a little out of hand. Okay, a lot out of hand.

She was suddenly shaken out of her musings when a piece of paper was thrust in her face. Lucy gave a yelp out of surprise. She then heard a familiar, masculine voice proclaim, "you and I are going on this mission, Lucy." The blonde took the mission request out of the man's grasp and lowered it so she could look at him. She found Gray looking down at her and giving her one of his handsome smiles. Lucy could feel a blush appearing on her face, so she turned around to the bar behind her, sucking down her beverage as she silently hopes that the coldness of it would cool down the heat on her cheeks.

Once she was sure she was no longer blushing, she sat her milkshake on the counter and looked at the mission request. It was requesting at least two mages to come to the town Sylk and take care of a couple of dark mages that were ambushing people at night and robbing them. The price was 500,000 jewel and two silver celestial spirit keys. Lucy's focus zeroed in on the promise of two new keys. She turned back around to Gray, a big smile on her face, and almost squealed, "when do we leave?" Gray chuckled. He knew that this would be her reaction, and he thought it was very cute how excited she got over things that she loved. He knew exactly how to make her even happier.

"I already went on an S-Class mission with Erza yesterday. The reward was huge. So, I don't really need any of that 500,000 jewel. Plus, I'm not a Celestial Wizard, so I don't need the keys either. That means the entire reward is all yours." He watched with amusement as a large grin broke onto Lucy's beautiful face. Without thinking, she jumped up and hugged Gray, which caused a massive blush to appear on his face.

Lucy excitedly exclaimed, "thank you thank you thank you thank you, Gray!" The ice mage chuckled as he returned her hug, enjoying the warmth that she gave off. The two pulled apart and quickly made the plan to meet at the train station first thing tomorrow morning. They said their goodbyes, and Lucy headed out of the guild, her favorite flavor of milkshake in hand, and started her walking back to her apartment.

Lucy walked excitedly to the train station. Six months' worth of rent, plenty of money for groceries, and two new friends! This is going to be amazing! Plus, I get to have alone time with Gray! She wasn't going to lie, she had a major crush on Gray. She wasn't sure when it happened, just kinda happened. However, she was determined to keep that secret to herself (even though Mira had caught on and was always daydreaming about black-haired babies with brown eyes and blonde babies with dark blue eyes), still, Lucy was sure that Gray didn't feel the same way. After all, He and Juvia were pretty close and the water mage was obviously smitten with the ice-make mage.

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