Lucy One and Lucy Two (Bixlow x Lucy x Freed ft. Wendy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

The requester has specified that they want Lucy to have "split personalities." This is a real thing that occurs. It is called Dissociative identity disorder (DID). It is a mental health condition in which two or more distinct personalities, also known as "alters", inhabit one body. It is something that a person develops due to major traumatic events before that person reaches the age of ten. Because this is a severe mental health condition I do not want to give to a character that is not mine, Lucy's split personalities will result from magic in this oneshot.

As for the ship, I really like it. Though that shouldn't come as a surprise at this point. Freed x Lucy x Bixlow is very amusing to think about and I wish their was even one fic about it. Unfortunatly though, I have yet to find one.

I will also now be accepting Minerva x Lucy requests. If you want me to write a MinLu oneshot, then go right ahead and request one.

One last thing. My dog went into labor a few days ago and delivered three healthy puppies, two girls and one boy, at the vet. I'll be pretty busy with her and the puppies, so once again, updates may slow down a bit.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy watched as Bixlow and Cana downed bottles of alcohol like their lives depended on it as their guildmates cheered them on. She leaned against the table, her elbow propped on top of it, her head resting in her palm. She smiled at her boyfriend, her eyes locked on him. She wasn't at all a fan of these drinking contests that Cana would get into with other guild members, sometimes even visiting members of other guilds, however, she enjoyed seeing Bixlow have such fun with his friends. It was a nice change from the usual isolating himself from the rest of the guild, like when the original Lucy first came to Fairy Tail. She glanced at the new bottles of alcohol that were set in front of the two mages, scrunching up her nose at the foul smell.

She knew that Bixlow wouldn't win and that she'd need to take care of her drunk boyfriend, but she didn't mind that. He wasn't a difficult-to-handle drunk. He just had difficulty walking straight and was flirtier than he normally was.

The celestial wizard watched as the seith mage begin to slow down, meaning that he would soon tap out. As she got ready to catch him if he ended up falling over, she heard a voice inside her head exclaim obnoxiously, 'I want to join! Let me take over so I can show these two how it's done!'

Lucy furrowed her brows in annoyance before she returned her facial expression back to normal. She responded to the voice with her own internal voice, 'you know that we can't step out of character!' She pulled her jacket around her, pretending to be cold. She hated wearing such revealing clothing, but it was important to remain in character and not allow anyone to suspect that something was off.

The voice whined, "come on! It's been forever since I've taken over!"

Lucy bit back a scowl. She had no idea how long she'd have to go on with her original personality split in two, but she couldn't wait for her and the other personality to be reunited. She scowled back internally, 'you took over the last three days for a job! It's my turn, Luce!"

The second voice sighed before going quiet again, however, Lucy expected her to speak up again. She looked over at her other boyfriend, Freed, who was waiting by the guildhall doors, ready to help her take Bixlow home. The pair smiled at each other before Lucy heard a thud next to her and looked over at Bixlow, seeing that he had face-planted onto the table.

Cana cheered about her victory and began challenging other mages. Lucy threw Bixlow's arm around her shoulders and pulled him to his feet while Freed did the same thing on the seith mage's other side. The pair dragged him out of the guild and to the house that the trio shared, Bixlow's babies following behind them.

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