You Stood Up for Me? (Cobra x Lucy)

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This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.


Lucy sat on a bench in an empty park. She watched as the sun began to set. She was waiting for a certain former criminal that she had met a few months ago when they ran into each other during one of Lucy's jobs. Since then she and he had been meeting at this bench in this park every Monday.

As she waited on these Mondays, Lucy would often ponder her relationship with this former criminal she seemed to befriend. What exactly was their relationship? Were they friends? Was there anything more than friendship between them? All that Lucy really knew was that the two of them got along well and that the feelings she felt towards him were more than platonic.

She would find herself looking forward to every Monday and upon seeing him, she could never stop herself from blushing. Every time his hand would so much as brush against hers, a fluttering feeling would erupt in her stomach while her heart would pick up speed. She was curious as to what kind of feelings he had for her. Did he feel the same way about her? Did he see her as a friend? What exactly was their relationship?

Lucy was broken out of her thoughts by a familiar, deep voice, "Hey, Bright Eyes."

The blonde mage looked to her right to see a tan-skinned man with wild maroon hair walking toward her. He was dressed in a pair of simple blue pants and a black t-shirt. Something akin to a smirk adorned his handsome, scarred face. Lucy quickly blushed and looked back at the setting sun. She hoped that the dimming light would hide her pink-tinted cheeks.

She managed to respond to his greeting without stammering, "hey. It's about time, Cobra."

Cobra chuckled and sat beside her, draping an arm over the back of the bench behind Lucy. The young woman's blush darkened. She placed a hand over her heart, willing it to slow its beating. Cobra turned his head to look at her, noticing that her hand was on her chest and her face was flushed. Feeling a surge of worry, the former criminal leaned forward a little to ask, "are you alright, Bright Eyes?"

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

Cobra gave her a skeptical look before muttering an unconvinced "if you say so" before leaning back against the back of the bench.

The two sat in silence for a few moments before Lucy was finally able to calm herself. She looked up at Cobra and asked, "what have you been up to lately?"

Cobra glanced down at her before returning his gaze to the setting sun. He answered, "just the usual. Fighting dark guilds with Jellal and the others. What about you? That team of yours still destructive as ever?"

Lucy sighed as she nodded her head in exasperation. Cobra chuckled. He then looked at her as he offered, "Hey, how about you and I go on a job together? You can keep the entire reward while also having a break from your team, and I get to spend more time with you. Sounds like a win-win."

Lucy felt her cheeks heat up at that. She turned her head away from him so he wouldn't notice her blushing. She managed to answer calmly, "that sounds like it would be fun." After a few moments, the last part of Cobra's second sentence sunk into her brain and she realized what he had said. She whipped her head around to look at him, echoing his words, "you get to spend more time with me?" Cobra nodded, prompting Lucy to clarify, "you want to spend more time than you already do with me?" Cobra nodded once again. Lucy shifted so that her body was turned more towards him. "You like to hang out with me?"

Cobra leaned forward, turning his own body to face hers. He let out a laugh as he did so before answering, "of course I like to hang out with you. Why would I continue to meet you here every Monday if I didn't?"

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