You Look Really Cute in that Sweater (Midnight x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by AspenWood.

This is another reincarnation AU. It also takes place in the modern world.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy walked along the sidewalk, making her way through Magnolia and making her way to her high school. She wasn't looking forward to the exam that she had waiting for her, no matter how unavoidable it was. Although, she was looking forward to meeting the new student who Erza had told her would be arriving that morning. She's always loved when Fairy Tail High would get a new student and she knew that this one would be welcomed with open arms. A breeze of cold air blew by her, making her shiver a bit. Maybe she should have put on something other than her white sweater this morning.

She picked up her pace, her want to meet the new student becoming stronger the closer she got to the school. When she arrived, she rushed into the building and made her way to her locker, the bell ringing for students to make their way to their first classes.

Lucy began to gather her things from her locker when someone suddenly jumped on her back. She yelped and whipped around to see Natsu grinning back at her. The blonde sighed, "Natsu, you scared me."

Natsu laughed, "hey, Luce, did you hear about the new guy?"

Lucy closed her locker as she answered, "yeah, have you met him yet?"

"No, but Erza has. She said that she thinks he's gonna be pretty shy."

"That's no problem. I'm sure he'll start to open up soon."

The pair made their way to their first class, Fiore History, and entered the classroom. Lucy made her way to her seat, right next to the window, and sat down to wait for the teacher to arrive and for the class to begin. She looked around at her classmates, seeing that Natsu and Gray were already fighting, Juvia was fawning over Gray, Mira was writing down ship names for different possible couples, and everybody else was sitting around and talking to each other.

The loudness and distraction were put to a stop when a man spoke, his voice booming over the noise of the students talking, "sit down and be quiet!"

Mr. Clive made his way over to his desk and waited for his students to sit in their seats and turn their attention to him. Lucy smiled as she watched him make his way to the front of the room, knowing that the new student was about to be introduced. Mr. Clive finally spoke, "we have a new student," he turned his head to look at the open door, "get in here."

Lucy's breath hitched when in walked a handsome young man, his soft-looking hair a dual coloring of black and white. He was dressed in the standard Fairy Tail High uniform, albeit a bit sloppy, and came to a stop at the front of the classroom. Lucy noticed that he was wearing black eyeliner and black lipstick, making him look even cuter, in her opinion.

Everything that was said was lost on her as she continued to stare at the new student, only being able to catch his name: Midnight. Her cheeks heated and her heartbeat picked up speed when Midnight began making his way over to her and sat in the empty seat that was right next to her. She was unaware that she was staring until Midnight turned to her, smirked, and said something that was said to her in nearly every single one of her dreams.

"You look cute in that sweater."

Lucy woke up to the sound of her alarm. She groaned as she rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes. It took only a few seconds for her brain to move on from the dream she had and come back to reality. She sat up and mumbled to herself, "another one of those dreams."

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