Creating a New Couple (Gray x Lucy ft. Romeo and Mirajane)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

This is request is pretty creative. I likely would not have been able to come up with this on my own and I hope that Fairyzilla keeps the requests coming. I love their requests, honestly.

As I have stated before, I love the idea of Romeo having a crush on Lucy. I love when a young character has a cute crush on one of the older main characters. I also think that a younger character and an older character both having a crush on one of the main characters and having a bit of a rivalry as a result is fun to watch go down. Of course, you can't have a matchmaking chance without Mira, The Matchmaking Demon herself.

I also enjoy when shows focus a bit on young characters growing and going through feelings that they have no control over and instead let these feelings control them. It can be pretty relatable in a way and shows how these young characters are still kids, and thus, do stupid stuff. However, they are still able to learn from and fix their mistakes. Characters like Romeo and Wendy are great for this kind of writing.


I hope you enjoy!


A shirtless Gray sipped on a cold drink, sitting across from Lucy and listening to her talk about a visit to Yukino she had just returned from. He loved hearing her voice. It was like a melody that he would never get tired of hearing. The way she lit up when she was talking about something she loved or was recounting a positive event made the ice mage smile stupidly to himself. She was just so beautiful no matter what she was doing.

Her hair was such a stunning shade of blonde, it was as though her hair was weaved out of sunlight. Her eyes were an enchanting, dark brown that Gray could stare into for as long as she would allow him. He especially loved how her eyes were incredibly expressive. He always knew how she was feeling just by looking into her eyes. She had a body that he was sure any man would dream of. Her skin was smooth and soft, and the faint stretch marks from her development were adorable. He just wanted to run his fingers along them and pepper kisses along her skin. And then, there was her personality. Lucy was everything he wanted in a woman. She was kind, strong, smart, forgiving, always wanted to help, determined, and stubborn to the point that it was admirable. She accepted everybody and never judged anyone trying to change for anything they did in the past. She even helped him get Juvia to move on from him, which he was forever grateful for.

She was perfect in Gray's opinion.

He watched as the celestial wizard he loved waved around her hands as she continued to talk about something stupid Sting had said while she was at Sabertooth. Gray thought it was cute how she aggressively talked with her hands every time she was talking about something that wound her up. It could even be funny sometimes, like when she accidentally smacked Freed in the face as she recounted a job she took with Natsu, got frustrated, and wasn't aware that the green-haired mage who wanted to return a book to her was approaching from behind.

Gray propped his right elbow on the table and rested his chin in his palm, slanting slightly to the right. As he continued to listen to Lucy talk, he felt a pair of eyes on him. He shifted his black gaze toward the bar, seeing a sight that he had seen before. Romeo sitting at the bar and glaring at him. It wasn't a surprise. The thirteen-year-old boy had a crush on Lucy and would glare at any man that talked to her while also finding any excuse to talk to her and give her little gifts. The boy even managed to go on a bunch of jobs with her.

Somehow, Lucy didn't know that Romeo was crushing on her, or if she did know, she didn't mention it to anybody. Although, much of the guild knew about Romeo's feelings for her and thought that it was adorable. Gray, however, found it to be annoying. Every time he tried to confess his feelings to Lucy, the kid would find some way to get in his way. How the hell was Romeo even able to always know when Gray was going to confess? It was a mystery that the ice mage didn't care to know the answer to. He just wanted the young fire mage to butt out.

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