I Died Inside Everyday (Gray x Lucy)

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This was requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.

I'm finally giving you another GrayLu oneshot! It feels great to write another one of these! I love GrayLu!

I hope you enjoy!


Gray leaned against the table that he was sitting at, his head propped up on his hand. He watched as Lucy and Levy danced to Gajeel's terrible singing. His guildmates around him cringed and covered their ears, but he didn't have such a reaction. He was too focused on watching his blonde teammate.

A lovestruck smile made its way onto his face as his dark eyes followed her movements. The way she danced was graceful in his opinion. She smiled at her guildmates brightly, her beautiful, brown eyes roaming over them as she tried not to give notice to their reactions to the song she was dancing to. Her swaying and steps were executed perfectly, despite Gray not knowing what dance moves she was supposed to be doing.

Gray had long ago admitted to himself that he was in love with Lucy. He wasn't sure when he fell in love with her. Maybe it was when he first met her. Maybe it was after they got to know each other better. He did, however, know that he realized he was in love when they had gone on a job together. He had watched her fight alongside her spirits with her new whip. As he watched her fight, he had found himself mesmerized by how she worked with her spirits and the way she moved. It was at that moment that he realized his feelings for her. She was everything that he wanted in a girlfriend. Both in terms of looks and personality.

Since that day, he had been struggling to confess his feelings to her. Every time he tried, he would chicken out. If he didn't chicken out, then he would be interrupted, either by Natsu or Juvia. He supposed that he should set the record straight with Juvia before he confessed his feelings.

Gray was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of hands rest on his bare shoulders. He looked behind him to see Mira sitting there. The white-haired woman grinned at him, making the ice-make mage gulp. He knew what was coming and didn't want to deal with Mira's matchmaking. He had just managed to get her to stop trying to set him up with Juvia.

The take-over mage finally spoke, "Lucy is really pretty, isn't she?"

Pretty is a major understatement, Gray thought to himself. He then responded, "yeah, she usually is."

Mira's blue eyes sparkled, making Gray wish that he had stayed quiet. She then spoke again, her voice a little too perky, "Natsu must feel very lucky!"

Gray paled at that. His mouth opened and closed, similar to one of those fish that Happy loved to gobble down. After several moments of silence, he was finally able to speak, his voice a bit hushed, "w-what? Lucy and Natsu?" He silently begged Mira to not say what he was thinking she was going to say. He offered a prayer that she wasn't revealing to him that Lucy was in love with that flame-breathing idiot.

Mira clasped her hands in front of her chest, grin growing bigger and eyes glistening with joy. She almost exclaimed, "yeah! Lucy and Natsu! Don't they make a wonderful couple? They are perfect for each other!"

Gray felt the world stop. His eyes were wide and his mouth had dropped open. Lucy and Natsu? They were dating? He didn't have even a small chance? A sharp pain shot through his chest, making him wince. His eyes went down to the wooden floor. Lucy was taken. She was in love with another man. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as the revelation crushed down upon him.

As Mira continued to gush about Lucy and Natsu, Gray stood up and made his way to the doors of the guildhall. When Mira called after him, asking where he was going, he answered that he was heading home because he was tired.

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