Rescuing Gray (Lyon x Lucy ft. Gray)

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This was requested on AO3 by Knockout68.

So, I really, really like LyLu. Like many of my other Lucy ships, I don't know why I love it. I really like Lyon and I guess I enjoy the ship for the same reasons that I enjoy GraLu. I think that Lyon and Lucy would make a pretty good couple, or at the very least great friends. Too bad they don't really get good moments together. I also grieve the fact that there aren't a lot of LyLu fics. Seriously, there is a surprisingly small amount of fics about them. I have found more MardLu fics than LyLu. If you know of any LyLu fics, then please give me the names or links.

I hope you enjoy!


Lyon sat at a table with Sherry, Juvia, Natsu, and Erza. He and his guildmate were visiting Fairy Tail. Though Sherry had visited because she wanted to chat with her friends, Lyon had visited for two different reasons. To fight Gray, and to talk to Lucy. Upon arrival, he learned that Gray had taken a solo job, which left him with the other reason he had decided to visit Fairy Tail.

The Ice-Make mage was now sitting at a table with a few chatting mages, ignoring them as he stared at the celestial wizard who was sitting at the bar while sipping on a strawberry milkshake and reading a book. Lyon furrowed his brow, silently yelling at himself to get the hell up and go talk to her, but his body wouldn't move, a feeling of nervousness coiling around in his gut.

As he struggled to make himself approach the woman who he had fallen for, Lyon felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He looked at the mage next to him, seeing Sherry giving him a sympathetic smile. She leaned toward him to whisper in his ear, "go ask her what she's reading."

Lyon looked back at Lucy, a wave of anxiousness washed over him at the mere thought of talking to her. He attempted to gulp down the lump in his throat. He was too frozen to move, no matter how much he wanted to. Before he could react, Sherry grabbed him by his arm and pulled him toward Lucy before stopping halfway and pushing him toward the blonde woman.

Lyon stumbled a bit before he finally found his footing. He looked back at Sherry, sending the grinning, pink-haired woman a glare that said 'I'm going to make you pay.' He was about launch his vengeance when he heard Lucy ask, "Lyon? Is there something you need?"

The pale blue-haired man tensed before he turned around to look at the woman. He saw that she was looking at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion, a pink blush dusted across her cheeks in an alluring way. He mustered a smile as he responded, hoping that his voice didn't give away his anxiousness, "I-um...just wanted to know...what you were reading?"

Lucy looked down at the book that she was holding in her hands before she looked back up at Lyon with a bright smile, answering, "it's called 'Rescuing Dawn'. It's about a couple of friends named Lee and James who go on a journey to save their other friend Dawn from some demonic creatures. During the journey, they fall in love."

Lyon hesitantly walked forward, sitting next to her as he questioned, "could you tell me more?" When Lucy smiled at him and nodded, he felt his cheeks warm up and his gut become filled with butterflies. He loved her smile. It was just so beautiful, in his eyes. When Lucy opened the book again to talk more about it, he leaned closer, his blush becoming darker but not able to bring himself to lean away from her. He then glanced at the blonde next to him, noticing almost immediately that her earlier blush had darkened.

Lyon stared at her face, a blush painted across her cheeks and a smile that appeared to be almost shy evident. He silently questioned if it was possible that she could feel the same way about him, or could it be that she was just reacting this way because of their close proximity?

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