Light and Dark (Freed x Lucy)

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This was requested on Tumblr by freedjustineappreciation.


This ship is one of my Lucy OTPs. I don't know why I love this ship, I just do. I think they look great together, I think they would be amazing friends, and I think they'd be a great couple. I love them together. This ship is horribly underrated and there are not nearly enough fanfics about them. I adore fanfics that depict them with this light and dark type of theme. Like an angel and a demon. I love those fics.

I honestly wouldn't be mad if more people requested FreLu *wink wink.*

I don't really have much experience with writing this type of dynamic, so I hope I didn't screw it up too badly. As I previously stated, I'm also aromantic and don't have experience with romance as a whole, so bare with me, please.

I also wasn't entirely sure what the requester meant by "light and dark theme" so went with what was easiest for me.

Since I've written the previous one-shots from Lucy's pov, I decided to make this one from Freed's pov with a little of Lucy's sprinkled in.

I hope you enjoy!


"Come on, Freed, just tell her already!" Evergreen exclaimed, tired of watching her close friend constantly refuse to confess his feelings for a certain blonde celestial wizard. Freed ignored her, preferring to continue watching the blonde beauty from where he sat on the second floor of the guildhall.

He blocked out the voices of his two teammates, having heard it all before. He watched as the woman of his affections sat at the bar, sipping her strawberry flavored milkshake and talking idly with Levy. He had no idea when he developed these feelings for Lucy, he just knew that he was in love with her.

If Freed had to guess, he'd say that he fell for her shortly after the Fantasia Incident. Lucy was the first, and for some time the only, guildmate to forgive the Thunder Legion and accept them back into the guild. Freed was stunned by her kindness and forgiveness. He was sure that she of all people would be furious and refuse to forgive them, but instead, it was the exact opposite.

He soon noticed that he would watch her every time she stepped into the guild. Every time she came back from a mission, he would inspect her from afar, ensuring that she was unharmed. If she seemed hurt, he would send Wendy to check her while telling the child to not let on that it was he that sent her.

It didn't take long for Evergreen and Bixslow to find out. After they had finished teasing him and expressing how they had thought that he was gay, the two began trying to convince him to confess his feeling to Lucy. It was in vain, however, as Freed refused to give in to his desires. He was adamant that Lucy does not feel the same. That was all he gave as a reason, though there was another reason that he didn't dare to speak aloud.

He was terrified that the nature of his dark ecriture, and the demon that fed this magic, would scare her away, make her think that he was some monster, and start to hate him because of it. He was on friendly terms with Lucy, she was kind to him and was always interested in having intellectual conversations with him. Freed couldn't bear the thought of her hating him for any reason, nor could he bear the thought of accidentally scaring her with his magic.

So, he resolved to bury his feelings for her deep inside of himself and just try to trick himself into thinking that he was perfectly content with watching her from afar. He knew, however, that was a lie. He watched as Lucy got up from her seat at the bar and walked over to the table her destructive team was seated at. She sat next to Erza and began a conversation with her, and then, suddenly, the pyromaniac she calls a best friend came saddling up next to her, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him.

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