Lucy? Is that You? (Zeref x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by AspenWood.

This was requested to be a Reincarnated Lovers AU style of oneshot. When I was planning this oneshot, I wasn't entirely sure what I should do with Mavis and Anna, so I said, "I'm just gonna ignore them" and wrote this.


I hope you enjoy!



That was what Zeref saw as his lover splashed around in the river that he sat right next to. A smile stretched across his face. He loved seeing Lucy have fun and be so carefree,  completely uncaring about his curse.

Zeref even forgot about his curse for a while. That was the kind of effect Lucy has had on him ever since he first met her. She was able to make him forget that he was an immortal wizard with a deadly curse. When he was with her, he felt like he was a normal young man. It was a strange thing really. For some reason, his curse has never activated whenever she was around, causing him to fall even more in love with her.

He watched as Lucy floated on her back, her bare breasts poking out from the water. She then turned and straightened her posture, standing in the waist-deep water, before she called out to her lover, "Zeref! Come join me!"

The black-haired man snapped out of his thoughts and laughed at her energetic waving as she continued to urge him to join her in the water. Unable to deny any of her requests, he stood up and stripped off his clothes. Once he was naked, he walked into the water, making his way over to his lover.

Once he reached her, Lucy cheered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body flush against his. Zeref froze at this action, his cheeks burning with a deep blush. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Lucy. It didn't matter how often Lucy would shower him with physical affection, he doubted that he would ever get used to it. Nevertheless, he loved nothing more than his lover showing him endless amounts of affection.

Zeref picked up Lucy bridal style and carried her further into the water until he found a large, underwater rock. He sat down on it, causing the water to reach his chest, and rested Lucy on his lap. Lucy then cupped his face and pressed a kiss to his lips, which Zeref happily returned.

The pair continued to exchange kisses that got more and more heated as the minutes passed by until Zeref pulled away and murmured, "we are going to need to get out soon."

Lucy responded, "No! I like the water!"

Zeref chuckled, "we're going to get wrinkled."

"My fingers are already getting pruney." She held up her hands in front of his face, showing him her fingers that were already beginning to wrinkle.

Zeref took hold of her fingers as he chuckled, observing the pruning digits. He then looked at Lucy with a serene smile as he questioned, "do you know why this happens?"

When Lucy shook her head, he explained, "it's because the thick layer of skin on her fingers absorbs water. This absorption causes the surface area of the skin to swell, but the outer layer is tightly attached to the living tissue."

Lucy smiled brightly at him before she kissed him once again. When she pulled away, she asked, "we should go to the bookstore again!"

"We were just there yesterday."

"I'd like to go again!"

"Alright. We'll go as soon as we dry off and get dressed."

Lucy whooped and hopped off of her lover's lap, making her way back to the river bank. Zeref chuckled before he followed after her.

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