A Sudden Confession from the She-Demon (Mira x Lucy ft. Jude)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

Here's another MirLu oneshot in which Jude is an ass and Mira goes off on him to defend her soon-to-be girlfriend.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy bit her lip as she forced her legs to walk forward. Her fists balled at her sides. She had to force down the urge to turn around and race back to Fairy Tail, back to her friends and crush. However, this was something she had to do. And she intended to get it done quickly. All she had to do was speak her mind to her father. Finally, she was going to tell him that she was done with him and the life of an heiress. It was simple. She just hoped that he would listen.

The celestial wizard pushed herself further, the feeling of dread that had settled itself in the pit of her stomach growing more noticeable with each step she took. It didn't take long for her to reach the Heartfilia Mansion. She stopped for a moment, looking up at it. Normal people would stare at the large structure in awe, seeing it as a source of inspiration. Lucy, however, only ever saw it as a gilded prison. A house that wasn't her home. She had everything she could ever want inside this mansion. Well...everything, except for what she actually wanted.

Pushing her thoughts aside, she pushed forward. As if in a flash, she was suddenly surrounded by the servants, who all gave her a teary welcome. She smiled at them, appreciating that they were happy she had returned safely. She had always cared greatly about the people who worked in her father's mansion and had felt bad about leaving because she knew that many of them would be sad and miss her. She could lie, she was happy to see the servants again.

She was ushered into the mansion, being told all the way inside that her father would want to see her. She didn't doubt that, and that was her reason for returning, but she was still nervous about talking to him. She was dressed in a gown that brought back memories to her. She remembered when she would accompany her father to balls and galas. She never did like them. Having to be polite to every snobby woman and disgustingly perverted man that she met. Having to wear gowns that were uncomfortable and tight, to the point that she couldn't breathe properly. If there was one thing that she didn't miss, it was the clothes that she always had to wear.

Upon being dressed up like a doll, Lucy was escorted to her father's office. Once left alone, she stared at the closed, double doors. Taking a few moments to steel herself in her resolve, she took a deep breath before announcing, "excuse me, Father? It's Lucy. May I come in?" She tried to make her voice sound as stern as possible, not wanting him to think that she was crawling back to him.

She instantly heard his response, "yes, you may." His voice gave no emotion, something that she had long gotten used to.

She opened the doors and entered her father's office. Walking toward him, she found that he had turned his body halfway around and was looking at her with a frown, his brow furrowed. Before she could say anything, he spoke first, "you ran away without even saying a word to me. How could you?" His voice held a slightly saddened tone. It was clearly fake.

Lucy knew what he was doing. Trying to guilt her into feeling bad. It wasn't going to work. However, if she wanted to accomplish her goal with little to no conflict, then she was going to have to play along, at least a bit. She allowed her face to drop into an expression of what resembled a mixture of regret and sadness, just noticeable enough for her act to be believable. She then responded to his accusation, her voice mirroring her facial expression, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left without speaking to you. It was a poor decision on my part. One I deeply regret."

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses and left that guild," came her father's response, not bothering to even look her in the eye. "You forced me to go to extremes, Lucy." He then paused for a few moments. When he finally looked back at her, his face held a clear look of displeasure. "If you hadn't acted so selfishly, I wouldn't have had to lash out at your guild. You're the one who brought trouble upon your friends."

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