Fan vs Card and Water (Cana x Lucy x Juvia)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

Time for some protective girlfriends!

I hope you enjoy!


The Fairy Tail guildhall was a buzz this day. The mages had unanimously decided that it would be a good idea to allow their fans from all over Fiore to visit the guild, giving the many non-magic users a chance to meet their favorite mages. All was going well, men and women amiably talking with their favorite Fairies, even going outside with a few of these mages to see an up-close demonstration of magic.

Lucy sat at the bar, sipping on her favorite cold drink, a strawberry milkshake, as she watched all of this happening around her. She didn't get as many visitors as she would have liked, but she was still happy to see how much fun her guildmates were having with their own fans. She looked over at a nearby table, seeing that Cana was giving a card reading to her fans, who were gathered around her.

The celestial wizard chuckled at the sight of her girlfriend giving her fans a show, speaking with a low, suspenseful tone, and moving her arms around with a dramatic flair. Lucy smiled, knowing that her girlfriend was finding fun in making her fans lean in for more fortune-telling.

She then turned her head to look at another nearby table, seeing her other girlfriend sitting there with her own gaggle of fans. Juvia was creating objects out of water, any object that her fans called out. Lucy's smile grew upon seeing how happy her other girlfriend was, knowing that Juvia was still unable to enough of how many people liked her and wanted to be her friends. It must be a great change from how lonely she was before joining Fairy Tail.

The blonde woman took another sip of her milkshake, now wondering if she should head home. It was evening, the sun creeping close to the horizon. She doubted that any fans would approach her now, but maybe tomorrow morning, when she returned to the guildhall. She thought about waiting for her two girlfriends to finish with their individual groups of fans, but quickly dismissed the idea. Cana and Juvia would drop into her apartment right after they were done.

Lucy hopped off of her stool, milkshake still in hand. It was only halfway done, but she didn't want to walk home, alone, in the dark. She knew that Mira wouldn't mind if she took the cup home and brought it back in the morning, having done exactly this before.

She had taken only a few steps before she was suddenly stopped by a masculine voice, "Miss Heartfilia!"

Lucy turned around to see a cute, young man standing by the stool that she had just hopped off of. She looked him over, noting that he looked as though he would be a member of The Trimens from Blue Pegasus. He had short, dark blue hair that was tousled, resembling a case of bedhead. His eyes were a warm brown color, resembling her own eye color. He was dressed in a simple, white dress shirt and black jeans. A kind smile was on his face.

The celestial wizard turned her whole body to face the young man, smiling back at him as she greeted him, "hi! Do need something?"

The man chuckled, almost apologetically, as he rubbed the back of his head, answering, "I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you'd mind talking to me for a bit. I would have approached you sooner, but I ended up being dragged into a show by Mr. Dragneel. He wanted a test dummy of sorts."

Lucy laughed at that. It sure sounded like something Natsu would do. She walked over to the man, sitting on a stool, and gestured for the man to sit on the stool that she had just been sitting on a minute ago. As he was seated, the blonde spoke once again, "it's alright, you're not bothering me at all. What did you want to talk about?"

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